under fire

Chapter 1201: Huangqiu Cave Squadron

Chapter 1201: Huangqiu Cave Squadron

A soldier looked a little weird, and ran to the old bandit Qi: "Report Captain Qi and Captain Qin, the people arranged by Battalion Commander Hu have arrived."

Captain Qi was overjoyed: "Hurry up and bring them here!"

Captain Qin looked at the old gangster Qi: "It seems that I can finally return to the team."

Captain Qi nodded: "During this time, you have worked hard."

Captain Qin said, "I'm really reluctant to leave."

Captain Qi: "Less one person, save one person's ration."

Captain Qin had black lines on his face: "I said old gangster Qi! Is that why I don't invite you to see me?"

"Hey, you call me Old Bandit Qi, which sounds good to me. Let me tell you... If you hadn't stopped me, we would have recruited at least a few hundred broken soldiers by now."

"A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart. Tell me, if you really need hundreds of mouths, how can you feed them?"

"Pang just promised to give [-] catties of food, the little devils openly recruited the New Fifth Army and the Forty Army, and we secretly recruited the defeated soldiers. What a wonderful thing?"

"One hundred thousand catties? The cake that the guy who burned the incense on the mountain just drew you is good. It's just a number before you get it." Captain Qin couldn't help shaking his head, and said in a serious tone: "The point is, if it is leaked What about the wind? How can you guarantee that they will obey the leadership of the Eighth Route Army?"

The old gangster Qi was a little upset: "I fight wars, and the little devil is fine. You let me lead the people to open up wasteland and cultivate land. What the hell is this?"

Captain Qin chuckled: "Isn't the person arranged by Battalion Commander Hu here? What are you worried about now?"

The old gangster Qi can finally feel proud. Captain Qin is really good at doing ideological work: "You really want to leave? Don't regret it when the time comes... Now we have food and people in our hands. Okay, I'm not joking with you. You wait for me to After the rout company in the west is incorporated, you can leave before it is too late."

After finishing speaking, he saw that the sentinel was still standing beside him, and Captain Qi glared at the sentinel: "What are you still standing here for?"

The sentinel shrank his neck: "They have arrived."

There was a platoon in the dusty team, and the leader saw the tall old bandit Qi, strode forward and stretched out his hand: "Are you Captain Qi?"

Old Bandit Qi looked at the person coming: "My surname is Qi, just call me Old Bandit Qi. Who are you?"

The visitor smiled slightly: "My surname is Pu, and my name is Pu Buhuan."

Old bandit Qi knew a lot about the Nine Battalion, and he stared wide-eyed: "Are you the instructor Park who can dodge bullets?"

"It's just bragging..." Pu Buhuan waved his hand to deny it, and smiled openly: "Hey...Brother Qi, I heard that you are also from Baishan Heishui before you come here, we are considered fellows"

The old gangster Qi has black lines, this guy told himself that he is a fellow?

Uh. Speaking of which, Goryeo could barely be regarded as a Chinese citizen in the Ming Dynasty [see supplementary words] squeezed out a smile: "Everyone applauds and welcomes the Eighth Route Army Instructor Pu"

Pu Buhuan hurriedly stopped: ".Remember clearly, we can't say that we are the Eighth Route Army to the outside world, lest some people make a fuss about it."

Old bandit Qi nodded awkwardly: "Then how do we report the number to the outside world?"

number?Park Buhuan didn't talk too much: "Inside, it's the No. [-] district of the local area, and the guerrilla detachment of Huangqiudong, the fifth subdivision managed by the independent regiment, is called White Wolf Mountain outside."

This number is really confusing, but old gangster Qi didn't care so much: "Do you really want us to be kings of the mountain?"

This guy really regarded himself as a bandit, Park Buhuan, dumbfounded: "How many people have you developed during this time?"

The old gangster Qi glanced at Captain Qin, and asked angrily: "There are more than 100 people with guns, and more than a thousand militiamen. How many people did you bring?"

Is this person really turning this place into a soldier for all the people?Pu Buhuan was stunned for a moment: "I brought a reinforcement company, which is at the back, and I can arrive tomorrow."

The reinforcement company led by Pu Buhuan was He Chuanlin company that Xiao Hongying replaced from the third battalion.

After getting the consent of the political commissar of the head of the regiment, he went south.

The old bandit Qi didn't know about the doorway, so he was so excited that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear: "A company really came?"

"It's more real than real gold and silver!"

The old gangster Qi was overjoyed: "Then let's fight all over the South Taihang. There is no opponent in the mountainous area!"

"You can really think about it!" Park Buhuan waved his fist: "Captain Qin of the student class is the instructor. I will help you train the team first during this time."

Captain Qin was stunned for a moment: "Hey, I want to go back to the base area."

"You are Captain Qin? Hehe, you may not be able to go back for the time being." Park Buhuan took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket: "This is the letter of appointment given to you by the Anti-Japanese University. From today onwards, you will act as the guerrilla agent in Huangqiu Cave." Squadron Instructor"

"What?" Captain Qin couldn't believe it, he was a member of the Anti-University, okay?
Just rely on the Nine Battalions...Why arrange your own duties?

Seeing Captain Qin's disbelief, Pu Buhuan added: "Your study team, including two disabled students, have come with the Huangqiu Cave Guerrilla Squadron."

From a company commander to a member of the Anti-University, he became the leader of the study team with his true skills, and he was promoted to the battalion commander after returning home.

Jiuying gave him an acting instructor position?

The letter of appointment was stamped with the seal of the Anti-Japanese War. Captain Qin was a little puzzled as to how the Ninth Battalion did all of this: "I"

Park Buhuan, as the instructor of the headquarters, taught a lesson: "Don't be like a mother-in-law, follow orders, and, you should know that training and reorganizing the team is one of the learning contents of the grassroots commanders of the Anti-Japanese University."

