under fire

Chapter 1292 The Application of Mathematics in Combat

Chapter 1292 The Application of Mathematics in Combat

Luo Fugui was recalling what Boss Hu and Crazy Yang had said to everyone during the meeting.

The fighter does not start shooting as soon as it comes up.

In the first step, the pilot must also observe the battlefield situation first, and then decide from which direction to fire.

The positions on the embankment are from south to north, and the fighter jets coming from the west have almost no way to open fire as soon as they go into battle.

It must be changed to fly from south to north or from north to south and then fire at low altitude.

This is also the reason why Boss Hu ordered that when the first wave of shooting against the enemy was made, the planes in the sky should not be cared about at all.

In order to prevent Japanese machine guns from strafing, all the individual soldier pits on the river embankment were dug into east-west individual soldier trenches.

In this way, the trajectory of the Devils flying north-south can only be fired obliquely, and the trajectory forms a certain angle with the ground.

As long as you lie in the individual trench, you will not be afraid of the Japanese fighter jets.

Hu Yi was standing on the top of the turret, being tested by Crazy Yang.

The test was very simple. Crazy Yang held a thin wooden stick about one meter long.

The thumb of Hu Yi's right hand and the rest of the fingers are held in a virtual circle.

Crazy Yang let go of the stick, and the stick fell.

At this time, Hu Yi needed to clenched his hands tightly, and finally looked at the position of the wooden stick he was holding.

In this way, the approximate reaction time can be judged.

After a while.

Tested all the machine gunners on the top of the turret.

Hu Yi looked at Crazy Yang who was calculating on the paper: "Are you sure you can hit it?"

Crazy Yang kept raising his binoculars to look at the plane circling to the south, judging the flying speed of the Devil's plane: "No matter how fast he flies at such a short distance, there is absolutely no problem in hitting it a few times."

The excited Crazy Yang forgot the three-character scripture: "Devil planes are used to being invincible in China. Only the engine and fuel tank have armor."

Hu Yi nodded: "Even if the plane is shot, the engine and fuel tank cannot be emptied, and it is useless to hit only the wings."

Crazy Yang looked at the Devil fighter who had turned a corner: "Yes, this is the purpose of setting up the heavy machine gun position for anti-aircraft shooting on the roof of the gun tower, so that it can hit his unarmored side!"

The regular regiments of the Eighth Route Army almost all have rigid regulations, prohibiting shooting into the air
The reason is that it is shooting at the enemy plane. It is not difficult to hit the plane, but it cannot hit the plane's engine, fuel tank, or pilot. If you want to shoot down the devil's plane, there is no hope at all.

In other words, taking a rifle can be considered a good advance, and it is useless to hit a plane.
A total of three machine guns were installed on the top of the Wangjiabao gun tower.

There were no anti-aircraft shooting positions on the roofs of the nearby gun towers that were taken down.

This will ensure more intensive firepower.

The bomb guard of the [-]nd heavy machine gun can only fire [-] rounds of bullets at a time.

Two Czechs each had twenty rounds.

The opportunity is fleeting.

This time there was no point-and-shoot statement.

The Devil 25 fighter has four [-]kg aerial bombs.

This has nothing to do with being able to hit the plane.

The speed of diving and shooting reaches about 450 kilometers per hour, and the forward speed is 130 meters per second!

The gun tower is 60 meters away from the embankment.

When the bullet of the heavy machine gun is ejected from the chamber, it is about 800 meters per second, and it takes 60 seconds to fly [-] meters.

The human eye sees the plane, and then the hand pulls the trigger reaction time of [-] seconds.

It takes [-] seconds for the firing pin to hit the bullet to ignite the gunpowder until the bullet is ejected from the chamber.

In other words, it takes about [-] seconds from seeing the plane to shooting the bullet and hitting the plane.

Moreover, turning the machine gun to let the bullets chase the plane is completely useless.

You can only hit a fixed position and try your luck!
The height error depends entirely on the experience of the machine gunner.

Crazy Yang calculated the masturbation parameters early on.

