under fire

Chapter 1114 Secret Base

Chapter 1114 Secret Base

Pay the town.

Three shadows walked towards the town.

Along the way, the dogs kept barking.

There is a horse lantern hanging under the eaves in front, and Yin Yao can see the four big characters of Liuren Inn.

The three stopped and muttered for a while, and the two shadows disappeared into the darkness.

The tall, broad-armed young man continued to walk towards the inn.

Looking around, he raised his hand and knocked on the broken wooden door of Liuren Inn.

In the courtyard.

The shopkeeper leaned on crutches and came to the door: "Who is it?"

Hearing the familiar voice in the house, the young man was a little excited: "Father, open the door quickly, it's me, River Water."

Hearing the reply, the shopkeeper was overjoyed, and hurriedly opened the door handle to let the young man in: "Why are you back?"

"Instructions from superiors." The young man named He Shui was stunned when he saw the old man on crutches: "Father, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, one arm and one leg are broken"

The young man hurried forward to help him, but his body froze suddenly: "Father, your eyes?"

The old man pushed the young man away, mocking himself: "Your father was blind and misjudged the person, this time he only has one eye left, so he won't misjudge again"

The young man's eyes were full of anger: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"The room said."

Broken table, oil lamp.

A half-grown girl brought out a half-basket of steamed buns from the kitchen, and whispered to the young man who was rubbing the old man's shoulders: "Uncle, eat something first."

The young man did not refuse. He sat down next to the old man and held back his tears and asked the old man, "Did the reactionaries do it?"

The half-grown girl said bitterly: "The head of the village office in my hometown, Shi Renfeng, oppressed the villagers and made unreasonable contributions. My uncle kicked the wolf dog in his nursing home to death. Shi Renfeng held a grudge and asked his son to collude with the Lingchuan reactionaries. The county magistrate arrested my uncle, tortured him, broke an arm and a leg, and blinded his left eye.”

The young man looked at the little girl, a little familiar, but not sure: "You are?"

"This is the fourth girl of your cousin's family."

"It's girl Ping, who has grown so tall?" Li Heshui raised his hand and touched the little girl Ping's head, then took out two pieces of brown candy from his pocket and handed them to the little girl.

The little girl's eyes lit up, and she turned to look at the old man: "Grandpa."

The old man nodded: "You accept it."

The young man looked at the old man: "Where's Tianyi?"

"Sleep, girl, hurry up and wake up your brother"

The young man stretched out his hand to stop him: "No need, I'm leaving before dawn, just go and have a look later."

The old man waved to the yawning girl next to him: "Go to bed first, I'll have something to say to your uncle."

The little girl took it to the door.

The old man's eyes became sharper: "A few days ago when the devils occupied the county seat, Li Xiren, the mayor of the second district, directly changed his identity. He remained the same, and he was still the mayor of the second district, but the blue sky and white sun flag that was hung before was replaced by the biscuits of the martial arts masters. flag."

"This guy doesn't look good at first glance. This time I come back, and I won't leave."

outside the inn.

The two young men murmured tiredly in the corner: "I heard that Brother Li's father's iron sand palms, fists like hammers and fingers like steel forks, once killed the gray wolf king in the mountain with one palm."

"Village Chief Li was nicknamed Zhenshanhu. In his early years, he worked as a bodyguard for the caravan and delivered goods to the rich men in Fucheng. Along the way, the big and small cottages greeted him with smiles."

"In the early years, he also served as the chairman of our county's sacrifice alliance. If the reactionary Yan Laoxi saw our rapid development and deliberately sabotaged it, this area would have become our base."

"That's not right, Uncle Li, he wouldn't be reduced to running an inn, would he?"

"Don't talk about it, just ask Brother Li later and you will know."

That's right, if the devils hadn't occupied the county this time, we wouldn't be able to come back
The reactionary party is ruthless to us, seeing devils is like a mouse seeing a cat. If the superiors hadn't demanded unity and resistance against Japan, we would have already held the county in our hands.

Don't talk nonsense, our current strength is not enough to occupy the county seat, let the little devils run rampant for a few days, and then kill them all after we grow here!

Not long after, Li Heshui left the inn.

The two in the dark quickly followed.

