under fire

Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273
Cut Jiu followed behind Chen Chong.

Constantly ask about the meaning and specific arrangement of each tactical term.

It seems that he doesn't care about the scene of being surrounded by bandit soldiers at all.

After being cut down and asked all the time, Chen Chong's words were a bit off-putting: "Hey, can you stop bothering me at this time?"

"You are willing to follow you as an old man?"

"When I met you, I was the squad leader. I have been promoted two levels up to now. You still have more than ten people under your command. Do you have the nerve?"

Cut Jiu's complexion turned black instantly: "Your mother."

"Your mother and my mother are both mothers! Don't think of yourself as a character. On the battlefield, the one who lives the longest is the character!"

"I have traveled more bridges than you have traveled!" It is true that there are many life and death scenes of cutting nine.

"Okay, let me give you a platoon and a machine gun, can you guard the left wing in the west of the village?"

"You think I'm your subordinate?"

"For the battalion commander's sake, let me invite you, old man, can you help me out?" After staying in Jiuying for so long, Chen Chong naturally knew the temperament of this man who came from a gambling family.

"That's pretty much the same," Choi Nine's opponents yelled, and Pidianpidianer took over the left wing in the north of the defense village.

The bandit soldiers entering the village from the west moved forward, not fast.

The first few bandit soldiers stared wide-eyed, and immediately found that there seemed to be someone moving in the ditch ahead: "There is a situation"

The bandit soldiers who followed immediately squatted down on the spot: "What's the matter?"

"I see someone at the end of the ditch." Before the words finished, the bandit battalion commander behind gave another order.

The footsteps of the second echelon attacking in the center began to sound.


Immediately there was a burst of gunfire in the village.

A few bandit soldiers screamed in the open field on a moonlit night, clutching the shot site.

The bandit battalion commander immediately ordered to arrange machine gun fire on the flanks to suppress.

Finally, I saw the approximate location of the firing in the village, followed by the sound of machine guns.

da da da da da da
As for when to shoot, it depends on feeling.
The sound reached the ears of the attacking bandit soldiers, and the few obsessive-compulsives felt terrified when they heard it.
The team that had been advancing with cat waists had already been lying on the ground, some of them half-raised their bodies and raised their guns to fight back, while the other part crawled forward on the ground amidst the yelling of the bandit battalion commander behind them.

The bandit battalion commander's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and the speed of the soldiers was so precious. This speed of advancement was simply not enough, so he shouted again: "All the bastards stand up and charge forward. You can break into the village in less time than pissing, you guys! Do you have to take shit for so long?"

This scolding was new, and there were few gunshots in the village, and few brothers seemed to be injured.

The platoon leaders of the bandits in front of the formation shouted: "Throw the grenade first, and everyone will follow."

The bandit soldiers with grenades pulled their fire and flung them forward one after another.

Explosions again and again, the entire open area west of the village was blown up by grenades, filled with smoke and dust.

Those who don't know, think that some monster is about to break out of the open ground
After a while, the explosion stopped.

There was a miasma of smoke and gunpowder smoke everywhere, dust fell from the sky, and the west of the village was deadly silent.

The bandit soldiers continued to advance, getting closer and closer to the village.

The bandit machine gunner who was suppressing quickly raised the muzzle of his gun, so as not to accidentally injure his own brothers who were attacking in front.

The speed of snail crawling is almost the same as that of the detective team.

This has nothing to do with the three days. It was obvious that the first energy was directly rushed out, and was cut into three pieces by his subordinates.
The bandit battalion commander behind saw his toothache.

Strike while the iron is hot, and decisively order the third echelon gathered around to join the offensive camp.

If you want to pull, if you want to fight, just have a good time.

Within 3 minutes, capture the west of the village in one fell swoop!
The bandit soldiers attacking along the ditch seemed to have come to an end.

At the end of the originally flat place, a black shadow suddenly appeared
Cut Jiu's fifth son poked out his bald head.
A Czech-style light machine gun that had waited impatiently stood firm.
Da. Da. Da Da Da Da Da. Da.
The machine gun muzzle flashed.

The finger used to buckle the semi-automatic shell gun is not proficient in cooperating with the trigger of the machine gun.

