under fire

Chapter 1198

Chapter 1198

The wilderness stretches as far as the eye can see under the sun.

A team heading east suddenly stopped.

The wilderness in the east is vast, and the gun towers in the distance can be seen faintly.

Leader Sun's knowledge was too shallow, so he stayed up all night, but in the end he couldn't beat County Mayor Yang, so he had to gather his team again.

Unfortunately, in a hurry, only one battalion was assembled.

An Eighth Route Army soldier wearing glasses stood in front of the team, preparing to cheer up the team that was lining up to shoot the gun tower.

County Magistrate Yang stood quietly in front of the team for a long time, then walked slowly.

Look at the soldiers standing in the first row one by one, and raise their hands to adjust their military uniforms one by one.

What a picture of loving soldiers like children
"County magistrate, I didn't brag, just our battalion can also beat the puppet army to pieces!" The chest of Tuanzhang Sun, who was following the county magistrate Yang, thumped loudly.

County Magistrate Yang Da didn't want to pay attention to Commander Sun, and asked casually out of face: "Where are your battalion commanders?"

"They are gathering the team, and they will probably be here in a while."

"Do you think, without them, how many cannon towers can these people lay down?"

Still want to hit a few gun towers?
This guy can really think about it, Captain Sun really wants to scold people, but on the surface he has to deal with it, with a rich expression on his face: "That's not sure, if you're lucky, maybe you can take it down."

Hitting the cannon building depends on luck?This statement is quite new.
County Magistrate Yang changed the subject and said in a serious tone, "You said... If the team fails to assemble on time, what responsibility should the commander take?"

Commander Sun is very confident: "That's not easy? Order the commander to write an inspection, or let the bastard get out of the way. Of course, it is also possible to disband the team directly. Anyway, there is a lack of food now, so let them be a part of the team first." Time bandits, it’s okay to come back again.”

disband?The county magistrate threatened to grow up?

County magistrate Yang Da knew in his heart that the bandit team was typically disorganized and undisciplined!
The teams mixed with Jiuying are all of this virtue!
County Magistrate Yang secretly swore in his heart that in the future, under his own leadership, he must turn this team into a steel team capable of fighting tough battles.

Head Sun didn't care either, and continued with a shy face: "County Yang, I don't think there is any need to wait for them. I will personally command and promise to take down the gun tower. You can give the order now."



Originally there were devil instructors, perhaps because there was a water conservation group west of the blockade ditch, so later the devils didn't even bother to send instructors.

Usually, only one platoon of security forces is stationed in each blockhouse.

The platoon was actually divided into two shifts. Some of the people in the shift guarded the gun tower, and the other part who didn't have their turn went to rest in the village to the east.

The turret is just that big, and it will feel crowded if there are many people.
At this moment, the phone in the blockhouse was ringing desperately.

The platoon leader Zhi raised his voice: "Oh, Company Commander Chen, don't worry if I have arranged everything. As soon as we see their shadows, we will flee to Xujiatun to gather and make sure they let the rats eat eggs. We can't find a place to talk. .”


"Don't worry, everything in the blockhouse was emptied last night, and he won't be able to get anything."



A team with banners rumbled and ran in disorder from west to east, and the gun towers ahead were far away.
Not long after, a whistle sounded from the top of the gun tower.

Half a platoon of security forces ran out of the gun tower.

The security forces running in front held the telephones, and the security forces behind didn't even leave the chamber pot in the house.

A puppet soldier murmured: "The idiot county magistrate actually asked the water conservation team to attack the artillery building. He really wanted to make meritorious deeds and was crazy."

Another puppet soldier smiled slyly: "Hey, let's play with him."

"Have the company commander called the people in the city to report?"

"I have already reported it. The higher ups are very supportive of the drills between the security forces and the Water Conservation Corps. They said that as many bullet casings as we handed back, we can exchange as many bullets."

The scout trotted to the southern blockhouse, went straight to Chen Chong, and reported with a smile: "Reporting to the company commander, Captain Sun only brought a battalion of more than [-] people, about three miles away from the Guojiazhuang blockhouse."

Chen Chong waved his hand: "Call Lao Meng immediately and let them get ready."

The soldier next to him immediately shook the phone: "Hello."

Xujiazhuang Cannon Tower.

With the gun tower as the center, a total of six trenches were dug in three circles and three circles around it. With the traffic trenches added, it is no different from a spider web.
If there is no heavy weapon, there is no door to get close to the gun tower.
The puppet troops from the Guojiazhuang artillery tower in the south are running towards him.

"Is this fucking playing house?" Captain Meng, who was in charge of the command, saw his teeth ache: "After a while, when we saw the attacking Water Conservation Team, everyone greeted at the place with the flag at gunpoint.
One of the student soldiers brought back by Ma Liang murmured, "Header Sun is too cowardly, isn't he? He was forced by Yang to beat his own people?"

