under fire

Chapter 1289 The battlefield situation always does not go according to plan

Chapter 1289 The battlefield situation always does not go according to plan

Wang Anbao gun tower.

After receiving calls from the city's investigative team one after another, Hu Yi knew that the devils already knew that the Eighth Route Army had taken down the gun towers.

Sooner or later the devil will know, sooner or later!
It is very interesting that the telephone wires of the nearby blockhouse had to be pulled from the stronghold.

Therefore, Hu Yi simply asked someone to cut off the telephone line, and then arranged for Luo Fugui and Li Xiang to lead people to take down the nearby blockhouse first.

The puppet army in the blockhouse next to the stronghold did not join forces, and they ate at the stronghold at noon.

Hearing gunshots just now, he was about to make a phone call but found that the phone couldn't get through. Then he saw a group of fake city defense troops coming from the stronghold, checking the phone poles as they walked.

Soldiers kept moving sacks to the top of the gun tower.

Crazy Yang is debugging the Min [-] and [-] heavy machine guns.

After a while, Mancang, who was squatting to watch the excitement, was full of doubts: "Just because of this, I can hit the little devil's plane."

"Of course"

Mancang really wants to learn, but it's a pity that Crazy Yang cherishes words like gold.

I can only guess.

Crazy Yang was also forced to do nothing, he could indeed talk about the theory of machine guns hitting devils and planes, but unfortunately, the goods full of warehouses are not literate at all, and they are completely playing the piano with cows.

I can only do it myself. I talked about listening to the sound of the Devil's plane to judge the speed, and observing the approximate angle and distance of the plane's dive to calculate the ballistic lead.

It's a pity that the two hundred and five machine gunners even heard of the coordinates for the first time.

How can I understand such profound theories including quadratic function and inverse function!

Not to mention how to judge the model of the Devil plane that will come later, how many bombs it carries, the caliber of the machine gun, and the maximum speed.
The reconnaissance work of the armed task force is very good.

Fortunately, after the devils raided the mountains last year and this year, they believed that the eight roads in the mountains could no longer pose a big threat to HD.

All the bombers at Lincun Airport in the west of the city were diverted to the front line battlefield of the Yellow River in the south.

Only ten old fighters remained.

There are four that have never been seen in the hangar.

There are also two trainers.

In other words, there are only four fighter jets that the little devil can dispatch today.

Crazy Yang judged that it was unlikely that the devils would send a plane from Baoding in the north to help.

Because the devil's internal aircraft transfer procedures are not simple.

Armed workers have taken explosives and placed them under the stone bridge.

There are people moving sandbags in a hurry everywhere, and the original fortifications of the stronghold were aimed at the east.

Now it has to be changed to anti-west.

We all know that the devil might have a tank this time, so he removed half of the stones on the stone bridge a few holes early.

After the guns started to fire from the east.

Observers immediately reported that the county brigade in various costumes was running along the road to the East Zhizhang River Bridge.

The little devils who were chasing after were crushed into a mass of traitors by the puppet city defense forces, puppet policemen, and detective teams.

The sound of light and heavy machine guns sounded like a burst.
The prisoners who were still working hard to dig trenches in the west of the gun tower panicked when they heard the dense gunfire.

But there are eight roads everywhere, at least hundreds of them, and the eight roads have set up a defense line along the river bank, and there are eight guard posts in the east.

It was absolutely impossible to escape, so in desperation, he could only stare and continue working.

A soldier was yelling and threatening: "If you try your best, you will close the bunker for a while, and those who steal and play tricks will close the barracks for a while to be bombarded by the little devils and the planes. You can figure it out."

After a while, the fast-running soldiers from the county brigade had arrived across the river.

The armed workers who responded at the bridgehead on the other side of the river yelled at everyone to cross the river quickly.

The soldiers on the bridge thought they were safe, so they made a lot of noise and turned around every two steps.

The trajectory of the Devil's heavy machine gun behind has begun to shoot at the position of the Zhizhang River East Stone Bridge.

Some soldiers who had not noticed the bullet slipped and fell directly into the river.

The people next to him rushed to find a way to save people.
The line is messy and slow.

The observation post reported again: "The enemy on both sides has advanced 600 meters to the river, and the frontal tank attack is 800 meters away from the stone bridge."

As for whether it is a tank or an armored vehicle, it is not clear anyway.

It is very strange that the devils did not start shelling!

