under fire

Chapter 1213 The Match by the Suspension Bridge

Chapter 1213 Conversation by the Suspension Bridge
The division acted as a vanguard, and the fighters who passed the blockade ditch had to retreat into the ditch.

Fortunately, the soldiers quickly restored the barbed wire to its original state.

The puppet soldiers who came out of the South Cannon Tower to patrol did not look carefully, and walked slowly northward with torches.

The searchlight column on the top of the gun tower swayed back and forth along the blockade ditch.

Officer Lin, who was lying on the west side of Fengsuogou, got a little angry. Before he could send someone to the north to urge the cadet team, a soldier from the Divisional Secret Service Battalion ran up to Officer Lin panting: "Report. The company commander told us to go north."

After being silent for a while, Officer Lin suddenly said, "What's the difference between the north and here?"

"The company commander took down the gun tower"

Director Lin was furious: "It's simple to play the piano randomly. Our task is to secretly cross the blockade. What is their trouble?"

The guard wasn't afraid: "Hey, didn't you say you were going to make some noise? We took the students and took the puppet gun tower directly. Is the noise big enough?"

After a while, the chief of the enemy engineering section of the division saw the lowered suspension bridge with a look of surprise on his face, and excitedly murmured to the angry officer Lin next to him: "The fighters of our secret service battalion are really powerful. You have to let us take down the gun tower without making a sound." They passed this hand on to us and promoted it again.”

Now that it's useless to get angry, Officer Lin could only smile wryly: "I don't know how they managed to prevent the enemy from finding out."

Standing on the opposite side of the suspension bridge, Wang Liujin looked smugly at the team that walked directly across the suspension bridge and crossed the blockade ditch. When he saw Officer Lin, he immediately urged: "Can you act faster, this matter will not be hidden for long."

Officer Lin stopped in his tracks and lowered his voice: "Tell me, did the students do it?"

Wang Liujin nodded, and handed him a cigarette: "Hey, they have a close relationship with the headquarters secret service group, you should know about this."

Officer Lin took the cigarette but didn't light it, and frowned: "Among the students of the independent regiment, there are everyone who sneaks around. As an instructor, you must educate them well."

"You can smoke at ease. If you don't smoke here, can you still be called a puppet army?" Wang Liujin took out a match, and the two lit their cigarettes: "You can't always look at our soldiers with prejudice. You should be better than me in the situation." What’s more, in the early years, our Eighth Route Army’s armaments and equipment were simple and in short supply. Almost none of the soldiers in the front line could guarantee a gun in their hands. For the majority of soldiers, owning a gun is completely a a luxury."

"Are you educating me?"

"Hey, you're the one who said that. Let's take Battalion Commander Hu as an example. Before he joined the Eighth Route Army, he fought for nearly ten years. During the five years of joining the Eighth Route Army, the Ninth Battalion has fought more devils than many regiments. You have studied abroad, but you can't always use your theory and tactics against the puppet army."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Teach them your skills of pressing the bottom of the box"

Officer Lin immediately denied it: "I don't have any ability to suppress the bottom of the box."

"Which one of us is with whom, don't act like a fool in front of me"

"Um... I'll consider it, but at least... ten bottles of wine."

"I really don't know how you became an enemy worker officer. Can you expand your mind a little bit? People use captured armored vehicles to trade with the division, and you are still looking at a few bottles of wine."

"You know what a fart, sending a few bottles of wine between our comrades-in-arms is not a violation of discipline. Wait, you said that the armored vehicles in the fifth division are related to them?"

"They got both"

Officer Lin gasped: "Is this true?"

"If you don't believe me, after this mission is completed, I will ask them to send you an armored patrol car running on the railway."

"You can really blow."

"Blow? Hehe, do you know why they asked Lao Li to bring news to the guerrillas in Huangqiu Cave in the mountains?"

"Don't give a shit."

"They are going to attack the devil's food train."

"Isn't it ridiculous? The devils have deployed heavy troops along the railway line, with two artillery towers per mile, and armored patrol vehicles on the railway patrol every half an hour. Even if they can stop the army trains transporting food from the devils, they can get the train on board within half an hour." take away all the food?"

"They had already calculated that a train could transport at most 1 million catties of grain, and the Devil's Army trains usually don't only transport grain, they may even transport cloth, which is what we urgently need."

"The Devils still have armored trains on the railway, uh. Do you know what an armored train is?"

"I don't care what kind of train he is, as long as he blows up the railway, he won't be able to get through it."

"Tell them, don't do anything about this matter for now, the superior has bigger plans"

"Can't you tell yourself?"

"If I say it out, it's called leaking secrets"

"Then you agreed?"

"Promise what? I didn't promise anything."

"Let me tell you, the tactics you have studied, even if you write a flower, it is only a theory without actual testing. You know what is going on with our secret service battalion. Most of the time is spent on security work, and there is no chance to implement it. The tactics you wrote about"

"The students are not well-educated, and it is impossible to meet my requirements."

"In the Eighth Route Army, if you can read and write, you are considered literate. How can he go to the battlefield with more mathematics, chemistry, physics and theory? In the end, we soldiers can shoot the guns to kill the enemy. We don't want to hide it. It's settled."

"Wait, you let the students deliberately take down the gun tower, is it my idea?"

"Your set of theories can be carried forward by the students with a little modification, and it is a pile of waste paper in your enemy industry department."

"let me see"

"After passing this village, this shop will disappear.""

"You keep it a secret.
"Keep it secret."

"Then go and tell the chief yourself, as long as the chief agrees, I have no objection."

"Aren't you just worried that the weapon configuration can't keep up? Do you know that the Jiuying has a nickname?"

"What nickname?"

"Smoke of wickedness" Wang Liujin smiled mysteriously.

"Did you take their benefits?"

"So what if you take it? Also, you know how the Devil's Type [-] submachine guns from our spy camp got here. Let me tell you now, they were all seized by students from the Independent Regiment."

"You have to understand how much logistical support is required to set up such a team."

"The Ninth Battalion has mortars, grenade launchers, and got a heavy machine gun last night. Someone in the team can speak birds, and you may not know, they also have radio soldiers, medical soldiers, half of the backbone can Riding a motorcycle, several people can also drive a car, most people can ride a bicycle”

"The hardware, our teachers can still get it together by tightening their belts. The most important thing is the psychological quality"

"Hey, let me ask you, do you dare to put on the devil's uniform and enter the gun tower of the puppet army as if you were going home, and slap the puppet army without saying a word?"

"They have this ability?"

"Last year, Captain Qin led the battalion-level rotation training team out of the mountains to perform a mission. Do you remember the encounter with a guerrilla team?"

"You mean the battle at Xiaowangzhuang. I've seen their battle summary."

"Do you know who the guerrillas leading the team are?"

"Could it be them? I remember it was Park Buhuan?"

"Then do you know why Park Buhuan brought the Volunteer Army, so many main forces didn't go, but he insisted on messing with the independent regiment?"

"According to what you said, you can try it, just."

"Just what? Isn't it because their fighters have a complex composition? According to me, in our Eighth Route Army, people with good roots can't do the things you said."

"I will report to my superiors"

"Reporting shit, can't you try something first? Besides, even Director Zhang of the Ministry of Political Affairs suggested it."

"how do you know?"

Wang Liujin lowered his voice: "Can you not know the message I sent?"

(End of this chapter)

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