"Captain Meng, there is one thing I don't understand. Let's tell the county government directly that we have all these blockhouses in our hands, can't we?"

Lao Meng replied: "The people in the county government are mixed with fish and dragons, and it is easy to leak information."

"However, we are making such a big commotion, and the little devil is not blind, can this be concealed?"

The half of the pot of water next to him rushed to talk: "You know what a fart, the little devil has long known that we are in cahoots with the gun tower."

The questioner immediately corrected the question: "You used the word incorrectly, and it is derogatory to be complicit!"

The half-can of water stared: "Then which word should you use?"

Ask the person who deliberately said: "You should use embarrassment"


"Hey, to be serious, this guy is here to pick peaches. Is he crazy because he wants to make meritorious service?"

"People's hearts are separated by belly, who knows?" Half a tank of water suddenly thought of something: "Wait, I just said that the little devil knows our relationship with the blockhouse?"

"Don't you think the little devil is really blind?"

"Why doesn't that little devil care?" Half a tank of water asked with a stare.

"Do you think Teacher Mei and the others are vegetarians for dismantling the committee? Most of the puppet troops on the plains now have ties to the Eighth Route Army."

"I said, can you be more precise with the words, what does it mean to have legs?" Half a tank of water immediately grabbed the other party's language disorder.

"Well, there are puppet troops related to the Eighth Route Army all over the place, and the little devil won't be able to control them for a while." This man deliberately joked with half a can of water.

"What you said seems to make sense"

An County Military Camp.

Shao Zuo looked at all the subordinates in the conference room: "Tubalu fought by himself this time, what do you think?"

"The Chinese are just not united, so we can just sit on the sidelines." A captain didn't care.

"The Water Conservation Group secretly colluded with the Eight Routes, and even voted for the Eight Routes as a whole. I suggest that Sun Youshang be assassinated directly, and then send our people to replace him." The other captain first analyzed and then suggested.

A middle-aged man immediately objected: "Hehe, the county magistrate must first make some contributions in the Eighth Route Army, otherwise, how can he get promoted?"

Shao Zuo nodded: "The strategy of using China to control China cannot be changed."

The third captain finally spoke: "However, Tuba Road burned the warehouse of the chamber of commerce and caused us a lot of losses."

"No matter how big the loss is, it's just a problem with the goods. The most urgent thing is to assist County Magistrate Yang and get rid of Sun Youshang from the Water Conservation Team with a reasonable excuse."

"I suggest that Guo Qing wait for an opportunity to incorporate the Water Conservation Group in the name of fighting for territory."

"Do you think that Guo Qing is very reliable? This guy is also swayed by the wind, otherwise the imperial army would not have encircled and suppressed him last time."

Shao Zuo listened to the suggestions of his subordinates and waved his hands: "It seems that you still haven't fully understood the current situation. On the surface, the Water Conservation Group is in the hands of the Eight Routes. In fact, to us, what is a Water Conservation Group? ? Mustard disease only!

If you really want to exterminate them, you can do it in a day or two, but what will be the result of exterminating them?

Like some concentration camps, the Eight Route Army was wiped out, but the result was that they couldn't even collect military food, but the concentration camp still asked for food.

And let the eight roads take over, but it can guarantee to receive the military rations on schedule!Think about it, what choice should we make? "

"But if you are so laissez-faire, you may feed tigers." The third captain was a little worried.

Shao Zuo smiled mysteriously: "You are wrong, raising tigers is a problem. First of all, he must be a tiger! Just like why the empire established the Jinling government? It's just a few dogs biting each other. We only need to let the obedient dogs win the final victory." Victory will ultimately guarantee the interests of the empire."

"Young master! The surname Yang has great eyes and low hands. If he really controls this area, on the surface, he has developed a large so-called base area and made great contributions to the Eighth Route. In order to maintain this status quo, he will definitely pay the food on time. But in fact , but the imperial army is secretly controlling everything, so what does it matter if he is the Eight Route Army or not?" The third second lieutenant was the first to understand.

"Understood, it turns out that this is the highest state of using Chinese to control Chinese!" The other two captains nodded at the same time.

Shao Zuo concluded with a smirk: "So, everyone must be clear, within the scope of control, to choose between eliminating the Eight Routes or allowing the Eight Routes to be used by me. First consider maximizing the interests of the empire. On the surface, it seems to leave life for the opponent. But it is the most conducive to economic acquisition!

And this is just the first step. Wait until the Eight Routes relax their vigilance and arrange elite personnel to enrich the so-called base areas. At that time, they only need to concentrate their forces to settle the situation in one fell swoop. According to the words of the Chinese people, killing pigs has to wait until the pigs are fattened. knife slaughter"

Major Maeda, the military police commander who was watching, couldn't help feeling a little worried.

There was no such statement in the newly promulgated national policy of the empire the year before last, and it has always adopted a completely high-pressure policy of only suppressing the Eight Routes!

(End of this chapter)

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