under fire

Chapter 1183

The wine station outside the village.

The open field was full of voices.

A team of hundreds of people formed a large circle.

The heads of the regiments held meetings in the village, and the guards of the various regiments stationed in the open areas outside the village rarely got together, and those who were familiar with each other chatted for a long time.

They are all passionate soldiers, and no one is worse than the other when it comes to bragging.

The guards each boasted to save face for their own group.

When the wind blows to the head, the heart of comparison arises spontaneously.

Even among familiar comrades-in-arms, they have to rub their hands to compete.

It's hard to tell who is better at speaking, so naturally he speaks with his fists.

Those who thought they could overwhelm the others in a certain aspect immediately proposed to use martial arts to decide who was more reasonable.

This proposal was immediately supported by most of the guards.

No matter how hard you blow it, it's useless. If you don't practice the mouth style, you can tell if it's a mule or a horse.

The unique martial arts exchange kicked off without any organization.

A security guard of the class teacher's secret service battalion brought by the division's political commissar served as the host of the competition against guest appearances.

The independent regiment, who is the master of a remote place, does not have that qualification.

I can only watch the fun from the sidelines.

Most of the guards think that martial arts competitions are naturally about punching, stabbing, throwing bombs, and shooting!
Seeing those guards who raised their arms and scorned everything and put the impromptu chest target 100 meters away, the audience of the Ninth Battalion who were watching the excitement immediately whispered.

"What the hell can 100 meters compare to?" Wen Wuquan whispered to the big dog in the squad next to him.

"What the hell, you're just watching a three-year-old kid mess around." The big dog pouted as he watched the guards with their eyes above their heads with great interest.

A security guard from the Secret Service directly walked up to the big dog sitting outside the circle and said, "Hey, comrade, can you lend us some wooden guns for training?"

"Yes, yes, I'll find it for you right now," Wen Wuquan beside the big dog responded quickly.

The big dog gave Wen Wuquan a slap in the face: "Why don't we have wooden guns, where can you find them?"

"Don't even have a wooden gun?" The guard was a little confused, saying that the independent regiment was poor, but now it seems that it is not a legend
He still didn't understand that a wooden gun could be made by chopping some sticks with a big knife. Apart from being poor, the independent regiment was probably lazy!

He waved his hand generously: "Forget it, let's cut down two trees and make a few now."

Had he known what the captains were discussing, he would have regretted saying that.

The various departments of the Eighth Route Army are developing rapidly, but not every regiment has heavy combat tasks.

Fewer combat missions means fewer captures.

Even more than half of the regiments are not much different from the independent regiments in the early days, except that there are a little more people.

Seeing Ma Liang approaching after hearing the sound, the big dog leaned over, thinking that he should slap the bumpkins in the face: "Ma Liang, can Xiaodou bring everyone to open their eyes?"

"Are your hands itchy?" Ma Liang used to be a correspondent, and he understood what these idle guys were doing at a glance. After saying hello to the big dog, he began to say hello to several security guards he knew.

The big dog continued to smile proudly: "If the target is placed 200 meters away, do you think they will miss it?"

Ma Liang shook his head: "200 meters? Hehe, some people with bad eyesight probably can't even see the target clearly."

The guards led by the political commissar knew that there were several perverted sharpshooters in the Ninth Battalion, so they wisely excluded the "Ninth Company" of the independent regiment.

This kind of informal martial arts competition naturally does not need to talk about the rules, and if you have the ability, you can go to the field and fight.

A burly man stood in the center of the arena first, and clasped his fists in a circle: "Brother Sun Dingguo, a disciple of Master Sun in Baoding Mansion, who practices Xingyiquan, who is not afraid of death, come to be a training partner for the master, and open it for everyone!" open your eyes."

The guards around immediately whispered: "Master Sun? Could it be that he is the apprentice of Sun Tang, who is known as the number one expert in the Republic of China?"

"Fart apprentice, disciple and grandson are about the same"

"Then you go up and make gestures with him?"

"Comparison, how can I beat him in a fight? Later, I will ask him to compare marksmanship!"


Naturally, there are many good players in the army, and a tall, thin man stepped forward.

Looking at that body, it is probably half smaller than Sun Dingguo!
"What are you looking at? You skinny monkey from the Northwest that came down from the Kunlun Mountains? This time, I'll punch you for half a month!" The opposite hometown is from the Northwest Guard.

