under fire

Chapter 1185

Xiao Hongying sat cross-legged on the windowsill.

Sometimes he talked to Lao Qin who was sitting on the tree stump outside the confinement room.

While smoking a cigarette, Lao Qin babbled about what happened on the plain during this time.

From time to time, soldiers trotted over to report the progress of the contest in the open field.

The little girl interrupted Lao Qin and looked towards the regiment headquarters: "Fox, you said that if Pu Buhuan who just came back is allowed to participate in the martial arts competition, can you beat those guards all over the place?"

Hearing the girl's question, he was tilting his head to look at Hu Yi in the direction of the regiment headquarters, and turned his head with a smile on his face: "There is no comparison. Park Buhuan is good at killing enemies on the battlefield. I heard that Sun Dingguo's kung fu is very good."

Xiao Hongying was eager to try: "Why don't we send Li Laosi to join in the fun?"

Hu Yi didn't express his opinion: "Didn't you learn sword skills from Li Laosi? Why didn't I see you practice today?"

"Hey, this isn't confinement, I'm just being lazy"

"Did the head tell you how long we'll be locked up?"

"Three days." Xiao Hongying turned her head and looked in the direction of the regiment headquarters: "Don't keep looking at the vixen over there, she doesn't come to see us first."

Old Qin interjected: "Captain Su has to report to the regiment first."

Xiao Hongying yelled at Xiao Bing, who was standing outside the confinement room and dismantling the submachine gun: "Xiao Bing, tell Xiaodou later, let the big dog go for the shooting competition."

"Aren't you going?" Xiao Bing turned his head.

"Am I not in confinement?"

"Hey, you crawled out of the dog hole at the back of the shed, I pretended not to see you." Xiao Bing turned his head and began to press bullets into the magazine.

"I don't want to go now." Thinking that Su Qing and others would definitely go to the confinement room, Xiao Hongying felt that she should stay in the confinement room.

The words of the political commissar gave Su Qing confidence.

Unknowingly, the water in the previous cup has been dried up.

The political commissar went across the river.

Su Qing stood up, ready to go to the confinement room to have a look.

Captain Su walked calmly outside the confinement room.

Lao Qin hurriedly stood up and said hello to Su Qing, then made an excuse that he was going to visit the village, turned around and left.

When Xiao Hongying saw Su Qing coming out of the regiment headquarters, she rushed back to the confinement room with a whoosh.

Staring wide-eyed, he went to the hole in the wall, and after reconfirming that Ethiopia could see Hu Yi's situation, he turned around and lay down on the bed to doze off.

Watching Lao Qin leave, Su Qing walked into Xiao Hongying's room, and put a bundle next to the little girl's pillow.

Then he went out, walked out of Hu Yi's window, and handed in a bundle in his hand: "It seems that it is indeed more convenient to find you here."

Hu Yi accepted the burden with a calm expression, and he could tell from his tone that he was in a good mood: "Just get used to it."

On the way into the village, Ma Liang, who accompanied her, had already told Su Qing about the general process of Hu Yi's going out this time, and she asked knowingly, "Tell me, what happened this time?"

"There are a lot of things, I don't know which one you want to hear?" Hu Yi looked at the gap in the bag, it was not a military uniform, but a cotton shirt.

"Choose it yourself"

"In principle no mistakes were made."

"If you do this, something will happen sooner or later."

"If you don't do this, something will happen."

"Then let me ask you, how much do you really know about bacteria?"

"The last mass poisoning incident by an independent group was not poisoning. The devils probably set up a bacterial cultivation center on the plain."

"Are you sure?"

"According to the information disclosed by the enemy industry department on the other side of the river, bacteria cannot be preserved for a long time. The superiors judged that the enemy's cultivation center should be in a certain county hospital."

"If it's just this matter, they shouldn't lock you up."

Hu Yi had no choice but to bite the bullet: "Friendly army. Killed nearly a hundred devils and wounded."

"What does it have to do with you?" Su Qing seemed a little relaxed.

"At that time, we just took a few glances from the side. We forgot to persuade them."

"Then why did the friendly army come to the wine station again?"

"There is no food in the mountainous area in the south. They are very hungry, so the secret service team exchanged food for the guns in their hands. The secret service team is very busy, please help take care of it."

"The friendly army can kill the devils, and they will naturally capture them. How can they be so hungry?"

"Devils can't eat it."

"Well, can you tell me how you got the train station?"

