under fire

Chapter 1266 The Significance of Training

Chapter 1266 The Significance of Training

The jurisdiction of Cheng Haibo's regiment is not large.

The team quickly walked out of the boundary of Huilong Town.

After walking north for about five miles, we entered a village at the junction of Wei County and Linzhang County.

Cheng Haibo arranged for eyeliners in the village, and was ordered to disperse and disappear into the night.

Soon, a fire was lit in the dead village.

The flickering light is very conspicuous in the moonlit night.

When Deputy Captain Xu saw "Cheng Haibo" leading the Eighth Route Team into the village, he always felt that something was wrong.

The leader of the regiment dared to run around with Balu at night with just a few people. His identity as Balu was absolutely certain.

I still couldn't understand what they were going to do when they ran to the edge of Cheng Daohe and Guo Qing's defense area.

Could it be that Eighth Road is still planning to accept the programming department?
Although this possibility is not great, but who knows?

After all, the people surnamed Cheng belong to the same family.
If these two forces were combined, it would be almost impossible to fight back to Longzhen.

The two forces of the Cheng family must not be united!
Kill Cheng Haibo, then blame Cheng Daohe, using him as an excuse.

Then support the captain to arrange for the brothers in Huilong Town to seize power, even in the end, the imperial army will be able to confess when they know.

Thinking of this, Deputy Commander Xu made a decision in his heart that no one in the village will be left alive, no matter if they are the Autonomous Army or the Eighth Route Army!
Immediately ordered to the subordinates next to him: "Immediately report to the captain who is following behind, and let them speed up for reinforcements."

Then, Yao Yao's more than a hundred detectives scattered around and surrounded the village.

There are only thirty or forty eight roads in the village.

The number of people in any direction is comparable to the number of the Eighth Route Autonomous Army in the village. As long as the gang of black lights and blind fire dare to leave the village, there is absolutely no way out!

The eight-way seems to cooperate well.
It's just that occasionally someone went out of the village to look around, but they didn't find the detective team members hiding under the moonlit night.
Xu Jinsen listened to his subordinates and reported that this time it was more than [-] and [-] roads. The last ambush failed, and the lost face must be recovered!
Immediately let your men run forward.
The distance between the two sides was widened, and the more than two hundred investigators who followed up surrounded the village and caught the eight roads. They did nothing less, and immediately joined the encirclement
All ministries came to report one after another, and the preparations were completed.

Xu Jinsen will be in a happy mood, and if he kills this group of Balu and Cheng, he will fall into his hands when he returns to Longzhen!

The good thing he dreamed of was right in front of him. He knew very well that Wang Ziquan, the commander of public security, wanted to fight back to Longzhen. If he hadn't suggested that the imperial army transfer Wang Jingchang away, he would have nothing to do here.

Although it is said that the reconnaissance team has crossed the border by joining the autonomous army, it is not a problem for the more than a thousand brothers under him to be crowded in the reconnaissance team
If you have money and food, you must expand your territory. If it weren't for Wang Taigong of Neihuang County being taken over by the Eighth Route, he even hoped that one day Neihuang County would also be included in his pocket.
As long as Huilong Town is taken down, there will be no shortage of money in the future, and it will be no problem to take down Wei County after recruiting troops.

The imperial army has long been dissatisfied with the self-government army's disobedience to orders, and the army commander Wang and the four bandit brigade commanders under his command will never last for a few days.

At that time, I might be able to arrange my younger brother to be the commander of the autonomous army behind the scenes!

The only opponents left are Guo Qing from Linzhang County and Li Ying, the first army stationed in HD!
As for Balu who has mastered the grain road by himself, as long as he doesn't sell grain to those mud legs, they will never survive the summer harvest, and they will all be starved to death
Wang Ziquan is in charge of blocking the blockhouses in Goudong County, at worst, give him some road money to finish the job
At that time, I killed the current county magistrate, and there was absolutely no problem in being the county magistrate myself!
From then on, An County will rule the Xu family!

Hope is in sight, and the first step must not go wrong.

Immediately ordered that all ministries approach the village collectively
A reward is a must, if you catch one, you will be rewarded ten yuan, if you kill one, you will be rewarded five yuan
Anyway, it won't be a loss, because the imperial army's reward is higher!

Although the traitors in the detective team are not soldiers, they have more people and more guns. I will beat you one out of ten, so I am still afraid of you?

