under fire

Chapter 1253

There are many ghosts and snakes on the plain, so Instructor Wang began to arrange for small groups of troops to intersperse at night, communicate with each other when they split up, and conduct anti-reconnaissance training courses.

The team marched vigilantly all the way north in the dark.

Stop in a village before dawn.

The new rotation training company and platoon leader trainees who joined the Anti-Dalian short-term training class received basic guidance.

There were not many villagers in the village, and they didn't know the identity of the team that came, so they hid at home and dared not go out.

Fortunately, the team wearing the puppet military cap may know that the village is poor and did not disturb the people.

Not long after dawn.

Outside the gate of a dilapidated courtyard, two guards from the secret service company stood guard, and one of them with a serious face stretched out his hand to stop the little girl wandering around: "Stop, you can't go in!"

Xiao Hongying glared at the soldier: "Oh, I said Tieguai Li, has he grown up?"

The soldier nicknamed Tieguai Li had a dark face, his eyes turned sideways.

Xiao Hongying walked slowly to the backyard with her hands behind her back, sneaking into the yard through the gap in the courtyard wall.

Hu Yi, who hadn't slept for long, stood outside the window with broken courtyard walls, no roof, and no windows to accept questioning.

Su Qing sat behind the table under the window sill in the room, holding a pen in his hand, with a serious face: ".Tell me the details of what you saw."

Hu Yi didn't dare to look at Su Qing's eyes, and his eyes fell on Su Qing's clear pen: "There are dark lights outside the west city gate, and you can't see anything clearly."

"Sheltering them will make them go further and further down the wrong path."

"." Hu Yi looked at his hands, there was dirt, and subconsciously rubbed his hands together into strips.

Su Qing looked at Hu Yi who was silent: "Even if heavy machine guns fired, it is impossible for all the bandit soldiers to die."

Hu Yi muttered: "Perhaps, the surviving bandit soldiers jumped to both sides of the road."

"Escape, why didn't any of the Fourth Route Army soldiers catch it? Do you think that the chief doesn't know what the Fourth Route Army has done?"

"We will stick to our positions according to the battle plan," Hu Yi thought, since he knew everything, why would he ask me?
Su Qing rubbed her brows and sighed: "This time, although you didn't participate in the killing of prisoners."

Hu Yi immediately denied: "There are no prisoners, of course no prisoners were killed."

Seeing Hu Yi's military uniform shaking, Su Qing froze for a moment, stood up and looked out.

There was a person next to him, the pigtails swayed, and when he saw Su Qing poking his head out, he stood up and looked at Su Qing with a smile: "Hey, I just passed by here."

"Why did you run under my window early in the morning?" Su Qing stared into the little girl's eyes, seeming to completely ignore Hu Yi's existence.

"You called the fox over early in the morning, what's your business?" Xiao Hongying stood up, walked around Hu Yi, and faced Su Qing directly through the window.

Su Qing raised her eyebrows: "I'm investigating the killing of prisoners by the Fourth Route Army, and you, did you see anything last night?"


What kind of temperament is the little girl, Su Qing is very clear: "What did you see, tell me in detail."

"I saw the soldiers fighting the enemy bravely. After taking over the defense, the Fourth Route Army rushed into the county directly under the hail of bullets."

There is not a bandit soldier outside the west city, and there are guns and bullets raining back, Su Qing didn't care: "Before this?"

"Before this, the secretary borrowed a total of 36 shell guns, light machine guns and ammunition from the student team in the statistical work team. The original large-mirror speed machine twelve, and the advanced sixteen."

The secretary Su Qing was very busy, so he directly ordered the little girl to evict: "Okay, it's none of your business here."

The little girl seemed to have no eyesight: "It's early in the morning, can you make people sleep peacefully?"

"Why wasn't your radio turned in?"

"Hey, I handed it in. Instructor Wang asked me to keep it temporarily." Xiao Xiaohongying lowered her voice, "What happened?"

Su Qing lowered her voice: "What happened to the Lingqiu guerrilla squadron?"

Xiao Hongying turned to look at Hu Yi: "Didn't you tell her?"