The Northwest Monkey smiled and said: "Idiot who runs the train with his mouth full, he has all the strength and a fart to use. Let's see how you find your teeth everywhere later, ha ha."

Both of them are veteran security guards, they had already sparred in the past, and neither of them accepted the other.

Sun Dingguo had previously underestimated his opponent because of carelessness, and suffered a disadvantage at the hands of the opponent. He unbuttoned his military uniform and threw it to his companion behind him.

A muscular chest and thigh-thick arms, with calluses all over the joints of the fists.

He punched a set of punches in a demonstrative manner, and the violent punching style made the surrounding guards gasp.

On the contrary, the guards were even more excited, and they were all worried about the thin monkey. It is estimated that a solid punch could really hit him directly into the muddy river a hundred meters away.
The thin monkey didn't seem to care, and also took off his military uniform. If Bi Gewu tore the uniform, it would be difficult to explain to the regiment leader.

Standing with two feet at random, he is good at hand-wrapping Baguazhang, and he focuses on flexibility in conjunction with Bagua footwork.

He looked directly at Sun Dingguo with a playful expression on his face.

Sun Dingguo withdrew his performative punches, the look of contempt on his face gradually disappeared, his eyes widened and he clasped his fists: "Be careful."

Like a ferocious beast exuding murderous aura when facing its prey!
"Mother-in-law looks like a girl, hurry up and let the horse come here." The thin monkey does not rush to attack, he is good at walking around flexibly with gossip.

Sun Dingguo stopped talking, and rushed forward, punching the thin monkey's face.

The thin monkey quickly moved its feet back, and turned its body to the left, avoiding it easily.

Knowing that the opponent would dodge, Sun Dingguo took advantage of the moment when the opponent's body dodged to the right, kicked hard on the ground with his feet, and swung his right fist out at a high speed.

The shape turns freely, and the left fist swings sideways.

The skinny monkey gave a loud shout, it was a good time, and it extended its palm to Sun Dingguo's fist and suddenly changed its claws, grabbing Sun Dingguo's wrist, and quickly adjusted its pace with the help of Sun Dingguo's fist, accelerated its retreat and followed its body into the air, as if it had been knocked into the air by Sun Dingguo.

The move was very simple. He used his whole body strength to suppress Sun Dingguo's right fist, and then kicked Sun Dingguo's abdomen from the side with both feet.

Sun Dingguo was overjoyed, the monkey played this trick again, thinking that hanging on his right arm would avoid his left punch, and he suffered a disadvantage in this trick last time.

Pull back with the right fist, support it with the left leg, and quickly raise the knee with the right leg, ready to hit the sole of the thin monkey's foot hard with the knee.

Unexpectedly, the other party let go suddenly, and the knees and the soles of the thin monkey's feet slammed together. The other party didn't use all the strength on his feet, and tapped his knees, and his body flipped back.

Sun Dingguo stagnated slightly, and then rushed forward again, ready to give him an old punch after the opponent landed.

Obviously the fist hit the opponent's arm, but the thin monkey's body suddenly tilted to the left, and the left fist brushed past the opponent's chest.

Following the opponent's small fist in the eyes, it quickly became bigger, and the punch hit the eye socket.

With a solid blow, the thin monkey succeeded in one blow, and before Sun Dingguo's horizontal right fist was in place, his body used his strength to retreat violently.

It retreats as soon as it hits, and its body is as flexible as a monkey.

Easily dodged a right swing from Sun Dingguo who accompanied him like a shadow.

Sun Dingguo's three punches were all empty, and the opponent kept using the gossip entangling technique, and every time he punched out, he was entangled in the opponent's fist.

The point where the powerful punches have no power is like waving your hands violently in the water. The opponent's counterattacks are everywhere, but they can't use their strength. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Sun Dingguo agreed not to take the aggressive route, shifted his center of gravity to the left, his right leg flew up quickly, tensed his calf, and swept across suddenly.

The legendary powerful golden steel legs!
However, the thin monkey doesn't like him at all. When you lift your leg, I will make a fuss on your leg. I reached out and grabbed Sun Dingguo's trousers, and with the help of my body, I followed Sun Dingguo's calf and flew a half circle. Sun Dingguo's moves are old, thin monkey With both legs on the ground, both hands continued to pull Sun Dingguo's pants back
Pulled a horse directly, the pants are not strong enough.

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