under fire

Chapter 1268 Courtyard Attack and Defense

Chapter 1268 Courtyard Attack and Defense
Xu Jinsen mobilized more than [-] people including his own company guards.

It has been a long time since they entered the village, but the village is still firing guns one after another.

A squad leader of the investigation team who was from a defeated army ran out of the village and came to Xu Jinsen: "Captain, something is not quite right!"

Xu Jinsen froze for a moment: "What's wrong?"

"The eight roads in the village are hiding in the dark and resisting stubbornly. The defense is very tight, and the brothers can't get in at all."

Vice-captain Xu who was standing next to him shook his head: "It's all about the stubbornness before dying, you tell the brothers not to fight too fast, and consume the bullets of the eight routes first."

The team leader shook his head: "This time, I may have kicked the iron board."

Xu Jinsen froze for a moment: "What do you mean?"

"So far, I haven't heard the sound of a grenade exploding. It's not like Balu's usual style at all!"

"Maybe Balu forgot to bring the grenade?" Deputy Captain Xu curled his lips next to him: "Your mother, don't half-talk, I'm tired of listening."

The broken soldiers didn't give Vice Captain Xu any face, and retorted: "Would you bring a gun when you visit a brothel?"

Captain Xu was angry: "Damn girl, how can this be compared?"

Xu Jinsen waved his hand to signal the two to stop arguing: "There are only thirty or forty eight roads in the village, and our brothers can drown them alive by spitting on them alone. Hurry back and take the brothers to rush into the village. If you catch anyone alive, you will be rewarded with 20 yuan and killed. A reward of ten yuan!"

The broken soldier didn't move: "Captain, it's not that I dare not rush. Didn't you hear that until now, the village has only heard the sound of sniping guns, and there is no sound of rifles at all. Don't you think there is a problem?"

Xu Jinsen listened carefully: "Hey, it seems that this is really the case."

Vice-captain Xu analyzed: "This can only mean that we have a large number of people at the Eighth Road, in order to save bullets, right?"

"Save me! Could it be that the three shots and eight shots were blown out? Even if he has more bullets this time, it is impossible to fight with us for such a long time." The captain of the rout should be Xu Jinsen's confidant, and he spoke directly.

Vice-captain Xu suddenly remembered something: "Balu deliberately didn't throw grenades. The purpose must be to kill some of our brothers who entered the village first, and then throw the grenades to force our brothers out, and then get guns and bullets from the brothers' corpses."

Su Bing knew the Eight Routes very well: "Why, you don't like those mud legs? This time there is a 'chief' of the Eight Routes leading the team, maybe they are leading the Eight Routes elites!"

Xu Jinsen asked Deputy Captain Xu: "Then, do we have any grenades? Let's strike first and blow them up!"

Vice-captain Xu shook his head: "I should have brought a few. The Imperial Association Army ambushing over the gun tower has grenades and machine guns."

The broken soldiers quickly suggested: "Then let them come over to reinforce!"

"You know what a fart, do you know how much a forged shell gun sells on the black market?" Deputy Captain Xu showed off proudly: "Dayang is 100 yuan, and the price in French currency is 500 yuan."

"You mean, if we catch those Eighth Route Army, we can get four to five thousand oceans just by selling guns?" Su Bing finally figured it out: "If the Imperial Association Army comes, we will have less money?"

Vice-captain Xu nodded: "I only tell you this because I see you as my own. Otherwise, our elders will come and arrest a few people. The little reward given by the imperial army is only enough to send rewards to the brothers, and the rest will be paid." It’s not enough for everyone to have a meal and go to the Imperial Army’s Wei’an Office together.”

"I see. Let's get the news. Let's kill the eight roads in the village first, take the guns off the eight roads, and let the security forces come to clean up the mess?"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's about secretly arresting the leaders of the Eighth Route. As for the guns of the Eighth Route. At that time, get a few broken guns and hand them over."

Before the geese were shot down, I began to consider braised or stewed
It seems that I have never heard of hunting geese all day long, being pecked blind.
South of the village.

A soldier stuck to the wall at the entrance of the courtyard, stretched out his arm and shot continuously at the several figures who came through the darkness.

After emptying the magazine, he quickly withdrew his body, followed by a loud "six".
The detective team lying on the ground immediately launched a counterattack at the gate of the courtyard, but they did not expect another figure to appear on the courtyard wall next to the alley.

The shell gun in his hand fired rapidly at the traitors of the detective team who were lying on the ground.