No matter how powerful the Eighth Route Autonomous Army in the village is, can you still beat a gun?
This time, even with wings, don't even think about flying out of the detective team's palm!

The traitors of the detective team may not be able to go to the battlefield, but it is very easy to do this kind of siege of villages and arrest people.
A certain investigator received the order and rang the gong in his hand.
Then someone yelled: "Everyone in the village listen carefully, you are already surrounded, put down your weapons and come out to surrender, you have no other way out except to surrender"

bang. bang. bang.
According to the agreement, the captains of the investigation team from all directions outside the village followed suit and fired their guns.
Light a fire.
There was no accident, the village immediately became chaotic, with footsteps and panic shouting everywhere.
There seems to be crying
The monkey scolded: "Your mother, it's not that your own mother died, why are you crying so sad?"

The student who was crying until his nose was in tears grinned: "Instructor Hong said that no matter what you do, you must do it to the extreme."

the gong kept ringing
"I see you"

"Shoot if you don't surrender"

"Even if you hide at the base of the wall, you can't hide from Lao Tzu's bullets."

"You can't escape even if you dig into the cellar."

I saw that Balu had a long gun on his back, and none of the traitors in the investigation team were stupid enough to stand out.
After a long period of arrests, after being shot several times, the traitors of the investigation team also learned to be smart. This time they came out and were well prepared. The traitors began to push the cart with sandbags on it as cover, and slowly attacked from the south of the village!

On a moonlit night, the gong was beating loudly, but no one approached the village
The traitors even started betting on which direction the members of the Eighth Route Autonomous Army in Cai Village would run out of the village!

As the team continued to press slowly towards the village, more than [-] meters away from the edge of the village, not only did no one in the village run out of the village, but they didn't even fire a single shot.

Seeing more than [-] people under his command form a large circle with a diameter of more than [-] meters, Xu Jinsen lay in the dark, not panicking at all.
Because, at this time, the people in the village panicked
The students in the village were surrounded by the detective team as bait on their first day of study. It would be a lie to say that they are not panicking.

In the past, the devils raided in the spring, summer and autumn every year, and the traitors led the security forces to arrest them everywhere on weekdays.

I have been moving and hiding all year round. This time, I have confidence in defeating the enemy from the bottom of my heart.

When encountering such a situation before, the first reaction is how to think of a way to break through desperately, who will be the assaulter, who will break the rear, who will cover the flanks, and where to gather after they get separated.
The feeling of not having to divert, not having to run away. Really good.

During training in the afternoon, Instructor Liu taught them a lesson, one is to prevent the enemy from entering the village in disguise, and the other is how to coordinate with each other after occupying the commanding heights.

I even learned some very concise code words and gestures. Uh. Gestures are temporarily unusable in the dark.
It's completely different from the slang words of the bandits.
There are a total of 42 people in the village.

Others were on the periphery, learning how the night directed the warriors to attack.

Each finds its own position. Each squad has three combat teams. The squad leader is responsible for observing the enemy's situation and directing the three-person team to divide the work against the enemy. The firepower configuration is completely different from the battles fought before.

In the two three-person teams, the warrior with the automatic firepower shell gun is the team leader and is in charge of close combat. The two rifle warriors shoot the enemy from a long distance, and the other firepower team is equipped with a light machine gun!
Completely configure the machine guns to the squad for combat preparations, although many students feel that it is impossible to meet this condition.

But right now, three light machine guns and a grenadier are in front of them.

I finally understood that I was used to being poor before, but I didn't dare to think about it. As long as I dare to attack the enemy, will there be a shortage of guns and bullets?
Maybe I can't reach the machine gun to the squad in a short time, but at least I have a goal and a direction in my heart.

It's no longer like before. In many cases, there is only one light machine gun in the entire company. It is not an advantage to shoot at the enemy's machine gun at the beginning of the battle.

More soldiers are holding old sleeve rifles, and they can still know who the target is after the first shot. As soon as the enemy moves, the second shot from the rifle will completely turn into a random fight.
After three shots, it's time to charge.
Instructor Liu didn't seem to pay attention to the traitors of the investigation team outside the village at all, and turned a deaf ear to the sound of gongs outside the village, the traitors' persuasion and threats.
They even used bayonets to pick up slivers of meat and played barbecue in the smoldering fire.
Will be the courage of the soldiers!
The battle has not yet begun, and the mentality of the students has changed
(End of this chapter)

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