Hu Yi raised his binoculars and looked to the west.

So far, there has been no sign of the Devil's plane appearing.

At this time, there are people on the top of the blockhouses along the river from the south to the north.

Although the battle on the other side of the river was fierce, and it was almost twelve o'clock, it was time to eat or have to eat.

The puppet city defense army kept sending people to the stronghold with baskets and barrels.

From the perspective of the city defense army, it is normal that the phone cannot be connected, because every time there is sabotage, the most common goal is to cut the telephone line and cut down the pole.

Hu Yi didn't pay much attention to the battle scene across the river, and couldn't help even if he wanted to.

There's no point in being in a hurry.

Finally, a roar began to appear.

Hu Yi raised the telescope again, but still found nothing in the sky.

The observation post suddenly yelled: "Battalion Commander, there is a boat coming from the river"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment. After fighting for so many years, he has fought with planes in the sky and tanks on the ground, and he has also seen armored trains on railways.

This is the first time I have met Devil Motorboat.

Immediately ordered: "The machine guns on the shore will fire immediately to cover the county brigade to cross the river."

Gong Shaofeng looked anxiously at the fallen soldiers, and nervously looked at the wheat field and the ditch beside the road.

The machine gun team hid in the wheat field and saw that the side of the Devils tank was finally at right angles to the gunfire.

Fire now.

The machine gun shot splashed sparks on Iron King Eight, and finally a few bullets successfully penetrated Iron King Eight's side armor.

Successfully killed an Iron King Eight.

However, the devil infantry who were scattered behind the tank had already rushed close.

The distance between the two sides is less than ten meters!

There is no possibility of retreat at all!
The machine gunner and deputy shooter turned their machine guns and fired wildly at the Devil infantry.

After firing all the bullets in the photon spare magazine, he was finally shot randomly by the devil and sacrificed honorably.
Then, the two soldiers who hid on the side of the road and pretended to be dead, desperately blew up the cluster grenades pressed by their bodies and blew up a Devils tank.

Another soldier was shot continuously by the scattered devil infantry, and died with multiple bullets in his body.

The clustered grenade exploded in front of the Devil's tank, causing no damage to the tank at all.

The Douding Chariot is the Type [-] tank, [-] meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] meters high, and weighs three and a half tons.

The side armor is eight millimeters thick, and it is completely a tractor with iron skin. Put it on the European battlefield, and half an infantry squad can easily kill such a tank.

The most distressing cardboard tank known as the Douding Chariot is invincible on the Chinese battlefield!
behind the road.

The captain of the Devil Chariot Squadron who led the attack was as black as a pan.

The chariot squadron had fifteen armored vehicles, five of which were bean tanks. Unexpectedly, not long after the battle started after leaving the city, two of them were damaged in a row.

In addition to an armored chariot in the city, one-fifth of it has been lost so far!

In the past, facing the heavy artillery and heavy machine guns of the national army, the armored troops who stood at attention and made great achievements were killed by Tuba Road three times in a row.

The lieutenant ignored orders from the brigade commander to keep the units at a "reasonable" pace of attack.

"Attack." Pulling out the command knife, Niaoyu yelled strangely with red eyes: "The Douxi Chariot launched an armored vehicle frontal assault."

The devil's armored vehicles had very small tires, so they didn't dare to go in the field next to the road. Although there were nine armored vehicles lined up, only the first two could shoot from the front.

The devil infantry also learned to be smart, as long as the eight corpses lying in front of the chariot were all shot with a round of guns.

Gong Shaofeng calmly and calmly destroyed two enemy tanks, paying a heavy price.

More than half of the hundreds of soldiers have been killed or injured.

The county brigade has withdrawn to the Zhizhang River and is crossing the river.

Fortunately, the guard battalion from a regiment successfully captured the enemy's Wang'anbao stronghold.

At this point, it is meaningless to fight any further.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people under him, Gong Shaofeng immediately waved: "Alternate cover, retreat."

The county brigade that withdrew to the river first also suffered heavy casualties.

Because when they retreated, because they were reluctant to run away from the crops, they squeezed onto the road and were knocked down by the devil's machine gun!

When crossing the river, the organization is disorganized and the speed is too slow.

Coming from the north and the south, the Devil's gunboat is getting closer and closer to the Zhizhang River East Stone Bridge.
The soldiers of the county brigade who had not yet crossed the river began to panic.
thump thump thump
(End of this chapter)

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