Lying on the ground can avoid most of the bullets from the front, but the bullets above the head cannot be dodged at all
Five or six traitors from the investigation team were all shot, and the screams echoed in the alley.

Someone in the yard shouted "five five."

Following the soldier who disappeared from the gate of the courtyard just now, a figure appeared on the courtyard wall opposite the alley.

The Eighth Route Army is indeed poor, and the consumption of bullets in battle is a big problem.

Had to rely on battlefield seizures to replenish.

There were guards on the courtyard walls on both sides. The soldiers who rushed out of the courtyard had no mercy on the traitors of the detective team under the moonlit night. They shot the heads of the people on the ground one by one. bullet
There are six or seven pistols stuck in the belt, some of them are crowded.
The observation post on the roof of "Six" suddenly shouted.
The soldier quickly ran back against the wall, then disappeared into the yard.

Another group of detectives sneaked along the courtyard wall and groped into the alley.

Three or four figures emerged from the courtyard wall almost at the same time.

The shell guns in the hands of the guard soldiers attached to the wall opened fire.
The traitors of the detective team who attacked the alley and on the wall fought back at the security soldiers almost at the same time with the shells in their hands.

The guard soldiers shot three or four shadows in the alley, and they were shot several times, and fell off the wall, blood seeped out from the shot
The soldiers who had just returned to the courtyard quickly returned fire with double guns in their hands, and beat back the traitors of the detective team who were about to climb over the courtyard wall.
The traitors of the detective team didn't give up, they raised their hands and stretched out their guns and beat them in the yard.
No fruit.

The observation post lying on the roof shouted to the side of the courtyard: "Captain, the enemy has touched the bottom of the south wall!"

Then, the captain in charge of the south of the village yelled: "Seven!"

Seven up and eight down means that all combatants go up to the roof.

If the enemy wants to overturn the courtyard wall, there are two ways to deal with it. One is to hang the grenade arranged in advance in the house, and the other is to lie on the roof and kill the invading enemy by taking advantage of the location.

Seeing the sacrifice of their comrades-in-arms, the students and soldiers lying on the roof were already furious, pointing their guns at the edge of the courtyard wall.

Just wait for the detective team to show up and send him back to grandma's house
The captain promised to double the bounty, but the detective team members are not very enthusiastic. How much money can be life-threatening?

But if you stay where you are, it's normal to be squeezed out by other detectives.

I heard the news that a brother shot and killed Ba Lu.

The detective team members hiding outside the walls of various courtyards in the south of the village began to get excited like chicken blood.

From their point of view, Balu, who was guarding the courtyard next to the alley, was dead, and a gap had been opened in Balu's defense line.

The leader of the detective team who was in charge of the command gave an order to let the usually unwelcome detective members continue to be death squads to climb the courtyard wall.

Just rush into the yard, when the time comes, everyone will rush up and catch people and finish the job
Shouts immediately followed one after another.

Several detective team members in charge of covering did not probe, stuck out their guns and beat the yard indiscriminately.

Then, several dark shadows turned over the courtyard wall.

Bang bang bang.
The sound of intensive shooting on the roof sounded.

The detective team members hiding on both sides of the entrance to the village were waiting for those early birds to climb over the wall to attract the firepower of the Eighth Route Army.

Hearing the gunshot, they immediately yelled at each other to cheer each other up and rushed into the alley.

It was heard clearly earlier that there is an eighth road in each yard on both sides of the alley.

Now that one is dead, there must be no problem for so many people to deal with the eight roads in the yard on the other side of the alley!

Moreover, if there are too many people, the possibility of being hit by the eight routes is very small.

As long as he can't die from being shot, it will hurt for half a month at worst, and he will be a good man when he comes out after heals up.

The probability of being shot and killed is not high!

The detective team members attacking from the alley heard the intensive gunshots on the roof of the nearby yard, and finally realized that there seemed to be more than one Eight Road.
Although a little worried, but the arrow is on the string, everyone is running, and it is impossible to stop.

They simply ran into the alley in one go, built ladders in twos and threes and prepared to climb up the wall, intending to enter the yard from the side.

Being able to be a member of the detective team, naturally, he has a lot of skills.

Go straight over the wall and enter the courtyard, then do a front flip and quickly jump into the room in the courtyard, and subconsciously find cover in the house.
One of them felt as if he had stepped on something on the sole of his foot and seemed to be still sparking.
Quickly picked it up and handed it to the detective team next to him: "Hey, damn it, who is setting off the fireworks?"

The house immediately filled with smoke
(End of this chapter)

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