The machine gun bullets came and went intermittently like sheep pulling beans.
The traffic ditch entering the village is half deep, and it is mainly used to prevent the enemy from attacking from the north, and to prevent the troops from occupying the village from breaking through to the west.

Bandit soldiers attacking from the west lined up in the ditch and rammed their guns.

The bandit soldiers who were attacking the open ground were stunned for a moment when they heard the sound of the machine gun, and immediately planned to kill the opponent's machine gunner.

After emptying the shell gun bullet in his hand, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The opponent's machine gun seemed to be hidden in the hole that led directly to the end of the village ditch!

The choking gunpowder smoke permeated the entrance of the cave, and Chia Jiu coughed strangely: "Retreat, fight behind the wall."

The bandits who shot at the entrance of the cave finally figured out what was going on.

Balu even set up a bunker!
And the firing holes are still in the ditch.
So insidious!

This experienced bandit immediately recalled that he had heard about the tunnel warfare played on the eighth road of Wu'an County, Linzhang, more than a hundred miles to the north.
The remaining smoke curled up from the muzzle of the shell gun in his hand.

Without saying hello to anyone, he slowly crawled out of the village while the bandit soldiers who thought they had captured the village were cheering.
The eight-way machine gun fired once and disappeared.

The third echelon attack from the open field also seemed to go well.

The bandit soldiers on the two wings were killed by machine guns in a long line, and the bandit soldiers pushed directly to the courtyard walls in the west of the village.

Some bandit soldiers immediately noticed that this village seemed to be different from the villages they often robbed: there seemed to be no way to enter the village from the west of the village!

Uh, it seems that I can't say that, because there should be a road, but that road seems to have a rammed earth wall recently.
"No, there are shooting holes!" The experienced bandit soldiers yelled out of their wits.
Several bandit soldiers who were climbing up the gap in the ruined wall were also taken aback when they heard this.

The ghost soldiers who probed over the wall stopped immediately and slipped back.

In the jargon of bandit soldiers, climbing the top of the wall is like passing the gate of hell.

Since someone reminded that this section of the wall is the gate of hell, it is a fool to climb inside.

The Eight Roads in the village used to use these shooting holes to shoot cold guns out, which made a lot of bandit soldiers.

Now, there is not even a shadow of Ba Lu!
Apparently, the legend that the Eighth Road is like heaven and earth did not frighten the bandit soldiers who are numerous and powerful.

Immediately there were bandit soldiers, reporting the situation to the bandit company commander who led the attack to the entrance of the village.

The bandit company commander thought for a while, and immediately resorted to his housekeeping skills, and the male duck shouted loudly: "Set fire immediately."

The four-character mantra of bandits and soldiers: burn, kill and loot.

Killing and extorting goods, killing and setting fire, kidnapping and blackmailing?That thing is the specialty of hooligans, bastards, and rogues!
Of course, there are plenty of cross-industry talents.

A dozen torches were thrown into the village
Then it was covered with the sand prepared earlier
Could it be that Balu has a conspiracy hiding in the village?
"I still don't believe it, he can dig this village into a big bunker." The bandit battalion commander who had just followed up had a very ugly face, and immediately ordered: "Brothers, divide the troops into three groups, and the two wings will immediately circle the south of the village and the north of the village!"

Among the bandit soldiers, there was a rout, and they immediately offered advice: "Battalion Commander, wouldn't it be over by blowing up the courtyard wall with a cluster grenade?"

This is also a way!

Follow along with cluster grenades hastily whipped up in sour-smelling leggings and get ready.

A few bandits separated a distance and used bayonets to cut out two head-sized holes in the newly built rammed earth wall.

Balu in the village was too frightened to fire a single shot.

The captain of the bandit company became more courageous, and waved his hand: "Pull fire."

Cluster grenades were stuffed into the two holes, and the bandit soldiers who pulled the fire turned around and ran away.

A few black-holed rifles quietly poked out of the shooting holes in the darkness other than the shooting holes dug by the bandits
The figures of the bandit battalion commander, bandit company commander, and bandit machine gunner gradually became clear in the rifle rear sight
(End of this chapter)

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