under fire

Chapter 1196

Chapter 1196
The blockade ditch stretches for more than [-] miles from Meixian County to Xinglong Town.

The originally fertile land on both sides of the blockade ditch is cracked like wrinkles on the face of an old man after going through wind and frost.

Clear and profound.

There are dry shrubs everywhere, and the hot wind brings gusts of wind and sand to float in the wilderness.

Years of severe drought, after the ghosts merged villages and towns, many villages became uninhabited villages.

There is no human smoke for ten miles, and there are no more chickens crowing and dogs barking.

On the eighth day of the new year, the road attacked and blocked the blockhouse by the ditch.

The devil followed with a dragnet sweep.

Since then, the eight roads outside the mountain seem to have disappeared without a trace.

After the surrender of the national army in the mountains, there was almost no gunfire on the plain.

The puppet army guarding in the gun tower did not even see a single good citizen who crossed the blockade ditch all day long.

There is basically nothing to do on weekdays.

The most important task was to fetch water from the well in the uninhabited village to the west and bring it back to the gun tower.

As a centralized demonstration site, Xinglong Town has achieved effective management.

With the small town as the center, all the villagers within ten miles were gathered in a palm-sized town.

Every morning, hundreds of people come out of the town in batches to work in the fields that still have a little water around them.

Logically speaking, with so many people gathered together, it should be prosperous.

Even if the prosperity is deformed, it should be prosperous.

The town is rather depressed.

Only the Bird Country merchants are still open for business in the town.

Niaoguo people are very trustworthy, and the price is clearly stated.

Their business is actually very simple, land acquisition!

A pound of millet is exchanged for an acre of land.

It seems to be a business that you love and I want!

The town does not sell grain, nor does it sell oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

When everyone gathers together, the imperial army can be regarded as authentic, and it still cares about food.

It's a pity that two meals a day are all dilute and mixed with noodle porridge.

Porridge can be used as a mirror to reflect a person's shadow, and you can see the bottom of the bowl after taking a sip.

Not a single mouse to be found in the town, not a single cockroach to be found.
In the morning, we sang birdsong songs collectively, and in the evening, a troupe that can speak birdsong was invited from Tianjin to sing the National Bird Opera.

The newly opened primary school is overcrowded.

Children in their teens, regardless of gender, have to go to school, wear kimonos, dance bird dances, learn bird language, sing bird songs, and write bird characters
There are no stools in class, bow when you see people, salute when you see the imperial army, plaster flags are hung at the door of every house
No matter men, women, old or young, all have to accept the bird country education.
Said it was for the sake of the common prosperity of the people, the imperial army still banned smoking in the town.

Half a month ago, the Niaoguo grain merchant had to move out.

There is no way, two months earlier, the common people had already exchanged all the gold and silver in their hands for high-priced food.
There is no way, the people have no money in their hands, who else will they sell the food to?

There is another way for ordinary people to get food.
A hospital was opened in the town.

Of course, we don't do things like seeing a doctor to save lives.

People in the town must donate blood for common prosperity every three days.
The imperial army is considerate, and you can get half a catty of millet for donating blood.

Later, doctors were reluctant to draw blood, because if half of the blood was drawn, the people might die directly in the hospital.
They are afraid that these blood cells and plasma are not active.
The lives of the villagers gathered together are worse than dogs
At least dogs don't get blood drawn every now and then
Can such a day survive?
The underground organization has also led many riots among ordinary people.

It's a pity that he is unarmed and has no strength. What can he use to fight the devils and puppet soldiers?
Every time they were quickly suppressed by the devils and puppet troops.

The guerrillas who responded from outside the town could only watch helplessly, with nothing to do.

The riot failed, and some people began to try to escape from the concentration camp.

However, most of the people who fled lost the strength to escape after running out of the town for three to five miles.

The devils and puppet troops patrolling outside, with their wolf dogs, can catch up with the escapees without much effort.

For the stubborn elements who destroy the common prosperity, the devils directly yelled at the ferocious wolf dogs to rush up and kill the fleeing common people.

Even directly watching wolfdogs eating human flesh.
Even the traitors of the detective team were terrified.

In the end, gradually no one dared to escape.

Without food, even if you can escape, you will die.

Knowing that the guerrillas were operating four or five miles outside the town.

But they could not escape to the place where the guerrillas were active.

I had no choice but to comfort myself, it would be better to live than to die!
Maybe one day the imperial army will be merciful and let me go home.
Kondo Shinpachi is the highest official of the concentration camp.

