under fire

Chapter 1230 Raid

Chapter 1230 Raid
The battle started earlier than scheduled.

The puppet army outside the town, who was guarding the concentrated work of the peasants, set up a guard post and found the Second Battalion of the Eighth Route Army crossing the Xingmei Highway in the north and heading east.

The puppet army is not stupid. A brother disappeared two days ago. I heard from the head of the regiment that the traitors in the investigation team are not necessarily dogs.

Going up from a distance and asking the other party to answer the password continuously, the other party answered indiscriminately.

The guard post heard that it was okay, and then fired a warning shot.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's marksmanship was ridiculously good, and they fought back, and the two puppet army guard posts died of loyalty to their duties.

As soon as the gunshot rang, it directly stabbed the hornet's nest.

The pseudo-company commander who was in charge of the working people immediately assembled a platoon of troops and rushed to reinforce the place where the gun was fired.

Wu Yan, who had already approached the puppet army in the wilderness, quickly ordered an attack to contain the puppet army chasing the second battalion.

Both sides fired from long distances directly on the wilderness.

In order to prevent the Zhendong devils from coming out ahead of time, Wu Yan only invested a long-range shot with the puppet army.

The puppet troops in the blockhouse on the edge of the blockade ditch along the Xingmei Highway discovered the situation.

But both sides of the fire are their own people, and the fight is still fierce, so what is the situation?
Could it be that some daring person is trying to set things right and prepare to rebel?

The pseudo-squad leader guarding the gun tower hurriedly called the town to inquire.
Hearing the gunshots, Gao Yidao, who had just crossed the blockade, immediately ordered the soldiers of the Second Battalion to run forward. He had to go around to the east and establish a line of defense to the west of the devil's barracks.

Soon, the soldiers were frantically digging foxholes in the wilderness with spades and shovels in hand.

Gao Yidao is very aware of the devil's fighting power. If the fortifications cannot be built in a short period of time, the second battalion is definitely no match for the devil.

Fortunately, the devils in the barracks did not gather immediately when they heard the gunshots, but called the town to ask the head of the security army.
However, Commander Wang didn't know anything, because the subordinates guarding the blockhouse outside called him to ask him what was going on.
Immediately ordered his men to go down to see what was going on, and he ran to the roof of the town hall and looked around with a telescope. His men were everywhere, and the gunshots seemed to be from the west and north.

The distance was really too far, and it was impossible to understand what happened.
He guessed that some people were probably running away, and his men were chasing him.
Head Lu, who was lying in the pit behind, carefully calculated the time and kept looking at his watch.

When the pointer was slow and the minute hand was at 180 degrees, Commander Lu yelled at the orderly: "Blow the charge! Attack across the board."

Xu Xiao, who had just returned to the wine station and followed him on the expedition, jumped out of the pit, facing the charge with his mouth up to the sky, his puffed cheeks beeping

The soldiers hiding in the open area were stunned, what does the sound of the trumpet mean?
Fortunately, the battalion and company commanders heard it, and immediately shouted: "Comrades, go!"

Head Lu grabbed the haughty Xu Xiao's feet and pulled the little guy back into the pit: "Can you hide in the pit and brag?"

"Hehe. Forgot." After Xu finished his novel, he hung the charge number on his back, then took out his shell gun, and prepared to rush eastward with the third company.

"Stop, you messenger. What are you rushing for?" The political commissar next to him grabbed Xu Xiao.


The soldiers of the Second Battalion ran smoothly between Xinglong Town and the Devils Barracks.

Gao Yidao, who was lying in a shallow ditch, was looking eastward with a telescope.

Above the wall on the west side of the barracks, a row of devils' heads poked out, pointing but no one came out of the camp.
There was a burst of numbness from the wound, and Gao Yidao let out a sigh of relief: "Move faster, dig foxholes first, and then connect them into lines."

The platoon leaders under his command were shouting: "There is no need to dig so deep for now. Hurry up and dig horizontally, you bastard, the horizontal direction is from south to north."

