under fire

Chapter 1181 Head Yu's Wine Gathering Station

As soon as Head Lu crossed the river, he met a correspondent from the headquarters: "Head Lu, please go to the headquarters."

Head Lu did not go to the enemy industry department, but turned to the headquarters.

The light in the tent was a bit dim, and there were already many people sitting around the table that had just been set up. For a while, Captain Lu couldn't see the faces of the people beside the table clearly.

A young man in his 20s by the tent door first stood up directly: "Captain Lu? Long time no see."

Head Lu was stunned for a moment: "Head Zhou? When did you fail?"

"It's been less than 10 minutes since I arrived, hey, your place has mountains and rivers, so it's a treasure land of geomantic omen."

"Hey, I said Lao Lu, don't just stand there, hurry up and pour me some water," a thick voice from the seat yelled.

"Old Lu, I heard that your superior has approved your marriage report, when will you treat us to a wedding wine?"


Hearing these voices, Head Lu's jaw dropped in shock. He quickly looked at the people around the conference table carefully.

Head of the Second Regiment of the Taihang Military Region, Head of the Third Regiment, Head of the Second Regiment of No.30, and Head of the [-]th Regiment
All are heads.

There are several other people I don't know.

"Old Lu, sit down quickly." The middle-aged man sitting at the top saw Captain Lu: "Everyone be quiet, comrades who haven't arrived yet, let's not wait. The ministries have entered the enemy-occupied area for more than a month. Call them here, first summarize the experience and verification, and then discuss the direction of the next struggle against the enemy, and form a decision."

The chief of staff sitting at the top said this and paused for a moment: "The political committee came to us tonight. I will discuss the resolution with the political commissar and form a document to report to the headquarters. At that time, the headquarters will make a report for everyone based on the actual situation in each place. New job arrangement for half a year”

The meeting time is not too long.

It was already dark when the meeting ended, and head Lu was dragged directly to the cooking class by more than ten heads of the group.

Hu Yi leaned against the closed window and poked his head out.

In the confinement room next door, on the window sill where two arms were lined up with thick new wood, a man with pigtails on his head was sitting.

Pigtail leaned against the vertical window frame, facing the confinement room next door, with two little legs dangling leisurely outside the window.

"...I have said everything that should be said and should not be said. Now it seems that the situation is not too bad."

"I thought I was going to be fired."

"Three disciplines and eight attentions, we didn't violate one of them. The old monster has nothing to do with me! The political commissar went to the enemy's Ministry of Industry to report the bacteria. I think it's been a long time, so there shouldn't be any problem."

Hu Yi nodded: "What about the old bandit. What does the leader say?"

"What else can I say? His Second Battalion set up a Black Tiger Village, and we named it the Fourth Prefectural Committee's Sacrifice League. The name is justified. Even if the leaders of the Fourth Prefectural Committee knew that there was an extra base area for no reason, he would be happy. Before it's too late, who would say no?

"Then why are you still in confinement?

"The old monster said that we brought unknown people to the wine stand. This wine stand is our nest, right? I can bring whoever I want, and he is really shameless."

"That is to say, the political commissar of the head of the regiment didn't talk about bacteria?"

"The political commissar said, he will keep this matter in his heart in the future, and he will stand up to it if there is anything."

Hu Yi's heart warmed for no reason: "What about the killing of prisoners?"

"Kill prisoners? When did we ever have prisoners?"

"It's that simple?"

"That's not true, the staff of the friendly army took the initiative to admit it."

"Wait, why did you get involved with the friendly staff?"

"Didn't the head say that we killed the prisoners, so I asked the friendly platoon leader Ling to testify for me! As a result, the head uncle found out that there was a chief of staff among the people we brought back!"

"Eh, then he admitted that he was responsible for killing the prisoners?"

"Don't talk nonsense, they are fighting the enemy bravely, how can they kill prisoners?"

Hu Yi didn't expect that such a big matter could be solved perfectly with just one sentence from the chief of staff of the friendly army.

Xiao Hongying continued to babble: "Didn't you notice that the guards on the other side of the river have been strengthened?"

Hu Yi couldn't keep up with Xiao Hongying's rhythm: "What's the matter with you talking about this?"

"Several groups of people have come from the headquarters." Xiao Hongying raised the binoculars in her hand.

"What's so strange about several groups of people coming?"

"Hey, I see that the head of the new brigade, Zhou, is here."

Hu Yi was thoughtful: "What's the big move?"

"There must be. Other than him, the others also brought two guards into the headquarters."

"How do you know they brought guards?"

Xiaodou next to him couldn't help saying: "The cooking team was notified in the afternoon, and more than 100 people were added to the food. It is estimated that there are a lot of people. Moreover, since the afternoon, some people have started camping on the open land in the north, and they are almost all wearing clothes. It's a short gun."