The old bandit Qi next to him didn't know that the conversation between the two had a deeper meaning, so he rubbed his hands together: "Great, after the team is trained, we'll go out to the east to fight the little devils, end the cannon tower, rob the devil's railway, and snatch the fakes." government."

Park Buhuan turned his head and lowered his voice: "I heard that you are from the Young Marshal's Guard?"

The old gangster Qi immediately changed his face: "No."

Seeing this guy, Pu Buhuan didn't admit it, and he didn't ask: "It's okay to get a gun in the mountains, but it's not easy to get bullets, so... the next training, everyone must save money."

The old gangster Qi looked confident: "Hey, don't worry, Pang. The enemy will send me bullets."

This time it was Park Buhuan's turn to wonder, this is deep in the mountains, do the devils and puppet troops often enter the mountains to raid?
Being reprimanded by Park Buhuan, Captain Qin woke up like a dream. The Eighth Route Army did not have many rules and regulations. Obedience to orders was the first rule, and he immediately entered the role: "The basic training of the rout soldiers is good, and the shooting training can be reduced appropriately, but the real difficulty lies in Increased ideological awareness”

Park Buhuan waved his hand: "Ideological awareness... including cultural learning, that's what you, the acting instructor, have to consider"

Soon, the teams sleeping in the cave and nearby gathered first.

Park Buhuan stood in front of the team, pacing back and forth.

He is thinking about the next training issue.

In addition to theoretical study, the teaching of the Anti-Japanese University will replace training with actual combat. In the past, the training objects were all commanders at all levels with a basic education.

But this time, the warrior he faced
Outside Xinglong Town.

Hot wind and scorching sun, windy sand and dead grass, lonely plain road with potholes.

Riding bicycles and wandering around outside the common people's work place for half an afternoon, the investigation team finally attracted the attention of the security forces.

Two puppet soldiers with five-color cap badges in the middle of their military caps ran to the road with their guns in hand, and stopped the bicycle team: "Hey? What are you wandering around here all day?"

When someone approached, a puppet soldier rubbed his eyes: "Hey big dog, when did you become a detective team?"

Another puppet soldier next to him yelled: "Oh, big dog, when did you wash your face? I didn't even recognize you."

The big dog had a batgun hanging from his waist, and the horse four rings wrapped in cloth sat across the back of the bicycle. The two puppet soldiers were old acquaintances: "What the hell are we, the captain, wanting to talk to your battalion commander."

"Battalion Commander? Battalion Commander Wang has been promoted to regiment commander long ago, and he is drinking with the rangers in the town." This guy spoke without restraint.

But Dagou was taken aback. He was now in the detective team. How could this guy dare to say in front of his face that the head of the Security Army had contacts with the Rangers?

Seeing that the big dog did not speak, the puppet army asked curiously: "I said big dog, what are you doing in a daze?"

Is there really a collusion between the puppet army and the Rangers?The big dog came back to his senses: "What the hell our captain is looking for your head, since head Wang is not available, it's the same for the two of you to go."

The puppet army was overjoyed: "Hey, is there any business? It's not convenient for you to make a move?"

"Hey, you kid is smart!"

 The Western Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty, and Shang Zhou's brother Jizi led 1000 immigrants to establish the first regime in the dynasty: Jizi Dynasty first, the territory of the peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula, the capital Pingxiang has existed for more than [-] years
  In the late Warring States period, Yan attacked Jizi and occupied Liaodong

  The barbarian ruled by the Qin Dynasty fled to the south to make a living and build a colony

  At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Weiman fled to the court for refuge, drove away the Jizi Dynasty king, and became self-reliant. A hundred years later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent troops to destroy the Weiman Dynasty king and established four counties, one of which was Lelang County, which is now near Pingxiang.

  Gongsun Yuan of Wei Gongsun of the Three Kingdoms built Daifang County in the south of Lelang, around Seoul

  In the Western Jin Dynasty, Lelang County fell to the north
  The survivors of the Kija dynasty developed and built Silla towards the south of the peninsula. The southwest of the peninsula was Baekje, and the southeast of the north and northeast of the peninsula was Gogoryeo.
  Tang and Silla unite to destroy Baekje Gogoryeo

  Tang occupied Baekje, and later gave it to Silla. Gaogouli was divided between Tang and Silla. With the Daedong River as the boundary, the north belonged to Tang and the south belonged to Silla.
  After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, Goryeo in the north of Silla rose to dominate the peninsula.

  Mongolia was ravaged, and the Goryeo royal family intermarried with Mongolia, and they were close to Mongolia, which caused dissatisfaction among the Han officials and the people.

  In the Ming Dynasty, Li Chenggui, the minister of Korea, overthrew Goryeo with the support of the officials and the common people, and established a pro-China regime. Emperor Hongwu Zhu Yuanzhang personally named it "Chaoxian"

  During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese invaded the DPRK, and the Qi army of the Ming Dynasty sent troops to resist the Japanese and aid the DPRK, and drove away the Japanese.
  At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty invaded the dynasty and wanted to assist the Manchus to attack the Ming Dynasty.The king of the dynasty refused: the relationship between the dynasty and the Ming Dynasty is the relationship between the son and the father!
  The Qing Dynasty unified the Central Plains, and the dynasty has always used the Chongzhen reign name
  After the Meiji era, the Sino-Japanese War broke out on the Korean peninsula. The Japanese victory forced the Korean Empire to become independent. The Korean Empire was established.
  Historically, the Central Plains dynasty has never merged because the dynasty was too poor and the cost of management was high.
  In the first year of the Republic of China, Japan merged with North Korea

(End of this chapter)

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