under fire

Chapter 1251 The experience of the old bandit

Chapter 1251 The experience of the old bandit
Shouts to retreat can be heard everywhere near the county government office.

At the same time, someone yelled to stay still.

Hearing contradictory orders, would a fool stand still and wait for eight roads to rush over and stab the bayonet?

Someone ran to West Street with them, and the bandit soldiers nearby finally fell into chaos.

At this time, the bandit leader couldn't find the soldiers, and the bandit soldiers looked for the head of the family. When they saw someone running west, they quickly spread their legs and followed them to the west gate a few hundred meters away.

Da da da.
The sudden sound of light machine guns on the city tower shattered the tranquility of the west city
bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
The bandit soldiers running west were stunned.
"Firepower suppression firepower suppression." Then a bandit leader shouted: "Light machine guns hurry up to the roof."

Hearing someone ordering, the bandit soldiers who were pressed towards the shops on both sides of the West Street by the grenades dropped from the city gate upstairs quickly used the cover of the shops to fight back.

Shell guns and rifles fired a salvo, and the bandit soldiers had many guns, and dense bullets poured on the upper and lower floors of the west city gate.

The two light machine guns that were firing alternately were really dumbed down by the bandit soldiers firing randomly!

The bandit soldiers cheered for a while, and rushed west again from the ground and shops.

There was only one thought in my mind, to run out of the west city gate, let the sky be as high as I want.
County government.

Wang Sangong stood in the darkness with guns in both hands, and with a dark face, he ordered his commander: "Running to the west is definitely a dead end. Immediately pretend to rush north, then turn east and rush out!"

The leader of the bandit thought for a while, and immediately understood the meaning of the boss: "Brother, you are right. The Eight Routes entered the city from the east. There must be no one outside the east gate. As long as you rush to the east gate, your life will not be a problem."

Wang Taigong, who has been a bandit for many years, is cunning and cunning, and accurately judged the current situation.

Hearing the big master's speech, the rioting bandits in the yard slowly quieted down.

Wang Taigong yelled again: "Throw away everything except banknotes, gold and silver. Brothers in Yizitang, it's up to you today."

"Brother, don't worry!" A bandit stepped forward, just in front of Li Huanzhang who was about to shoot black.

"Brother, what if there are so many brothers outside?" A voice shouted.

"Notify the brothers to withdraw to the north." Wang Taigong waved: "Brothers of Lizitang, blow up the northern city wall, everyone is ready to break through!"

A voice came from the north courtyard wall: "Brothers, don't panic, go into the backyard and follow north later."

The north wall of the county government backyard collapsed.

Wang Taigong's loyal, filial, righteous and righteous lineage of more than two hundred bandit soldiers crawled over the collapsed bricks and stones in a hurry.

Out of the backyard, he ran towards the street, and immediately turned to the east after running into an alley.

Regardless of the eight-way shooting on the roof on North Street.

Originally, bandit soldiers near the county government office on North Street saw this formation and immediately joined the fleeing team.
The students from Division [-] and Division [-], who were attacking from the east, never expected that the bandit soldiers would rush forward.

chug chug.
The submachine guns hung on the shoulders of the bandit soldiers opened fire when they saw anyone.

The firepower of the trainees is completely incomparable with the bandit soldiers.
Do not avoid houses on both sides.

The attacking Yizitang bandit soldiers broke through the offensive line of the student team in the blink of an eye.

Following the encounter with the Fourth Route Army behind the students
bang. bang. bang.
Rifles and submachine guns were intertwined, and people on both sides kept falling.

There are quite a few soldiers, but compared with the bandit soldiers who want to escape for their lives, they can't stop them at all.

The bravery of the Eighth Route Army is unquestionable, and the disadvantages of weapons are beginning to appear.

The soldiers of the Fourth Route Army attacking eastward from the north of the city had to immediately switch from offense to defense.

The alley was outside the backyard of the shops on Dongdajie. A platoon of soldiers kept firing. After two or three rounds, the Eighth Route soldiers with no bullets in their guns rushed out of their hiding places and began hand-to-hand combat with the bandit soldiers.

The bandit soldiers who came up behind did not entangle with the soldiers who came up with bayonets at all.

