under fire

Chapter 1164 To the whimper and roar in the dark night

The two parties who had fought you to death just now began to negotiate terms, and no one made an offer first.

The puppet soldiers spread their hands and said that they did not carry weapons.

There are three Eight Routes in front of you, and a few heads popped up in the distance. It seems that there are not many Eight Routes: "Hey, why did you come to the national defense area?"

"Look at the dog skin on your body, can this place still be called the National Defense Zone?"

"It seems to be right." Facing the black muzzle of the gun, the puppet soldier said while taking out a cigarette and handing it: "Our company commander said, for the sake of everyone being Chinese, I will give you a chance."

This guy is really courageous, not because he is not afraid, but because he himself has never done anything harmful to the world, and the reputation of the Eighth Route Army has always been very good, and he does not even "kill" the prisoners.

"Your mother voted for devils and traitors, and you still have the face to say that you are Chinese. Believe it or not, I shot you!"

"You don't even know the rules when the two armies are fighting and don't kill them?" The puppet army took out a tap to light a cigarette for a row leader: "I still believe that the Eighth Route Army does not abuse prisoners."

There is such a bold person?A platoon leader directly snatched the fire from the puppet army: "If you fart, let it go."

"Didn't some of you climb up the mountain ridge? Later, I will transfer those ordinary people to hide in a ditch next to it, and clean up the ground by the way. Later, I will turn a blind eye and let you go."

"You think I'll trust you?"

"I know Captain Li of your Armed Task Force"

"Which Captain Li? How do I know if what you said is true or not?"

The puppet soldiers took off their shoes, tore off the interlayer of the cloth shoes, and took out a notebook: "I have a certificate"

A platoon leader took it over, and twisted a few words: "Certificate of returning to the War of Resistance!"

There is a name and an address, and the inscription is directly from the eighth district and four prefectural committees, and there is no detailed county.

The leader of the first row was stunned for a moment: "I can't trust you just because of this."

"Believe it or not, but don't blame me for not warning you, the little devil is behind, and we can't let you go blatantly."

A row of chiefs got angry: "Cut, I want you to let go. You should go back quickly and let your horse come here if you have the ability. You can pass this section of the canyon. I wrote the surname backwards!"

"You have the guts, I'm leaving now, don't blame us for beating too hard." The puppet soldier took a puff of smoke, but his feet didn't move at all: "By the way, what's your last name?"

"Your eighth grandfather's surname is Tian."

"Tian? Write it upside down? Isn't your surname Tian when you write it horizontally? Your mother is deliberately making fun of the uncle?" .

Platoon Leader Tian pondered, the Secret Service Corps has a lot of experience in dealing with puppet army traitors. Although this man speaks vulgarly, the armed task force may have done his work, but it is impossible to confirm it now. Regardless of whether it is true or not, first inquire about nearby The situation of the devils and puppet troops: "Are you going out of the mountain?"

"Fucking mountain, I don't know which bastard heard the news, saying that there is a national army field hospital nearby, and we are following the imperial army to search everywhere"

"Didn't it mean that except for Li Zhenqing's team, all the national troops in the mountains have surrendered?"

"Damn it, if it weren't for being surrounded by devils, who would surrender and become a traitor? Thousands of soldiers were defeated in the mountains."

"Thousands? Did you blow it?"

"I'm talking about this, why can't you trust someone?"

"Then why don't you just go against the water?"

The puppet army sighed: "What the hell, most of our brothers are locals, and the whole family lives in the county town. If we dare to mess around, the whole family will have to be buried with us."

"Then can't you take your family out of the city?"

"You put it lightly, what do you eat when you go out of the city? Be a bandit and rob the common people. Or starve to death as an eighth road?"

"You will starve to death when you are eight-way, you are completely nonsense"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, everyone knows it well, well, I won't talk to you anymore, I will give you half an hour, and then you will make a big attack. Don't say that brother lowered the muzzle of the gun, and the gun doesn't have eyes." The puppet army threw the cigarette butts into the on the ground.

A platoon leader raised the muzzle of his gun: "Hurry up and get out."

A group of mountain birds sang in panic in the valley, flew into the shadow of the valley where the sun did not shine, turned into a few small black dots, and disappeared on the cliff.

The first platoon leader hesitated, leaving two soldiers on guard, while the others continued to retreat.

