under fire

Chapter 1124 No matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of shuttle marks

Chapter 1124 No matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of shuttle marks

Combined with Liu Yuanqing's statement that the devils can speak Chinese, Hu Yi immediately understood: "Where is the devil's advance team? How far is it?"

"I guess it's to the west at the moment. Right now, it shouldn't be more than five miles."

"how do you know?"

Captain Qin, who was next to him, saw that the words of the two did not reflect the revolutionary friendship at all, so he hurried forward to adjust the atmosphere: "We followed this group of devils for a day and a night, and they started to go back in the morning. Hit them with an ambush from the terrain. You are here, one of the devil vanguards found you and ran back, and then you killed the other two devil vanguards."

The man explained the matter clearly in a few sentences, and his speech was quite level. Hu Yi frowned: "You are?"

"Anti-University student."

Liu Yuanqing suddenly interrupted the conversation of several people: "The devils are just to the west. They probably don't know that we have killed their leading soldiers. I think, now we can find a place to fight them some distance to the west."

Gao Yidao took a look at Liu Yuanqing, broke off a branch and scratched on the ground: "There used to be more than one squadron of devils in the west, but now there is only one squadron heading east. The river valley is too wide and there are weeds everywhere. Although it is not suitable for ambushes, but now we have many people. It’s okay to eat him!”

After a brief silence, Hu Yi suddenly said, "I'll attack the front, and you will flank from the two wings."

Gao Yidao was stunned for a moment: "Hehe, you said this, you have to hold back for a while"

After capturing Takahashi's ghost squad, Hu Yi figured out something, and the advancing team was not as difficult as he imagined.

He wanted to rush to the south as soon as possible, and didn't want to waste too much time here: "Do you think I'll be idle and have nothing to do to play with you?"


Watching the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion keep running westward for more than [-] meters, they kept hiding behind bushes and stones on the roadside and set up ambushes.

Captain Qin's face changed, and he stabbed Gao with a knife: "Is this also a member of the Secret Service?"

Gao Yidao was stunned for a moment: "Why do you say that?"

"There are more than a hundred of them in total. I counted them. There are two mortars, six small cannons, and eighteen light machine guns in total. These are all fucking machine guns to platoons, and there is also a Czech-style light machine gun." Machine gun platoon."

"This is Ma Liang and their ninth battalion," Gao Yidao said in his heart, could my second battalion be worse than them?

Unbeknownst to anyone, the six machine guns the militiamen were carrying were out of use.

"This equipment...it's amazing!" A student next to him widened his eyes and shouted: "I heard from our battalion commander that he participated in the Anti-Japanese University study the year before last, and all his weapons were left in the team to fight devils. For the food-carrying team, there is only one rifle per squad."

Although they didn't deal with Jiuying, they were all members of the Independent Regiment anyway, and they were all admired and praised.

Gao Yidao had mixed feelings.

The Ninth Battalion gave the head of the independent regiment a disgrace.

A few years ago, before Hu Zaishi joined the Independent Regiment, it seemed that the entire Independent Regiment did not have a single machine gun!
Most of the troops of the Eighth Route Army are short of ammunition, no matter how many machine guns eat bullets, there is another use for it!
The second battalion seems to have been led astray by the surname Hu without knowing it.

But looking at the soldiers running west carrying boxes of ammunition, Gao Yidao suddenly felt that the bayonet on his back didn't smell so good anymore.

He turned his head and muttered a few words to the Second Company Commander next to him.

After a while, the second company commander ran back: "The wicked girl said, ask the battalion commander to sign an IOU and lend us three machine guns and [-] rounds of bullets."

"What? Ten thousand?" Gao Yidao almost fell down.

It's not that he hasn't seen 2 rounds!The last time I copied the puppet army's nest in Xinglong Town, I got more than [-]...

It's the generosity of a stingy and wicked girl!
The second company commander saw that the company commander did not make a statement after saying a few words, and continued to mutter: "She still has a condition."

"What kind of shit condition?"

"The captured March [-] covers half of our family, and all the grenadiers belong to the Ninth Battalion."

"She thinks beautifully."

"I don't think this is a disadvantage. We are just a platoon now..." The second company commander handed Gao Yidao a written IOU, without any words on it.