The shell guns fired continuously, the muzzle flashed again and again, and the bullets kept hitting the bodies of the brave soldiers
The offensive and defensive situation changed too quickly, and the soldiers could not even establish a blocking formation, and the Yizitang bandits who attacked had already rushed out of the Fourth Route Army's offensive line.

The Eighth Route Army's backward command disadvantage followed.

The squad platoon leader tried to reorganize his troops to fight the enemy to the death, but it was useless without bullets!

panicked shouts everywhere
The thrown grenades continued to explode in the alley. Although many bandit soldiers were blown up, they did not form an echelon.

The fleeing bandit soldiers are in the alley, jumping faster than mice!

In the distance, the burning flames of the street of Yanguan, which was burning into a company, provided the way forward for the bandit soldiers.

Seeing that the East City Gate is only a hundred meters away.

The bandit soldiers who ran ahead were familiar with the terrain, turned south again, and entered East Street.

Just go around to the back of the Eighth Route Army attacking team advancing westward from Dongdajie!

Fortunately, the bandit soldiers who were desperately fleeing for their lives ignored the eighth-way soldiers who were attacking the county government.

Otherwise, you can directly copy the back route of the attacking fighters!
Escape is important!

Where there is life, there is hope!

The bandit soldiers didn't care about the machine guns on the tower, and immediately ran eastward in a mess on the East Street.

In the east section of East Street, there really aren’t many Eighth Route fighters!

Originally, the machine guns on the city tower were transferred to earth tanks for offensive firepower. At this time, there were only nine battalions of artillery left, watching the bandit soldiers rushing downstairs of the city gate
Don't take out the shell gun and put on the holster. Lie on the gate of the city to prevent the bandit soldiers from going up the city wall!

The closer you get to Dongchengmen Cave, the darker the street light becomes.

The dark city gate is the hope for the bandits to escape!
The bandit soldiers simply wanted to go up the city wall, they just wanted to run out of the city.
Seeing the bandit soldiers getting closer, Wan Baxi didn't hold his breath, and spoke first: "Call me."

The muzzles of more than a dozen shelling guns on the gate tower flashed fiercely
A few bandit soldiers rushed to the side of the nearby shop to find cover, raised their submachine guns and fired at the city tower.
After the submachine gun finished firing a magazine, the shell gun on the gate tower also partially misfired.

There are not many spare magazines, and both sides are busy loading bullets into the magazines
The disadvantage of the short range of the shell gun appeared again.

This round of shooting did not kill a few bandit soldiers at all.

Li Xiang was anxious, he didn't care about anything, he took out a grenade, smashed it and threw it down.
The bandit soldiers fought back with fierce firepower, and the soldiers only dared to stick out their shell guns and beat down randomly based on their feelings.
Artillery soldiers did not bring grenades!

It was too late to suppress the bullets, so I simply raised the sandbags used as machine gun shelters and threw them down
At least it can slow down the speed of the bandit soldiers running out of the city!

The stumbling bandit soldiers formed a mess in the city gate, and finally ran out of the city gate.

He didn't dare to stay at all, jumped into the dry moat, and ran straight to the east.

Wang Taigong was panting heavily, he was nearly a mile away from the county seat.

Only then did he look back at the county town that lit up the sky, and gritted his teeth: "I will definitely come back."

When the north wall of the county government was blown down.

The bandit soldiers around the county government also received orders from various leaders.

The bandit soldiers rushed to the county office one after another, and then squeezed into the backyard.

The clever bandit soldiers ran north along the outer wall of the courtyard
Unorganized bandit soldiers, many people ran off the road and scattered into the alleys in the east of the city again
At night, many people were dizzy and even got mixed up with the soldiers of the Fourth Route Army who were rushed into the hut in the compound by bandit soldiers.

All of a sudden, guns were fired everywhere in the courtyards, and everyone was in danger.
outside the city.

Hu Yi stood in the dark without saying a word.

The battle went so well!

The students of the Ninth Battalion were completely reduced to spectators, and the heavy machine gun only fired a bullet belt, eliminating a wave of bandits who fled westward from the city gate.
There were still loud gunshots in the city, but unfortunately, no bandit soldiers came out of the city gate to die.
(End of this chapter)

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