Hu Yi looked at the submachine gun on Xiaodou's chest: "When did you hang up this thing?"

"The friendly platoon leader Ling is generous and generous, and gave us five submachine guns for the guard platoon."

Hu Yi nodded. This matter must have been instructed by the little girl. He turned to look at the little girl and asked casually: "Platoon Leader Ling, are they going to stay or go?"

Xiao Hongying smirked: "Let's go? Hehe, what I fancy, they voluntarily stay and join the reconnaissance platoon of the Ninth Battalion."

Hu Yi shook his head: "Where is Crazy Yang and Liu Yuanqing? Don't they look down on us?"

"Crazy Yang made a condition, as long as he can lead a squad to beat devils three times a month, he will stay."

Hu Yi thought for a while: "I think you've been fooled."

Xiao Hongying was stunned for a moment: "Can I be fooled?"

Hu Yi analyzed: "There is no doubt that they really want to fight devils, so they are unlikely to join the New Fifth Army as a puppet army. If they cross the Yellow River to find friendly troops in the war zone, they can only serve as death squads or commandos."

"What do you say?"

Xiaodou next to him chimed in: "He said he only beat devils, which meant that he would not attack the puppet army. If the puppet army came to mop up them, they would not do anything."

"Xiaodou, you know too much!" Xiao Hongying raised her eyebrows, "Hey, I've thought that they would come up with this idea a long time ago, so I decided to arrange them to go to the vixen. , will there still be a shortage of ghosts?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "Members of the Armed Task Force must be platoon-level commanders selected from the Eighth Route Army. They are not eligible!"

Xiao Hongying began to analyze: "In our independent regiment, platoon-level commanders are appointed. You don't need to go through the regiment leader, you can directly appoint."

"Don't forget, this time all platoon commanders must participate in the anti-big rotation training."

Xiao Hongying's arrangement was tight: "The political commissar said he would apply to his superiors to set up a teaching site for the Anti-Japanese University here."

"Can you still do this?" Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "How did you mobilize the political commissar?"

"I said that Captain Qin and the others can go out. The purpose of studying at the Anti-Japanese University is to improve the commanding level of grassroots commanders. There is a precedent for this."

Hu Yi thought for a while: "What you said seems to make sense."

But Xiao Hongying suddenly beat her chest and kicked her feet: "It's a pity about my radio station."

Hu Yi was taken aback: "Can you not be surprised?"

"It's useless to say anything now. People get angry. The staff officer of the friendly army is the most annoying. When he was invited to the regiment headquarters, he just said that they have a radio station. Otherwise, our Ninth Battalion would be the first battalion in the Eighth Route Army." The team has a radio team, so envious of those bumpkins."

"You can't talk about brother troops like that." Hu Yi reminded: "Even if our radio station is useless, the radio stations are only useful if they are in pairs."

"The old monster went to the other side of the river before dark, and he hasn't come back yet. I'm thinking that he might be planning some kind of big move." When Xiao Hongying said this, her big eyes rolled around: "Hey, Xiaodou, you think I can do it?" Can't go to the other side of the river to be confined?"

"The leader didn't say where to pass you, but... if you can cross the river, I can escort you."

Wet Wang Xiaosan sneaked over from the darkness, and said excitedly, "Girl, I heard, all the leaders who came to the meeting, the second regiment, the third regiment, the 23rd regiment, and the Jizhong division of the column. The main force, the chiefs of the third and fourth divisions of Taiyue just arrived tonight."

Xiaodou next to him was taken aback: "Hey, Wang Xiaosan, you are leaking secrets"

Xiao Hongying immediately turned her head and lowered her voice: "Xiaodou, quickly close your ears."

Xiaodou has a black thread: "You can close your eyes. You can close your ears and let me see?"

Xiao Hongying jumped off the windowsill, turned into Hu Yi's confinement room next door, and beckoned to Wang Xiaosan, "Hurry over here!"

Hu Yi suddenly asked: "You have been reporting to the regiment headquarters, when did you arrange so many people?"

Xiao Hongying smiled proudly: "Hey, Tian Sanqi was lying in the health team, Da Ya went to the cooking class to borrow chickens, Li Xiang went to Li Suanan to pay back my debt, Ma Liang was busy in the village, He Chuanlin couldn't trust him for the time being, let him Go to the north to help a company set up a tent. The dead mule is disobedient, lying in the health team and trying to mix chicken soup"

A black figure hurried across the suspension bridge and shouted at the guards on the opposite side: "Hey, where is Comrade Chang Hongying? Tell her to come with me quickly."


"Enemy Ministry"

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