He once participated in the First Battle of Jinling, and had countless blood on his hands.

This horse-faced devil is good at medicine and has a special hobby, he likes to eat internal organs.

I often go to the elementary school to inspect if I have nothing to do.

Since then, children have been missing from the school.

When the underground comrades who penetrated into the enemy's interior were active in the middle of the night.

A few days ago, the body of a child with only the torso was found by accident
After multiple investigations, the reason was found out.
This is the truth of common prosperity


The place where the common people work together is surrounded by the traitors and puppet troops of the detective team with live ammunition.

among the working crowd.

A middle-aged man was hoeing the ground while whispering to the short middle-aged man next to him: "We have to find a way to send the news!"

"Lao Li, the instructor of the Second Battalion, is in the west village, but it's a pity that there are not enough people."

The bony middle-aged man handed a writing brush tube to the younger middle-aged man: "While no one is paying attention, you lie down in the ditch and use a bamboo tube to breathe, and we will cover you with soil."

"No, you lie down in the ditch"

"This is an order. You have good physical strength. After you find Lao Li, tell him to report the situation to his superiors. If this continues, everyone in the town will die!"

A middle-aged man next to him carefully took out more than ten half-digested black beans picked from horse manure from his underwear pocket, and handed it to the short middle-aged man: "You take this, when you leave at night, run Put another pill in your mouth when you’re not moving.”

Lao Li, the instructor of the Second Battalion, hid in an abandoned village.

Before dawn, Hu Yi led the team to catch up.

Hu Yi was startled after hearing what Lao Li said about the situation in the town.

In just half a year, the situation in Xinglong Town was even worse than that of the little devil in Heishan Baishui.

I finally understood the reason why the chief wanted to go to Pingyuan for inspection.

He can only carry out the orders of the enemy's Ministry of Industry now.

After arranging a guard post in the village as required, he led a large group of people to station in another village five miles to the south.

The chief stayed in the village behind to listen to Lao Li's report on his work.

After a short time, the chief's face turned livid: "You find a way to contact the comrades in the town, and you can't reveal that we have been here! But let them find a way to persist for another three or four days."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and ordered to the secretary next to him who was taking notes: "Immediately send a report to the headquarters, and ask the Northern Bureau to report the actual situation in the plain to northern Shaanxi. The assembly is complete."

Luo Fugui blinked his toad eyes, staring at Xiao Hongying who he thought was gesticulating in the open space of the village: "Is what Lao Li said true?"

After Xiao Hongying made a gesture with the lancet, she stopped and asked, "Why is it so strange that a devil can do such a thing?"

"Then are we going to attack Xinglong Town next?" Luo Fugui was a little uneasy, because his mother starved to death.
Xiao Hongying thought for a while: "Probably not for the time being."


Hu Yi pulled off the marching blanket and only covered his lower abdomen.

Sleeping in the sun is actually quite uncomfortable.

But he prefers to sleep in a place where the sun can shine.

A figure climbed up to the roof along the remnant wall, pulled off the marching blanket and planned to sleep on the corn stalk beside Hu Yi: "Brother, are you asleep?"

"All arranged?" A voice came from under the military cap.

Ma Liang put the shell gun on his head as a pillow, and his tone was a little depressed: "The comrades from the enemy industry department went to the mountains in the south, and they probably won't attack Xinglong Town."

Hu Yi didn't speak.

Ma Liang said again: "The common people are too miserable."

Hu Yi said again: "The superior should arrange a big move."

Ma Liang's voice was a little trembling: "The puppet army in Xinglong Town only has one battalion. With our strength, we should be able to take it down."

General Hu Yi took off his hat: "Even if you take Xinglong Town, what's the use? Thousands of people are thousands of mouths."

Ma Liang thought for a while: "There should be food in Meixian County, and you can get some of it by cutting nine."

The two were talking, when Xiao Hongying climbed up from below.

With a bang, he threw the knife aside, and sat next to Hu Yishen, and answered Ma Liang's words: "I heard that Heihuzhai is also very poor!"

Hu Yi sighed: "Just wait, the superiors should take this matter more seriously than us."

 It comes from a piece of historical material in the concentration camp, and its authenticity is unquestionable.
  The facts are even worse, the writing is limited, especially for women, and the crab society fee can not write about Wei'an women
  Fortunately, everyone can still watch the July [-] movie
(End of this chapter)

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