The puppet army is indeed quite trustworthy.

Although it is still advancing south, the speed is not fast.

South mountain fork.

The devils of the advancing team ran west and disappeared without a trace.

The second platoon was overjoyed, and immediately asked the scouts to follow the devils. The other soldiers were on guard at the three-way intersection. He hurried to the north, ready to notify the team to move south
Just happened to run into the retreating platoon leader, and saw that the puppet army had almost advanced to the canyon where Staff Liu was hiding.

At this moment, the two were dumbfounded, and the leader of the platoon gritted his teeth: "You lead the people to retreat to the south, and I will go to the valley where the staff is hiding."

The second platoon leader had no choice but to turn south again.
The gunshots in the valley not far away caused a group of frightened teams hiding in the deep mountains to flee into the deep mountains again.

"Report Master Ling, our radio station is out of power." The staff officer who had just packed up the radio station came to a soldier over fifty years old who was leaning on a tree branch.

Ling Shizuo looked at the deserted mountain village behind him with a disheveled face, and shook his head: "What's the use of getting in touch?"

How about we go out of the mountain?
Ling Shizuo was weak: "Go out of the mountain? To be a prisoner of the devil?"

"However, the brothers haven't had a full meal for half a month, and eat wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger every day. It's not an option to continue like this."

"Commander Duan and the others haven't heard from them yet?"

"No. Now that the devils have sealed off the mountain, I think their situation is very uncertain."

"We have to transfer immediately. If one of them is caught by the devils, they will definitely confess us."

"Let's go, I don't understand why Balu can survive in this mountain."

"It seems that we can't compare with Balu."

"Master, if you didn't distribute most of the food to those ordinary people, we wouldn't be here"

"Shut up, we soldiers, defend our home and country, if the common people under our rule starve to death, what face do we have as soldiers?"

"OK then"

"Report, found that a large number of devils and puppet troops are searching our area."

The staff officer who had just been scolded had a dark face: "Why panic, at worst, I will die with the little devil!"

"Report to the staff, I am not afraid of death, I am not panic, I am hungry"

"How far is it?" The staff officer didn't ask how many devils and puppet troops there were.

Master Ling Zuo: "I'll leave you, Lao Maohai, and continue to investigate"

A ragged soldier hurried back from the front: "Report, we found a village five miles ahead."

The staff officer couldn't help but sighed: "There is a village with a fart, but there is no one and no food."

The sun just shone on the dilapidated village halfway up the mountain.

More than a dozen soldiers from the reconnaissance squad made gestures and quickly surrounded the village in all directions.

Then I found movement in the village.

Quietly surround the place where there is sound from all directions.

No one knows if there are any villagers in the village.

Even if there is, it is estimated that there is no food.

Everyone knows the temper of the teacher, he would rather starve himself than let his subordinates rob the common people of food.

Whoever steals will die!

Hopefully, the family still has food left over.
Buy one hundred oceans per catty!
The squad leader felt bitter, he really couldn't do it, he would trade his own life for everything
There was a slight sound of staggering footsteps, and more than a dozen people rushed towards the broken yard that made noise.

The next scene was a bit unexpected.

It turned out to be a hungry wolf baring its teeth in front of everyone.
The leader's eyes were greener than wolves.

With a sound of "Aow", it rushed towards the female wolf.
He didn't shoot, not because the sound of the gun would attract the devil's attention.

Because guns are being fired everywhere in the mountains.

He just didn't want to let even a drop of wolf blood be shed in vain.
Hungry wolf was no match for the squad leader at all. As soon as he rushed to the squad leader, the squad leader smashed the wolf on the head with the butt of a gun.

A large group of people rush in.

Search around.

Rummaging boxes and cabinets, not a single grain of food was found
Unexpectedly, there was no one in the house.

There is a wolf den in the corner, and there are four wolf cubs in the den.
["The Reckless Heroes of the Anti-Japanese War" written by a friend is over, and there are only a few people left who are still writing about the anti-Japanese war that can't be crossed. Adding a collection to Unstable Balance Brothers' new book "I'm in the Tide of the Times Since 1979" is only a small effort. I swear, I will come to the third update today if I work hard. If I can add a thousand This collection, I will add another one. However, for Hengba who never saves manuscripts, this will be fatal]

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