under fire

Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222
Wang Liujin fiddled with the [-]-type heavy machine gun for a while, and reluctantly ordered: "All students must not touch anything in the gun tower, and prepare to retreat.
Xiao Hongying greeted Wang Liujin who came down from the second floor, "Fifth Instructor has something to do."

Wang Liujin stopped in his tracks: "What's the matter?"

"Can you add two more students?"

"Of course not." Wang Liujin thought for a while, "You mean Crazy Yang and that guy named Liu?"

"Hey, can you accommodate me?"

Wang Liujin shook his head: "Their backgrounds are complicated, you have to ask Director Lin for this matter."

Xiao Hongying immediately turned her face: "The Eighth Route Army welcomes any team or individual who fights devils. You have no right to do so?"

"I said, girl, you know the rules of the Eighth Route Army as well as I do. They are all members of the Nationalist Party, and they can't pass the inspection in a short time."

Xiaohong directly frowned: "The Ministry of Enemy Industry agrees with them to participate in the escort mission. Why can't they pass the review?"

"Anyway, it's not possible!" After Wang Liujin finished speaking, he lowered his voice and muttered: "When we are in class, you can arrange them to be guards to observe."

Block the ditch.

Crazy Yang and Liu Yuanqing got together and muttered for a while.

Liu Yuanqing found Hu Yi and handed over the devil's diary: "The 24th Group Army has finished its reorganization, and the four brigades and one security brigade have nearly [-] people. They were transported by rail last night and arranged at various stations along the railway line from An County to Xinxiang."

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "Are you sure it's only arranged along the railway?"

"No mistake, such a big move, there is no way to keep secrets. I don't think the devil intends to keep it secret. The devil's instructor just came back from the county seat, and his diary wrote it clearly."

"This is wrong. There are at least tens of thousands of people who voted for the devils as puppet soldiers. What about the others?"

Liu Yuanqing didn't even have to think about it: "With a little devil's temper, he will probably sweep up the bases in the mountains and plains, so as to get blood on their hands."

"I see." Hu Yi guessed in his heart that the puppet army was mobilized on a large scale after only one month of reorganization. There are two possibilities. One is that the counterattack plan of the higher-level arrangement bureau has been leaked, and the other is that the puppet army will take over from the devils to carry out security purges.

No matter what the situation is, it is possible to launch another raid on the base area
But now, he escorted the chief to go out to investigate, and the devils sent more troops to the county along the railway. How to safely enter the mountain through the Ping-Han Railway has become a problem.

After Wang Liujin heard Hu Yi's report, he quickly arranged for the guards of the secret service battalion to return to the station to report to the enemy's Ministry of Industry.

All the captives were thrown to the troops from the division to pick up the artillery tower.

The trainees who had just arrived at the gun tower and had not had time to communicate with each other immediately returned to the station.

The original plan to attack the gun tower at night was terminated directly.

The independent group received an order from their superiors to rescue the people in the concentration camp in Xinglong Town!
Except for some militiamen and recruits staying behind, the main force of each battalion was assembled in Qingshan Village.

Head Lu summoned Wu Yan, Gao Yidao, Hao Ping, and Qin You to briefly talk about the mission.

There was no mobilization, no mission was notified to the soldiers, and the team dispatched directly.

The vanguard set off first.

The political commissar of the head of the regiment and Deputy Minister Zhao of the enemy's Ministry of Industry walked in the front, followed by Wu Yan's first battalion, the second battalion walked in the middle of the team, the ninth battalion followed closely, and the third battalion fell behind.

Gao Yidao was leaning on crutches, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Habitually looked at the immoral and smoking Jiuying behind.

Tian Sanqi and Lao Qin, who were not fully recovered from their injuries, led the expedition.

The entire independent regiment was almost out in force.

The soldiers were very excited when they finally had the opportunity to go out of the mountain.

The enemy continued to raid, and the independent regiment rose in the face of adversity. From the C-type regiment of three companies to today's strong soldiers, the head of the Lu regiment is full of vigor.

Under the summer sun, the winding procession was two or three miles long, and there were many guard posts on the hills on both sides.

It is absolutely impossible for the little devil to think that not long after the early Xia raid was over, the independent group that has always looked like a little daughter-in-law has the ability to launch a local offensive with great fanfare.

