under fire

Chapter 1271 The battle between the spear and the shield

Chapter 1271 The battle between the spear and the shield
Two light machine guns were in hand, and the heads of more than 20 long shell guns were wide open.

The breakout troops shot out of the village with sporadic bullets.

Rush into the smoke created by the explosion of the grenade.

The vanguard platoon leader tried his best to suppress the panic, and more than half of the battalion's automatic weapons were handed over to him.

He is confident of breaking through the encirclement of bandit soldiers.

The soldiers of the rear company did not hesitate at all. The soldiers on both sides had their muzzles facing outwards, and the soldiers in the middle carried their rifles directly on their backs, carrying boxes and food on their shoulders, and ran in a chaotic manner.

Maybe three seconds, maybe five seconds.

When the bandits shot sporadically, two light machine guns followed suit.

The breakout fighters rushed a certain distance, and the two soldiers suddenly left the team and fell on both sides of the breakout route.

They didn't get shot, they had only one mission, to cover the breakout team, and kill the machine gunner who found the bandit machine gun fire point during the fire reconnaissance earlier.
Unlike bandits and puppet troops who rushed to break out of the encirclement, the soldiers of the Water Conservation Regiment have gone through countless such breakout drills, and their respective mission positions have long been engraved in their hearts.

The bandit soldiers who reacted immediately fired back at the breakout team in the dark, and the gunfire became dense instantly.
The distance of more than a hundred meters is only a dozen or so seconds, and the fast-moving bandit soldiers can only hit two or three shots
The far-distance bandit soldiers held a shell gun in their hands and could only stare blankly
I watched helplessly as the team coming out of the village rushed due east.
The leader of the bandit soldiers in the east direction immediately ordered his men to reinforce and block the breakout team.
The vanguard platoon leader was calm and calm, and shouted from time to time: "Keep the formation, don't spread too far, and don't follow such farts, hurry up, change positions quickly, and the pistol team will fire."

"Don't stop, bomb squad, hurry up and throw grenades on the wings"

The light machine gun bullet just emptied, and the pistol team went to the front of the team, and the shells in their hands shot fiercely at the bandit soldiers who fought back in the dark.
The bandit soldiers who had not yet arrived to reinforce the middle road saw the fierce firepower, so they lay down in the ditch directly.

These trenches, which are high in the east and low in the west, were originally dug by soldiers to prevent the outside, and the side facing the village is very shallow.
The soldiers who have been training here all day are very familiar with it. When they rushed to the bandit defense line, the grenades thrown on both sides began to explode.
Boom boom boom.
The bandit soldiers were crying and howling like ghosts and wolves.
The pioneers who broke through the trenches stopped going out after the trenches, and directly established a line of defense on the spot, shooting horizontally to the north and south respectively.
They are all in the ditch, the projectile surface and shooting area are exactly the same, so they are more fearless than anyone else
Finally, the light machine guns of the breakout fighters with new magazines fired along the trenches.
Da da da. Da da da.
The sound of the three-point shot is brisk, and the ballistic trajectory rages and extends in the trenches
The bandit soldiers also had machine guns, but unfortunately they were separated by bandit soldiers, so they didn't dare to fire at all.
The bandit soldiers commanded are not small officials, the battalion commander!

But in less than a minute, someone forcibly broke through the line of defense, and caused heavy casualties to his subordinates
This Tubalu is more powerful than devils!
I finally understand a truth: there is a man beyond man, and there is a sky beyond the sky.
The gap between amateurs and professionals cannot be bridged by a large number of people.

Only then did I understand that the young commander usually asked everyone to train more seriously, it was really for everyone's benefit.
How can a subordinate who is full of wine, lust and wealth be an opponent of the Eighth Route Regular Army?
The defense line in the east of the village was broken and completely disintegrated. The bandit soldiers full of evil were killed and wounded, and there were screams in the trenches.
The soldiers on both sides of the breakout team held their rifles and did not shoot.

Breathing the air with whistling smoke, I became more and more excited.

The nearby enemy has been eliminated by his comrades in arms, and the enemy who fought back is very far away
As soon as the enemy's machine gun on the northeast wing of the village fired a shuttle, it was killed by two bullets. The bandit machine gun misfired, and the remaining rifles fired at each other.