Gao Yidao signed with a dark face.
Seeing the soldiers carrying back the machine gun and ammunition, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. A machine gun can fire at most two or three hundred bullets, and the barrel has to be reimbursed. It is difficult to handle so many bullets.
A round of bullets is half a tael, and ten thousand rounds weighs five hundred catties!Including the original bullets, each person in a platoon carries about [-] catties of bullets on their backs, plus [-] to [-] catties of rifle equipment to go to the battlefield. Isn't this nonsense?

Not as much as this one!

Fortunately, there are now more than [-] students in the team, and they will be divided into [-] rounds per person. This is a big deal...

The students were also dumbfounded.
What is rich and powerful?

What is a local tyrant?

The independent regiment literally means a garrison force that can't even get a number.

Shouldn't you carry the big sword and shuttle and be responsible for transferring fellow villagers?
Where do you let the platoon leaders from the main force face?

No time to think about it.

The Ninth Battalion fought the front, and the Second Battalion fought the two wings with the student team. Naturally, they had to go west for a certain distance and set up an ambush in the bushes.

Once you have enough ammunition, you won't be afraid to yell and fight against the devils in an ambush!
He hurried to the west, hid behind the rocks in the valley, before he could catch his breath, the devil trotted over again as a sharp soldier
a devil?
Let him go first...

The ghost soldiers ran to the place where they were separated from the Sergeant, and found that the Sergeant was gone, and the Imperial Association Army was gone.

After stunned for a while, I finally found that there seemed to be traces of cleaning on the ground.

There is no shortage of water in the valley, and the bushes and weeds are half the height of a person.

Quickly pull the bolt, and raise the rifle to fire as a warning.

Suddenly, a wooden arrow shot out from the bushes.
This devil's second-class soldier was very skilled, and immediately raised his gun and knocked the arrow flying after hearing the sound of piercing the air.

Gunshots sounded in the valley.

The second-class soldier then sprinted into the nearby bushes.

The body is still in the air, and another bullet is pushed into the chamber
Before the body landed, he found a black hole in the bushes with a bayonet with a shiny metal wire in front of it.
Trying to control the shaking of the hand holding the rifle.

The body finally managed to avoid the gray-black bayonet stabbing towards the muzzle of the gun.

After the body fell into the bushes, he quickly bent his legs and prepared to leave this dangerous place.

A long and narrow lancet pierced the devil's neck from the bushes like a dragon sailing out of the sea.

The devil was really good, he lowered his head suddenly, ready to block the knife with his helmet
The back suddenly felt cold.
A spear was stuck into the waist. Although the military uniform was quite strong, it was a pity that it couldn't block the sharp edges at all.

The gunshots from the devil's vanguard attracted the attention of the devils behind, and all the devils squatted down immediately.

After a while, the Second Lieutenant Guizi waved his hand.

A squad of devils hurried east immediately.

The two groups of flames suddenly flashed continuously.

Two Czech light machine guns suddenly started screaming in the bushes more than ten meters in front of the devil.

"Drop the bomb." The voice of the second company commander suddenly sounded amidst the sound of machine gun fire.

The machine gun bullet penetrated the body of the first body, and then penetrated the second body. By the time of the third body, the bullet had already started to swirl. It was a pity that it failed to penetrate another body.

The trajectory hardly needs to be pulled left and right, and the machine gunner does not let go of the trigger at all.

The bullet knocked down the first one, and the others extended to the rear.

Seven or eight of the twelve devils were shot on the spot.

The devils were well-trained, and the remaining five or six immediately rushed sideways to the bushes on the side of the road.

When the grenade was directly removed from the chest, the insurance had been removed, and then it was thrown out with a smash on the helmet.

The first wave of machine guns just stopped
Boom. Boom. Boom.
Grenades and grenades exploded one after another.

Rifles, the second wave of machine guns sounded like a torrential rain.

"The stinky and shameless bastard robbed me of my ghost." Fifty meters away to the east, Xiao Hongying was lying on the side of the mountain road behind a rock, her jaw was crooked.

The devil has already started to fight back.

bullets whizzing through the bushes
Gao Dao in front grabbed the shooting range.

The nine machine guns set up in an ambush by the Ninth Battalion had no chance of firing at all.
(End of this chapter)

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