The soldier quickly changed direction, staring wide-eyed and muttering: "You didn't make it clear."

The field was in full swing, and no one heard the sound of the charge
Gao Yidao ordered again, and the voice of the messenger next to him yelled loudly again: "The third company commander, build a second line of defense 30 meters behind and dig a traffic trench."

"Two rows in a row, go to the rear to guard against the enemies coming from the town."

The Second Battalion had its back facing Xinglong Town at this time, and had to guard against the town's puppet army reconnaissance team coming out to copy the Second Battalion's back route.
In fact, this possibility is very small. It has been analyzed earlier that once the puppet army encounters an attack, there is a high probability that it will shrink its defense.

The sound of people on the battlefield was noisy, the sound of shovels entering the ground was noisy, and the dust was flying up, almost covering the sky and the sun.
A few minutes later, the observation post shouted excitedly: "Report, the first battalion has entered the town."

Spit. After roaring, spit out a mouthful of dust.
Gao Yidao didn't expect the series of movements to be so fast, and it took him a while to go around from the north to the east trench before he even formed a line.

Yilian has already crossed Xinglong Town from west to east
In the middle of the position, a soldier swiftly slid from the pole into the dust: "Report, the wires and telephone lines from the enemy camp to Xinglong Town have been cut off."

Gao Yidao couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead: "Move faster, and immediately deepen the trench at your position, compact the soil in front of you, and spread out to the north side of the four company commanders to extend the trench."

When the devils came out of the barracks, they would naturally attack westward under normal circumstances.

However, there has been no movement in the security forces barracks
maybe scared off by the dust in the open field
Lao Li's reporting work is temporarily away, and the intelligence work of the second battalion is really bad.

No one knew that as a large number of reorganized puppet troops began to garrison, Xin Teng Jinpachi and the devils in the Xinglong Town barracks had already dispatched eastward last night.

Jinteng old devil received an order to go to Guangdong Province.
In the Xinglong Town barracks, there is only a small group of devils who have to retire due to injuries, and their military status has become the instructors of the garrison.

I never thought that there would be so many eight ways.

The company commander commanding the puppet army outside the town panicked, and all his troops were thrown into chaos.

Crying for father and mother, nearly collapsed, panicked and fought back indiscriminately.

When Hao Ping's company rushed to the town from the west, they only encountered sporadic resistance.

The instructor of the Second Battalion, Lao Li, arranged to jump out from the dark on the inner line of the town to lead the way. The puppet soldiers in the streets and alleys instantly understood the situation and immediately raised their hands.

The rifles were taken away, and then no one paid any attention to them. The puppet soldiers did not dare to move. They knelt on the ground and thought of Amitabha in their hearts.

Bring the soldiers to the camp where the puppet army is temporarily stationed.

Then occupy the commanding heights and hunt down the remnants of the enemy.

Wu Yan met a hard stubble.

The puppet army hiding in the town hall is resisting stubbornly.

The battle of the third battalion attacking the southern front was also considered smooth.

There is also only one company of the puppet army that guards the common people to work in the south.

When the third battalion, four, five hundred and eight roads appeared in a cloud of ashes, shouting and shouting.

The puppet army guarding the people immediately divided into two parts, and one part knelt down and surrendered.

In addition, the birds and beasts scattered, some ran to the town, some ran to the east, and naturally some ran to the south.
The one who ran east was very lucky. He dropped his gun and discarded his ammunition, and his legs ran like hot wheels, but he did run away.

Battlefield Iron Law [-]: Those who throw their legs and don't care about anything and just run for their lives generally run faster than those who pursue them, with less than ten catties of equipment, so they naturally travel faster.

The Iron Law of the Battlefield [-]: Shoot while fleeing. Those who flee for their lives usually die quickly while running and turning around to shoot. It is strange not to be killed by the pursuers who continue to aim and shoot.

The puppet army fleeing to the southern stronghold was quite in front of the third battalion attacking from the west.

As a result, they all became the targets of soldiers with poor marksmanship.
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(End of this chapter)

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