under fire

Chapter 129 Maeda Night Chapter

Chapter 129
A tired team marched in the dark, nearly 30 people, nearly a platoon, as if they had driven a long way.

The team stretched apart in a row, very disorganized, mixed with support, with four or five stretchers outside, stretching so long that you can't see the end.The military uniforms are in tatters, with rifles on their backs and machine guns on their shoulders. Unlike the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army does not have such good equipment.

There is not even the old Hanyang sleeve bird gun shuttle mark, how could it be eight-way?
The leader acted as a vanguard with two full Japanese-style equipment, followed not far behind, and several soldiers had three or eight covers on their backs.

One of the little brats, however, carried a pistol on his back, sat on a stretcher and whispered to the person on the stretcher, empty-handed.

Every few people is a torch, the mountain road is narrow, there is no way to be side by side, and the ponytail simply climbed onto the stretcher. Fortunately, the stretcher was carried by a big and amazing guy with a bag on his back and two machine guns placed horizontally. Even if two people were still being lifted, the big one didn't seem to feel anything.

The wounded were sent away, but there were still 27 or [-] of them. Maybe they were really tired. A few soldiers dozed off on the mountain road.

They are now crossing mountains and ridges, trying their best to rush to the division headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and they want to participate in the defense battle of the division headquarters. Of course, even if they can't fight the devils, they can always help the common people escape into the mountains!
How bold a person is, how productive the land is, this is not a joke, as big as the eye is, as big as the sky, the little Jiulian, dragged the devil's attack all the way, the battlefield is not large, with the help of the terrain and the length of the legs, playing tricks on the devil at the foot.

The marching team is now almost a platoon, and there is also a squad from the third company.

This platoon is a bit complicated, the old Red Army, the KMT's rout, bandits, hunters, and a yellow-haired girl. Although there are not many people, the commander accounts for half of them.

The Kuomintang routs that were incorporated were even brand new, and even the people in the ranks didn't know each other very well.

Although there were not many people and their spirits were not good, there were a lot of weapons and ammunition. They carried a few iron barrels without grenades on their backs and fought with the devils for a long time. Some of the guns had not been fired until now.

Hao Yun's rifle was nothing more than a display until now, he didn't worry about it now, he just wanted to leave the battlefield as soon as possible, no matter how close his eyes were, the pace under his feet didn't slow down, moving mechanically.

A black figure panted heavily and said to the people behind: "What the hell, can you hurry up, the devil is right behind us, you really don't want to leave, just stay here and try your best to count the ball with the devil!"

"Can you let me sit on a stretcher? I really can't walk anymore!"

"Hey, look, tsk tsk, how good it is to stay, find a corner of the mountain, lie in ambush there, watch the devils come over, maybe kill a squadron leader with one shot, what a joy."

"Hey, you boy follow those stupid women and go to see people planting fields every day. You are really shameless."

"I like it, don't mind your business!"

"I heard that you didn't join the Eighth Route? But you became a squad leader again. Are you out of your mind? Even the Eighth Route can do this. I don't think the Eighth Route is anything special."

"You are so rare, if it weren't for the fact that you were the squad leader before, I would have directly asked Eight Road to reorganize you into the third company."

"Sanlian? You said that platoon leader Pan who used big swords, that guy is a green man, he is a good fighter in war, what a waste of talent to be a platoon leader, it is really a waste if he is not a death squad, the devils are washed away by the water , and chased and fought on the shore for a long time, I think he is a fool, go join them? I would rather take two yuan of travel expenses to go home."

"Damn you, go back and try now, if you don't be shot as a deserter, you'll have to be reorganized into the Death Squad again."

"Seriously, big dog, this time we participated in the Eighth Route! We have also been on the battlefield! But I feel like I am running away all the way, no different from the national army. I also heard that there is no military salary, so I am surprised. You are a fine boy, how could you hang around with them for so long and not escape."

"Run away? Are you so blind? I'm free on the eighth road. If I didn't see you pity, I wouldn't be bothered to take you in."

"Hey, don't say it so nicely. I heard that you can't even beat those girls, so you still take me in? You don't want to take advantage of us, you want to look good in front of those girls."

The words of the two goods in the back floated with the mountain wind.

A small stone hit Tang Dagou on the forehead.