The barking of dogs broke the tranquility of the town again.

No one came out to see what was going on.

under the moonlight.

Three men in black hurriedly walked on the desolate dirt road outside the town.

Look around from time to time while walking.

A village appears ahead.

No lights.

As soon as the three approached, the dogs in the village barked.

Immediately, a figure shook on the roof of the village entrance.

Li Heshui bent his finger and put it in his mouth, puffed up his cheeks and blew.

A sharp and dull voice sounded in the wilderness.

Three long and two short, repeated three times.

Soon, two black figures ran out of the village, one with a big knife in his hand and the other with a long gun, looking at the wilderness vigilantly: "Who?"

"Hehe, you can't hear the whistle I blow?"

"Brother Li?" The voice revealed joy.

"Are those old weapons still there?" Li Heshui came out from the darkness, and the two people behind him were still hiding in the darkness.

"It's all well hidden. The big knives and spears are all sharpened. It's just that the gunpowder for the bird's gun is hard to buy, let alone bullets. The reactionaries are very strict, and they can't get bullets from the garrison! Everyone is forgetting How can I shoot..."

"That's right, everyone usually only goes hunting in the mountains to do physical training during the slack season..." another agreed.

Li Heshui was not discouraged at all: "Take me to see the old village chief first..."

A small square table was placed on the big Kang.

An oil lamp on the table.

Six men in short suits with almost all patches on their clothes surrounded the table.

He excitedly told Li Heshui who was sitting at the top about the situation after the separation.

The two men opened the curtain and entered the room one after another: "Oh! It's so lively, Director Li, I finally look forward to you coming back."

Li Heshui jumped off the kang, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hi Village Chief Zhang, these past few years... have worked hard everyone."

Village head Zhang squeezed Li Heshui's hand and shook it violently: I've been looking forward to it, since Director Li is back, now everyone has a backbone, and we don't have to be afraid of those reactionary landlords anymore."

Li Heshui was equally excited: "Yes, this will be our world from now on!"

Village head Zhang looked solemn: "Although the reactionaries were beaten away by the devils, the little devils are not things. They drove away the tigers, followed by jackals that eat people and don't spit out their bones!"

"Don't worry, everything will be fine!"

"In the past, everyone couldn't fight the local tyrants to divide the land. Now that the reactionaries have all run away, now we can fight the local tyrants, right?"

"There is no rush in advance. Everyone knows our policy, and the united war of resistance must be implemented."

Village head Zhang was stunned for a moment: "The reactionaries bullied men and women, Xia Zhengqiuliang claimed to be the master of Qingtian, and when the little devils came to sweep them, they left the villagers and ran faster than anyone else.

Moreover, since last year, God has not rained a few times, and the fields are not harvested. Everyone can't live on, and they have long wanted to turn against them. "

A young man next to him gritted his teeth: "That's right, they killed our comrades before, why should they unite with them? I can't figure it out."

"I can't figure it out either." Another young man echoed.

"Don't talk nonsense, this time I come back with a top-secret mission."

"What mission?"

"The superior instructed us to rebuild the secret base here."

"Secret base? Got it, that is, we can't act in the name of an organization, but we can use our own name to fight devils?"

"That's right, we will be called the Jindongnan Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Brigade from now on."

Li Heshui sat in the middle of the pit and waited, laughing and laughing all around, very lively.

After a while, Li Heshui was very satisfied with everyone's enthusiasm. He coughed twice and said, "Now that the reactionaries have retreated into the mountains, the situation between the enemy and ourselves is changing day by day. military training…"

"Brother Li, although the superior asked us to stay in ambush, we have not forgotten that there are people from all over the world. As long as the superior calls us, we can be in a team of hundreds of people at any time. It's just... weapons are not easy to handle... "

"This time the superior leader An's guerrilla detachment came to support us. They have dozens of guns..." Li Heshui's face became serious: "Also, even if there are no guns, the big knives and spears in our hands are fire sticks. If I don't believe it, let them go. No devil's blood!"

The middle-aged man was a little worried: "Wait, let's fight devils, but what should we do when we meet those reactionaries?"

"If you meet them, as long as you don't reveal your identity, the reactionaries will take us!"

(End of this chapter)

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