The political commissar who was working for the puppet army in the Shankou Paolou was already walking in front, Vice Minister Zhao looked at the dancing head Lu Tuan Zhang, who was a little bit dumbfounded: "Hey, I said you laughed so hard that your mouth cracked to the back of your head, can you be more cautious? "

Head Lu laughed in his tone: "You said. Can we take off the hat of our independent regiment?"

"You have been able to join the main force group long ago. The chief has given instructions. This matter will not be announced to the public for the time being. You can continue to bear it for the time being."

A soldier came in a hurry: "Report, urgent call from headquarters"

Deputy Minister Zhao took over a thick stack of telegrams from the telegraph operator.

Head Lu asked casually: "When will the main force arranged by the superior come out?"

"Just take care of your own business. The chief of staff has already set off with the third regiment and the main [-]th regiment. They will arrive near Xinglong Town tomorrow. If the conditions are right, Mei County will be liberated!" Deputy Minister Zhao's face was full of worry. .

Head Lu didn't notice Vice Minister Zhao's expression: "I can finally breathe out this time."

Deputy Minister Zhao looked worried: "The Water Conservation Team acted without authorization and disrupted the complete plan of the superior."

"Didn't it just hit a few blockhouses?" Commander Lu was taken aback for a moment. The Water Conservation Corps was nominally led by the Supplementary Corps, but in fact it was an outside force of the Independent Corps.

The higher-ups considered strengthening the armed forces in the base areas, and only transferred the Water Conservation Corps to the county government a few days ago.

In his opinion, the Water Conservation Regiment's artillery building in the north was just a cover for this operation.

Vice Minister Zhao shook his head: "The intelligence department of the headquarters reported that the enemy has long known that the Water Conservation Group is related to us. The devils sneaked into the county town and burned the devils warehouse, and killed many devils and wounded soldiers. The devils are short of troops, and they have mobilized the first army of the North China puppet army, Li Ying, to encircle and suppress them."

Head Lu was stunned for a moment: "We have to notify the Water Conservation Team immediately!"

Deputy Minister Zhao sighed: "The chief of staff has already led the main force to the north, and the confluence supplementary group is ready to take the water conservation group into the mountain."

Head Lu was emotionally infected by Deputy Minister Zhao: "Since everything is arranged, what are you worried about?"

After the friendly army defected to the enemy and became the puppet army, the devils arranged for the puppet army to march northward before the reorganization of the puppet army
Head Lu finally realized the seriousness of the matter: "You mean that the puppet army going north has something to do with the people in Chongqing?"

Deputy Minister Zhao smiled bitterly: "The devil dares to send a squad to command a puppet army that has just surrendered. The weirdness in the middle can be seen by people with discerning eyes, that is, the lice on the bald man's head are obvious."

"Those people in Chongqing are too shameless to trade the country and the nation."

"Cheer up, at least it means that even the little devil can't do anything about us now!"

Head Lu nodded fiercely and said, "This time, we must show the prestige of the Eighth Route Army."

Vice Minister Zhao nodded: "The devils are currently only adding nearly [-] troops along the Ping-Han Railway, and tens of thousands of people may launch raids against the base at any time. Our superiors require us to take appropriate countermeasures."

"Don't worry, even the little devils can't take advantage of entering the mountain now. Those puppet troops have no fighting power at all. I promise to beat them to death this time."

Deputy Minister Zhao finally showed a smile on his face: "Hearing you speak so confidently, my mood seems to have improved a lot."

There are half a brigade of devils in Xinglong Town, but the devils do not have heavy weapons.

There are more than [-] people in the four battalions under his command, not counting the militiamen that Lao Qin left on the plain to carry the wounded with the team. Commander Lu is full of confidence: "Hey, you have to prepare more staff in advance to deal with the prisoners. This time, I will definitely catch some big fish.”

Vice Minister Zhao, who regained his confidence, stared at Head Lu: "Oh, I think you can do what you can, as if you have led the team to fight too many big battles."

Head Lu curled his lips: "I think back then, we could take down half of the county with a platoon of three and no. 50 people. The head of the regiment personally sent out more than a thousand troops to attack the county, so it was easy to capture?"

"Hey, we are going to rescue the people in the concentration camp in Xinglong Town this time. Where are you going?"

"Didn't you just say you were going to attack Mei County?" Captain Lu waved his arms excitedly: "As for Xinglong Town, I used to take the second company behind me, and I took it down easily. It's not a big deal at all."

(End of this chapter)

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