"Who, who the fuck is it, your grandma's?" The face that hadn't passed in 800 years was full of anger, and suddenly became humble again. Who else could throw it so accurately in the dark.

The immature voice in front said angrily: "Don't talk about these things at this time, you ungrateful bastard, come and carry the stretcher!"


Three dice jumped and spun happily in the dice cup on the table.

Pairs of excited eyes stared expressionlessly at the table, listening to the sound of the dice.

"Buy it and leave it." The guy with a swollen face said in awe.

Surrounded by a circle of messy guys, the panicked people dropped banknotes into the squares on the table with the size written on them.

Bang, a shell gun dropped into the big box.

"Brother, have you decided?"

"I am happy."

"I dare not refuse."

"Stop it, hurry up..."

"You have lost to Lao Tzu several times in this thing, and the gendarmerie will come to mess with us again in a while, aren't you a bit too much?"

"Can't you afford it?"

"Hey, I'm not burdened with a lot of debts, so don't blame my brother for pushing you if there are any mistakes. Hey, it's none of our business."

The crowd around looked forward to it, and immediately changed their bets, all betting on Xiao.

The man with a thick head has a black line, is this the rhythm of smashing the field?He stretched his waist and took a deep breath: "Captain Li, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, don't go too far."

Li Youcai was doomed to lose, so although the audience hated these two bastards, they were full of expectations.


The audience who had won the money cheered, the door was knocked loudly, and half-baked birds were roaring.

The door was opened, and the man in black standing at the door who opened the door was pushed away by two poop-yellow military uniforms.

The audience took no surprise and leaned to one side.

"Li Sang, please come with us."

Ordinary people heard that they were going with the military police, and they were scared to death. They gathered people to gamble in the middle of the night and were arrested by the military police.The charges can be big or small.

After saying a word, a gendarme lifted the gun on the table and gave the savage man a hard look.

A few oceans went into the gendarme's bag, and the gendarme was satisfied, and Li Youcai walked out the door while being caught in the middle.

The gate of the gendarmerie was closed, lights were shining on the walls of the courtyard, and the lantern in the porter's room was on. The light through the window illuminated the three people walking on the street.

The devil on duty opened the small door on the main gate, and the three of them got in silently.

Not long after, a line of policemen walked down the street, yawning and carrying flashlights.

The devils are understaffed, and police officers have been added to the night patrol team.

In the second-floor office building in the middle of the courtyard, there were lights on in several offices. Li Youcai looked up and saw that the lights in Maeda's office were still on. Don't think about it, Maeda must have something to do with him.

In the eyes of Li Youcai who is used to seeing all this, saying that the gendarmerie is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den is actually nothing.

It must be difficult for Maeda to call the military police to find him in the middle of the night.

Li Youcai reminded himself to keep a low profile, went upstairs, the gendarmes guarding the door glanced at Li Youcai, pushed the door open without saying anything.

Surprisingly, Maeda was standing alone under the big map behind the desk, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

"Li Sang, calling you here so late has affected your interest?"

Maeda's polite voice made Li Youcai's heart skip a beat, and he began to think wildly, carefully thinking about countermeasures.

"Your, don't be nervous." Turning his head, he signaled to the military police next to him: "Pour a glass of wine for Li Sang, this is the rare Chrysanthemum Masamune Sake."

Li Cai didn't speak, took the sake, Xue Maeda took a sip, frowned deliberately, and then let go.

"How is it, is this wine good?" Maeda was in a good mood, looking at Li Youcai and asked.

This doesn't look like something happened, at least, Li Youcai has never seen Maeda showing such an expression.

Not a bad ghost, there is no smell of fart, can this be called wine, the fermented glutinous rice at home is more refreshing than this, but there is a proud smile on his face: "It is indeed the best!"

"No, no, no, it's not the best." Maeda drank the wine in the small cup in his hand: "I have good news for you. The headquarters of the Eighth Route Army has been surrounded. Before dark, this is still top-secret news, but, Now, this exciting news has spread throughout North China." There were two bottles on Maeda's desk, and he seemed to have drunk one bottle, his face was flushed.

"Eighth Road Headquarters? What Eighth Road Headquarters? I don't quite understand." Li Youcai's heart was beating wildly, and he quickly raised the wine glass to his mouth with trembling hands, and drank it down in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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