"I didn't have time." Hu Yi took a look at Xiao Hongying. He had never met Su Qingmian a few times, so how could he have a chance to talk about it?Quickly explained: "After the friendly army surrendered to the enemy, we left a few people in the south of Taihang."

"How many people?" Su Qing tapped hard on the notebook with his left hand, and said sarcastically: "A team of more than 1000 people can be armed into a regiment. How many people do you think are left?"

Hu Yi asked cautiously: "Did something happen?"

"The intelligence department of the headquarters called us to verify why they contacted the Puppet 24th Army in private to make a deal."

"This matter... the leader should be aware of this situation, right? When we left the wine station, we had already reported the list to the division."

"The independent regiment has come out to rescue the people in the Xinglong Town Concentration Camp. The team was arranged by you, and the former enemy command asked you to write a brief statement of the situation"

Xiao Hongying always felt that something was wrong, and looked at Su Qing: "You go east and west for a while, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Someone reported the independent group's private hilltops, engaging in hilltopism"

Xiao Hongying curled her lips: "As soon as you say it, I will know who reported it. Is it because some people can't command Sun Youshang? I can't see us growing stronger, jealous"

"Without evidence, you can't speculate on the whistleblower"

"Thinking that if I become the county magistrate, I can cover the sky with one hand, hehe, this time I go back, let Lao Qin find them to return the gun."

Su Qing ignored the little girl's nonsense: "The superior has asked for a positive wind, and you must be prepared."

Xiao Hongying heard Hu Yi talk about this yesterday: "Don't worry, everything has been arranged."

Hu Yi followed and nodded "OK"

"As a commander, you have to be ready to be inspected again." Su Qing looked at Hu Yi: "Okay, you guys go back."

Hu Yi suddenly realized that he seemed to have slapped soy sauce back.

The two returned to the yard.

All the people leaning against the wall opened their eyes.

Xiao Hongying proudly handed Hu Yi the rifle that Luo Fugui got back from Li Huanzhang. "Unfortunately, no bullets."

Hu Yi tried the weight: "If you don't pull the bolt, the rate of fire can be increased by at least three times!"

Ma Sihuan was leaning against the wall, and the big dog with a submachine gun on his chest suggested: "Why don't you just use a submachine gun if you want to shoot fast?"

Liu Yuanqing muttered beside him: "It shouldn't be, how could the bandits have such a good gun?"

Ma Liang asked casually, "Do you know the origin of this gun?"

"Ten years ago, a small amount of equipment was first given to paratroopers. In the early years, our guards also had a few simplified versions, called Enmuyao. They were accurate within 200 meters, and their lethality was no worse than that of the Seventy-Nine Rifle. This is an improved new version, and the above The gun number shows that it is a sample gun”

"Tell me in detail." Li Xiang became interested.

Seeing Li Xiang, who rarely spoke, Liu Yuanqing began to show off: "The biggest advantage of this gun is that you don't need to pull the bolt, and it weighs less than a machine gun. It is suitable for long-distance killing in the field. It is not very useful in street fighting. The magazine used is called Missing clip, eight rounds of bullets. The gun is a good gun, but it’s not easy to carry the bullets of [-] and [-].”

Li Xiang couldn't help muttering: "The caliber of the bullet is the same as that of water. It's a bit more troublesome to change the shell, and the division's arsenal can process it."

"Be careful, this gun has a shortcoming. If the bullet in the magazine is not empty, you can't replace the clip. If you are not skilled in the action when repressing the bullet alone, it is easy to pinch your fingers. And the clip will automatically pop out when the bullet is emptied. Empty position on-hook state”

"Hanging up with an empty position? What the hell?"

Liu Yuanqing paused for a moment: "It means you don't need to pull the trigger on the side after reloading."

A guard soldier ran into the yard: "Report to Captain Hu, Instructor Wang and comrades from the enemy industry department will accompany the head to the town for inspection, and ask you to help organize a theoretical study temporarily, and get acquainted with the new students by the way."

Xiao Hongying got excited: "The captain wants to write a report, this time I will do it"

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