under fire

Chapter 1203

Chapter 1203
Gunfire erupted from the direction of the barracks.

The sound of gunfire shattered the tranquility of the plain.

The two devils climbed up the fence and fired two more shots, and found that the naked guy was too good at running!

Run more than [-] meters in just over ten seconds

A three-wheeled motorcycle rushed out of the gate first.

Afterwards, a large group of devils ran out from the gate of the barracks, laughing and joking, planning to have a hunting game.

Kong Changbang, who was running in the wilderness, recovered from the initial panic.

Seeing that there seemed to be puppet soldiers leading the common people to work in the south, they had to run southeast.

His hands were tied behind his back with hemp rope, which was so tightly tied that he couldn't break free.

The stake had fallen when he fell from the wall to the ground.

Still trying to get rid of the hemp rope tied to his wrist, with his hands behind his back, he couldn't run fast at all.

He knew that there was a village in the southeast. If he could run to the south village, as long as he could persist until dark, he felt that there was still a chance of survival.
After running southeast for a certain distance, the barefoot Kong Changbang adjusted his direction and ran southward desperately in the wilderness.

The speed of the motorcycle was too fast, and instead of chasing him into the wilderness, he went south along the main road, sandwiching him between the security forces in the southwest.

He didn't hear the devil's gunshot, no matter how stupid he was, he quickly understood that the devil wanted to catch him alive.
In the wilderness further south of the security forces, a black-clothed detective team suddenly appeared.
I regretted it, I knew I should go north.

Pray in my heart, those detective teams must not come sideways to block him
The chasing devil infantry is in the north, the outflanking motorcycles are in the east, the security forces are in the west, and the reconnaissance team is in the south of the security forces
Looking at the detective team, those people were obviously riding bicycles, and keenly noticed that the detective team didn't seem to be outflanking, and two of the bicycles were leaving in the southwest direction
Most people stopped in place after dispersing.
There are gaps in the south though.
But the little devil's motorcycle that outflanked him was too fast, and he absolutely couldn't run.

he is desperate
Force yourself to calm down, be sure to calm down, and finally a flash of light comes to mind.
The traitors of the detective team must not know what happened!
If those people want to take credit in front of the devil, the ropes tied to their hands seem to be a little loose. With their own skills, even if they tear off the flesh of their left hand, they will have to free up a hand... It is entirely possible to snatch the detective The guns in the hands of those people.

Then he was shot dead on the spot!
Immediately make up your mind, even if you die, you have to snatch the guns of the detectives, and it is better to smash your own heart than to be eaten by that devilish devil
Those detective team traitors seemed to be scattered, Kong Changbang had seen many detective team traitors, these people in front of him should not be detective team traitors!

Because they were firing mortars.
These people are definitely not Balu, and Balu doesn't have such good equipment.

Could it be that people from the government army disguised themselves as traitors from the detective team and prepared to restore Fuxinglong Town?
A glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in my heart.
Seeing the fleeing Huaxia man running towards the detective team, the chasing devils couldn't help laughing.
The detective team is just a dog of the imperial army, how can a dog dare to disobey the order of the imperial army?
The three-wheeled motorcycles that outflanked and pursued drove directly into the wilderness.

The devils who came out of the barracks and chased them felt that they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and the chase would take a lot of effort, okay?
In their view, the hunting game is over prematurely.
Hu Yi didn't expect that the person who escaped from the devil's barracks would come to him.

Comrades from the enemy industry department have left with the leader, and Ma Liang leads people to meet him in the southwest direction. The leader's safety is no problem.

Hu Yi immediately gave an order: "Big dog, make sure you hit it later, and seize that three-wheeled motorcycle."

The two puppet soldiers who were chatting in the detective team were shot, and finally realized that something was wrong.

Big Dog’s words are very simple: “Fuck, live with Eight Routes, otherwise, die”

Since most of the security forces in Xinglong Town are outsiders and have no family members, these two have no evidence of returning to the War of Resistance. No one knows whether the two puppet troops have committed evil. The high-level work in the area has not been done properly.
After the team dispersed, they did not hide at all, but hid their mortar machine guns behind them.

The man who escaped from the devil's barracks naked finally approached the temporary position of the reconnaissance team.

Follow the devil motorcycle and drive to the detective team
The atmosphere was a little tense.

The three devils on the motorcycle didn't realize that something was wrong at all.

The devil behind the machine gun and behind the driver jumped off the motorcycle early in the truck, ready to go forward to arrest people with arrogance.