Even if the bullets flew past the ears and eyes, the soldier who raised the rifle and aimed at it didn't even bat an eye
The instructor said that even [-] rounds of bullets may not be able to hit him, even if he is injured, his comrades will carry him away.
Cheer for yourself in your heart, you won't be so unlucky.
The [-] people in the village ran eastward in a four-way column, and the formation was a bit chaotic.
The county government has newly recruited many young staff members, and their mood is even more tense. Many of them seem to be braving the hail of bullets for the first time to break through.

Many people seem to be tired every time they take a step, they can't see their feet clearly, their hands and feet are weak, and they keep falling.
The soldier who followed and shot at the bandit queen in the distance pulled the bolt of his gun and kept yelling: "Fuck you mother, you hurry up, are you holding your head and waiting to die?"

Those who were scolded were even more terrified, and someone started crying
It seems that crying can move the heavens to open their eyes.
The fighters who kept fighting back were also dumbfounded, and had to free up one hand to pull those who couldn't get up after falling for a long time
call out.
A stray bullet pierced into the soldier's chest.
The two fell into a ball even more.
A fall of one person will affect the breakout of a column.
The soldiers looked at these extremely annoying staff members, and were so annoyed that they wanted to break the guy's neck, and they were so annoyed that they wanted to push him under the rifles of their comrades as a cover.
The eight roads in the village are like breaking out from the east, and the bandit queens arranged in the south and north will follow for reinforcements
There is no need to detour at all, and press directly towards the village. The bandit soldiers in the northeast and southeast direction ran about 50 meters away and opened fire immediately, which immediately formed an effective kill for the sudden turn team.
The murderous bullets even passed over the breakout team, and the bullets fired from the north flew through the gap between the breakout team and continued to fly to the south, and the south often flew north.
More accidental injuries
Suddenly, the Czech light machine guns among the bandits coming from the south began to roar.
"Everyone lie down and climb east." Sun Youshang's scalp tingled, the scholars in the county government are all fucking bastards.

There was a hasty fall and a heavy fall, and the rain of bullets on both sides was like a head-on wind, knocking down everything that passed by.

The remaining company is still on the road to break through the one-meter death line from the village to the defense line outside the village.
It was because of this short period of half a minute that a company of more than a hundred soldiers was flanked by the enemy from both sides, and they were powerless to fight back.
"Cover the first company to the north, the second company to the south, hit hard"

The county magistrate Yang Da, who broke out first, saw the backbone of the county government under him still lying on the ground trembling, and yelled at Sun Youshang: "Mr. Sun, hurry back and rescue the staff. They have important documents. "

Sun Youshang couldn't help it: "Comrades, cover the county government staff to come out."

Bullets whistling above the head, lying on the ground in the slowly wriggling team, someone in the crowd yelled: "I'm going to fuck you, hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked on the back of a certain section chief whose hands and feet were so weak that he had climbed less than five meters away in half a day.
Commander Sun shouted anxiously toward the open ground, yelling to hurry up, turning his head from time to time and shouting for machine guns to take cover fiercely.
The firepower of the Water Conservation Regiment is not bad. One battalion has two Czech-style and two crooked light machine guns.

As the defense was slowly established, the enemy did not dare to charge forward, and so far the two sides have finally fought a positional battle.

Commander Sun knew very well that this situation could not last too long. If the bandit soldiers from other directions came around, if they did not leave, everyone would be unable to leave!

Yingming decisively ordered: "The third company immediately evacuates to the east, and must not love to fight."

Although the soldiers of the Water Conservation Regiment lack combat experience, they have been emphasized countless times during training: obey orders.

At this time, no matter how nervous they were, they immediately jumped up from the ground and ran eastward in a swarm.

Charge only requires courage. The third company commander emptied his rifle and jumped up: "Comrades! Come with me!"

He gritted his teeth to overcome fear, became an example, became a role model, and used actions to awaken the county government staff who were frightened and paralyzed under the rain of bullets.

"Come on!"

The people lying on the ground all jumped up and accelerated to the east.

People kept getting shot and fell down, and some people stopped to support and then fell down.
The corpses of sacrificed soldiers and wounded were left on the ground.
Wang Sanzhu led the bandit soldiers from the west to the southeast of the village, and immediately ordered his men to shoot northward at the breakout team.
Lie in the ditch and quietly observe the battlefield to the north.

The Eight Routes who broke through the siege captured the bandit defense line he had originally arranged in the east. If it was him, the best choice at this time was to run as far east as possible!
It is nothing more than that to say how powerful Balu is.
After repeated confirmation, he immediately ordered: "Go east, follow their back route"

[This chapter is not satisfied, please change it first]

(End of this chapter)

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