under fire

Chapter 1117

Chapter 1117
There are clouds in the sky.

It didn't rain.

The dilapidated barren mountain village.

A small group of imperial troops left the village.

No matter how you look at it, it's strange.

Followed by a platoon of puppet troops.

The crooked guns swayed their legs, and what shocked people was that this group of puppet soldiers was deep in the mountains, carrying dozens of shiny bicycles on their shoulders.

Ma Liang's face was dark, and he looked back from time to time.

Liu Manhe, who was dressed as a puppet army, had a sinister smile on his face: "Taijun, your old man has seen it since dawn, what's the matter? Don't you want to give it?"

Ma Taijun had a loveless expression: "This thing is only useful on the plains, and it is a burden to carry it in the mountains. Besides, none of you can ride it."

"Don't know how to ride, can't I learn? Let me tell you, our headquarters also has them, but I haven't got them for this battalion yet!"

"What I mean is, even if you want it, come and get it after the battle is over. I'll discuss it with the platoon leader. It's not impossible to send you an armored vehicle."

"Don't talk about those useless things with me. Ten birds in the forest are worse than one bird in the hand. I want your things, so I think highly of you! Besides, this staff officer also issued an IOU to you. You can go to the division's logistics department to change it later. Ammunition, definitely works.”

"Now we have to deal with the advance team, with these useless things, affecting the transfer speed"

"This is our business, Comrade Ma Liang, I find you very verbose! Don't fucking talk nonsense, tell me quickly, you really rode this thing for sixty miles in three hours?"

"Can I still lie to you? On the plain road, you can run a hundred miles in three hours in broad daylight."

"This time you made a great contribution"

"You stay and leave us some cars"

"Look at you, here we come again, our secret service team wants to protect you, knowing how important our mission is? You keep such a good thing in your hands, are you embarrassed?"

"Tsk tsk... why do I feel that you don't treat me as an outsider at all?"

"We are comrades, right? Besides, you have to hand it in, right? You have to hand it in to your superiors, right? Hehe, I'm going to reward you verbally on behalf of my superiors. If it's really not good, I'll give you some rewards in kind too." Row."

Ma Liang was speechless: "."

Liu Manhe persisted: "Are you regretting it?"

"I love your mother... Can you not take advantage of it and act like a good boy?"

"Swearing is not good. Today, the staff officer is in a good mood to forgive you. So, if anyone in your class wants to join the secret service team, I will tell the team leader and open a back door for you. It will be over, right?"

"Do you think we have nothing to do?"

"If you don't come to our special agent group, you will regret it in the future."

"..." Ma Liang was really speechless, this man was talking nonsense in broad daylight, not to mention taking away all the treasures of Jiuying from the cave, and now he is going to poach people.

If they saw Li Xiang, they probably couldn't keep the mortars.

After staying with him for a long time, the Ninth Battalion is likely to be directly reorganized into the Secret Service Regiment.

Be careful.
Then again, who doesn't want to join the main team?
It's a pity that the secret service group, which is the main force, must stand by the chiefs.

As for fighting devils, there is almost no chance
The team was still walking, and the vanguard came back from time to time to report the enemy's situation.

Without a mass base, relying entirely on the eyes of scouts, the scope of scouting is obviously not big.

Fortunately, there is a radio station. Although there is no code book, the enthusiastic Staff Officer Liu contacted the headquarters through the radio station.

The reply from the headquarter was extremely simple: make every effort to complete the task!

In addition to communicating with the friendly staff, the radio station can also detect the whereabouts of the devil's advancing team.

Once again confirming the position of the Devils advancing team, the team stopped advancing.

"The advance team is at this position now." Liu Manhe stared at the map, swiped his fingers on the map, and said firmly: "The advance team must speed up and break away from the devils behind, and reach this position tonight."

Liu Manhe pointed to another valley: "We will come back from here in the middle of the night, pretend to be an advance team and approach the enemy, then launch a surprise attack, kill most of these devils, and then take the rear route of the advance team."

Staff Liu thinks differently from ordinary people!
Ma Liang was taken aback: "There are more than two hundred devils in a squadron, and there are more than a hundred advance teams in the south. Our total strength is only more than 100. Your idea is very dangerous."

The special company commander curled his lips: "As long as he can fool or kill the devil's guard post, he will only be beaten!"

Ma Liang asked the question again: "Even if the devil's guard post is eliminated, is there no defense around the devil's camp? How could it be possible for strangers to approach the camp casually?"

"Don't you know what a sneak attack is? We pretend to be devils to get close to the devil's camp. Besides, don't you have two people who can speak bird language under your command? You can always deal with it for a while, and it doesn't matter if you get close to the enemy and find out. It's time to attack directly and finish the job!"

Ma Liang shook his head: "Strong attack? Attack an enemy with twice as many troops as us? Is your brain burned out?"

"I said, you kid must have never heard of the bombing of the camp! Even if the enemy's security team finds unidentified people approaching, at this time we have an absolute advantage over the devil's security force. Even if he sets up a machine gun position, we A wave of grenades passed by, so he can't finish the game?" Seeing Ma Liang's stare, the special company commander added: "Unless the little devil knows that we are robbing the camp, set up an ambush in advance!"

Ma Liang always felt that this plan was full of loopholes: "This possibility is not great. He has been driving for a day, and it is impossible not to rest."

The special company commander continued: "At that time, the devils in charge of guarding around the camp will be dealt with, follow the machine gun to open the way, and quickly approach the devil camp, and the sleeping little devils will get up and gather after hearing the gunshots and explosions. It will take a few minutes. In the past few minutes, dozens of our grenades have been thrown directly into the devil camp, and then the machine guns fired a burst, I get excited when I think of this scene."

"What if...was discovered by the devil's guard post?"

"If my soldiers can't even touch the whistle, I'll just let them go home and bring their babies together."

"you are married?"

"I'm going to get married to you, hurry up and get ready"

Liu Manhe, who was looking at the map, raised his head and added confidently: "We have done this to our allies before, even if he sleeps with a gun, it's useless."

"What did you say? Let's go back now? Absolutely impossible!" Jin Shanchuan stared like copper bells!
The deputy chief of staff's face was livid: "Don't you want to watch Li Tietou and the others be eaten by devils?"

Jin Shanchuan was full of confidence: "There are orders from above, if it is really impossible to do something, you can endure the humiliation."

This guy mispronounced even an idiom... Staff Officer Wei immediately sarcastically said: "Then let's just run away and just surrender to the devils behind?"

"That won't work, they can vote for devils, but you can't!"

Staff Officer Wei was taken aback for a moment: "Why?"

"These are completely different things. As for the reason, it is inconvenient to tell you for the time being. Just follow my arrangement."

The deputy chief of staff smiled: "Hehe, you want us to stay like those dudes surnamed Du, and organize a group of guerrillas to secretly fight with the New Fifth Army to prevent the Eighth Route Army from entering the enemy-occupied area and grabbing territory. ?”

Staff Officer Wei's mind was buzzing: "What a good way!"

Jin Shanchuan hesitated for a moment: "Since you all know, then everyone should open the skylight and speak out! You should know who the chairman's worry is. A few years ago, you and I joined forces and finally drove the Eight Roads from Tainan. Go out, everyone can't stand and watch them come back to dance again, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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