Suddenly, I found that two of the detective team raised their shell guns, and one of them was raising his rifle
Generally speaking, detectives are not equipped with long guns
From between the legs of the detective team, it seems to have seen yellow-green mortars, grenades
Even if I only saw a small part of it, I immediately understood what it was. How could the detective team have such a thing?
The two devils were not stupid, and immediately turned around, ready to run back.

Bang bang bang.
The sheller rifle fired three times in a row.

The distance between the two sides was too close, and all three devils were knocked down in an instant.

Passing by the dirty face of Kong Changbang who stayed on the spot, he pulled out his bayonet, cut off the hemp rope that tied Kong Changbang's hands behind his back, and cursed: "What are you doing in a daze, quickly pick up the devil's clothes and wear them, it's really fun to sneak around Is it?"

Adrenaline has a disadvantage. It will disappear after a long time, and people will feel fatigued after it.

Kong Changbang gritted his teeth and tore off the blood-stained devil's uniform and put it on his body.

He is tall, and the military uniform taken from the corpse of the devil on the ground is two or three sizes too small
There were more than [-] or [-] devil infantry chasing from the wilderness.

The distance is at least 200 meters.
Da da da.
Luo Fugui, who hastily dug out the bunker, gave way to the machine gun position as the deputy shooter.

Hu Yi, who jumped into the bunker, pulled the Czech trigger, and the machine gun in his hand rang immediately after resetting.
The first rain of bullets poured on the chasing devils with the sound of breaking wind.

The three-point bullet trajectory tore left and right among the trotting devils.
More than a dozen devils were overthrown on the spot.
More devils were frightened and fell to the ground
The shell in Dirty Face's hand shot the devil's driver in the forehead, then turned the top of the motorcycle's sub-machine gun to pull the trigger, and then used the motorcycle as a cover to aim at the devil in the open wilderness Aim, then press the trigger.

chug chug.
The second wave of machine gun bullets hit the crowd of devils who were already standing still or squatting or lying down and preparing to fight back.

Among the devils in the wilderness, warheads crackled and crackled everywhere.

Fortunately, when the second round of bullets rained down, most of the soldiers had already lay down, and there were not many casualties.

Suppressed by the opponent's firepower, the sound of returning gunfire decreased.

The other party even snatched the machine gun on the motorcycle, which made the second lieutenant who didn't have a machine gun feel somewhat aggrieved.

But what is the Royal Army?
He is invincible in the world, so what if there is no machine gun firepower?
Just relying on the warriors' precise shooting, they can tear up all those prey!
The second lieutenant in the team was startled at first, and then a trace of excitement crept up his ferocious face.

Originally, I just wanted to hunt a rabbit to join in the fun, but I didn't expect to attract a large group of rabbits.

Chasing a fleeing Huaxia man, he bumped into a rebel army disguised as a reconnaissance team, regardless of whether you are the Eighth Route or the Rangers.

You can't find you everywhere, now you finally show your face, and immediately command the left and right to deploy and shoot back.

This hunting game just keeps getting more fun!
What's more, the military camp is behind the left, and the Imperial Association Army is behind the right.
Just hold them off for 10 minutes and reinforcements will arrive!
The distance is really far, more than 100 meters away, it is very difficult to hit the opponent, braving the rain of machine gun bullets from the rebels, the devils raised their rifles and shot
The sun was already in the west, and in the field of view of the second lieutenant's telescope, something seemed wrong, and the other party seemed to want to run away
A rebel jumped on the motorbike that was turned off, and the motorcycle began to move eastward. The guy who was shooting with a machine gun jumped into the body of the motorcycle that was moving slowly, holding the machine gun and sitting in the car. In the bucket, put the machine gun on the seat behind the driver and shoot sideways.

And those rebels who were shooting jumped on their bicycles one after another and fled eastward sparsely.

The rest of them blocked it while running like rabbits.
are fleeing east
A person sitting on the back seat of a bicycle can still shoot a rifle?


The second lieutenant immediately got excited, dancing and singing strangely: "All. Pursue!"

There are cars in the barracks, and they can follow them at any time!
As for the reinforcements of the Imperial Association Army, which guards the people's work?
love come or not
Mei County.

Behind a car with a three-wheeled machine gun, followed by a heavily covered truck, drove into the Meixian Gendarmerie compound one after another.

The captain of the gendarmerie came downstairs to meet him himself.

Not many people came, and judging by the military rank of the leading devil, he turned out to be a major.

The captain smiled and bowed: "Your Excellency, Major, is welcome to come and guide you. The county hospital is ready."

There are two lines of small characters on the car door, which should be the number of the major troops who came to guide: Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Detachment, [-] Troop Expedition A-[-] Detachment
(End of this chapter)

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