Hu Yi quickly replied: "Use the captured military uniforms to pretend to be devils and puppet soldiers, and then attack the enemy's gun towers first, just as the defense in the train station is empty."

Su Qing's face was a bit ugly: "With the strength of two companies, fighting in a positional battle with the enemy's brigade almost led to the annihilation of the entire army. Haven't you thought about the consequences? The mountain is so big, why did you choose to fight the enemy head-on? ?”

Hu Yi thought for a while: "There is no way. At that time, there were enemies on all sides, and they were targeted by the devil's advance team. There was no way to escape."

"Aren't you very good at running away?"

"So... I ended up running away."

"I heard from Ma Liang that the target of the advance team is the spy group, why are they staring at you?"

"On the plain, we beat the devils and puppet soldiers to death"

"Are you familiar with the Secret Service?"

"I can't say I'm familiar with it. I cooperated with them to perform a mission."

"The friendly army was defeated, and their defense zone is now weakly defended, so you just put a team there?"

"Uh, they stayed voluntarily, and gathered up the rout by the way."

"Who's in charge over there?"

"A former acquaintance of the 67th Army. There is also a class of students from the Anti-Japanese University"

"Then have you considered how to solve the food problem?"

"There was a plan at first, but now, it's not our turn to worry about this matter. A meeting is being held across the river to study how to solve it."

Su Qing thought for a while: "As soon as you came back, there was a meeting across the river. Their meeting has nothing to do with the independent group, right?"

"That's true, just a coincidence. Just a coincidence."

"According to what you say, you shouldn't be in confinement."

"I've got to have a place to live."

"Do you know the content of the meeting across the river?"

Hu Yi's face became serious: "I can't say what I shouldn't say."

Suddenly, Xiao Hongying's sleepy voice came from next door: "...will attack the county outside the mountain in the near future."

Su Qing turned to look at the fist-sized hole in the wall, then stared at Hu Yi: "Next, what's your plan?"

"Beat the devil back to his hometown." Hu Yi was serious.

"You don't seem to be blushing when you say this?" As soon as the words came out, Su Qing suddenly realized that she seemed to believe him, her chest rose and fell quickly, and she took a deep breath to calm down: "The friendly army has been defeated across the board, and the county government is now run by the Eighth Route Army." After all, the county magistrate Yang asked his superiors to assign the water conservation group to the county government, what do you think?"

"I resolutely obey the arrangement of my superiors."

Su Qing bit her lip, her face turned pale: "He still wants to take over the armed task force"

Hu Yi's face was calm: "The armed task force belongs to the independent regiment. If he wants to pick peaches with his bare hands, he doesn't have the ability."

Su Qing suddenly made a decision: "I plan to apply for transfer to the enemy industry department."

Hu Yi instantly understood her thoughts: "Are you still thinking about investigating the sheep's head?"

There was a commotion from next door.

The little girl jumped out of the window first, and then jumped into the window of Hu Yi's house.

Grinning and staring at Su Qing with big eyes: "Do you really want to transfer to the enemy's Ministry of Industry?"

Su Qing raised her hand and touched the little girl's head.

Xiao Hongying tilted her body, but Su Qing didn't touch her. She watched her cut off her braids and kept her ear-length hair similar to her own: "Aren't you pretending to be asleep?"

"Stop pretending." The smile turned into a laugh: "If you can go to the Ministry of Enemy Industry, I'll see who will dare to make trouble with me in the future. Talking to me will last all night!"

Su Qing was a little envious of the little girl, lost her temper when she was happy, angry, sad and happy, and laughed when she was happy.

Although the little girl often contradicts her, when she sees her, she is as alive as seeing spring.

"This time to report to the regiment, is it you again?"

Xiao Hongying sighed: "Foxes can't speak, they can ask and answer; Ma Liang is a straight bamboo tube, he can tell what he should say; Luo Fugui runs the train with his mouth full; Li Xiangsan can't make a fart with a stick; Tian Sanqi is still lying in the health team. It’s a bit worrying, writing reports and making rosters. My hands are sore from writing, and I really worry about it.”

"You've learned a lot." Su Qing smiled again.

Hu Yi, who was standing by the bed, looked at Su Qing's smile, feeling a little dazed.

It reminded me of Zhou Wanping for no reason.
A rough voice smiled triumphantly: "Hahaha I knew I could find you two in the confinement room"

[Thanks to the source of Jianghe, Hanjiang Chuxue, Tiejun, xl12011, DGcyc, 3962 for the reward]

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