The reaction time was 130 seconds, and the flying speed of the Devil's plane was [-] meters per second.

About 36 meters in advance!
The fighter jet is [-] meters long, and when shooting, it hits almost five fuselage positions in front of the plane.

In fact, everyone's reaction time is definitely different.
Moreover, the Devil's plane will not just fly to a position 60 meters away from the gun tower.

If the devil flies high and is far away from the gun tower, it even has to calculate the parabola produced when the bullet is fired obliquely
Crazy Yang hadn't finished his calculations until the observer complained that the plane was approaching.
Simply stop counting and let the plane hit five to seven positions on the fuselage.

Hitting a plane with a machine gun is just luck
Moreover, even if the bullet hits the plane, it still has to hit the plane's engine, fuel tank, and driver.
Even more difficult
After telling the result.

Crazy Yang occasionally glanced at Hu Yi.

Finding that Hu Yi's brows had not been relaxed, he comforted him: "The devil only has four planes, and I promise to hit at least one!"

Hu Yi had a theoretical basis for shooting several fuselages before he entered the military academy, so he was impressed by Crazy Yang's ability to calculate the advance of shooting five to seven fuselages.

It is very important to be able to shoot down the plane.

But whether Wang Dashan, who was fighting in the north, and Wang Peng, who was in the south, could survive the detoured Devil armored vehicles was also very important.

So far, only one tank squadron of Devils has been seen!
Most of the people in the county brigade have retreated eastward one after another.

A large part of the reason why the Ninth Battalion stayed here was to attract the Devil planes here.

Otherwise, the county brigade may be completely annihilated under the strafing of the devils' planes, the pursuit and encirclement of the devils and puppet infantry!
What was originally a battle to rob the execution ground turned into a blockade.

This is destiny.



12:30 noon.

The weather was pleasing to the eye.

Saw the plane coming around from the south.

Captain Guizi once again ordered the puppet army to prepare for the attack.

If even a stone bridge cannot be broken under the cover of aviation, the imperial army will be completely humiliated.

Aircraft strafed.

Mortar bombardment.

Light and heavy machine gun suppression.

The devil Sanba Dagai lying on the river bank began to divide into sections, and he only waited for the eight roads to shoot with precision.

The time passed by every minute and every second very slowly.

Captain Guizi judged the arrival time of the plane, pulled out his command saber, and pointed towards the river east: "Attack."

This time, the mortars fired first.

Follow the light and heavy machine guns to shoot.

A new round of offensive by the puppet army began.

The puppet army that had retreated and lay on the stone bridge immediately got up and rushed to the opposite bank.

The puppet troops on both wings began to set foot on the newly repaired pontoon bridge.

On the other side of the stone bridge.

Avoid the reverse slope of the embankment on both sides of the road.

"Zhengnan, the enemy planes are forming formation." The voice came from the observation post that Crazy Yang had personally educated.

One by one, the elongated pits facing east and west are like shallow graves.

The soldiers lying on their stomachs or lying on their backs were all trying to stick to the ground on the south side.

The heart was beating hard, and the loud explosion of the nearby shells and the tremors on the ground made people extremely nervous.

Nervous is nervous, but the situation is exactly the same as what the battalion commander said.

The soldiers checked the status of the shell guns in their hands one after another.

After a while, the puppet army will fight with them in close combat.

The soldiers had a bottom-up mind. They dug a big hole in the middle of the road more than [-] meters behind the river and set up a heavy machine gun position with a hidden warehouse.

The muzzle of the gun is facing the stone bridge, and the puppet army coming from the bridge in a while will encounter a metal storm that eats people's lives.

Next to the stone bridge, there is an open space of 40 meters from the embankment to the river surface.

The open space did not leave any chance for the enemy, and the landmines were laid early.

If the enemy wants to rush across the river from the bridge, and then jump onto the dry river bed to attack, it is still a dead end.

Those who have the audacity to poke their heads out to look south at enemy planes.

Immediately received a stern warning from the monitor.

Gong Shaofeng and Minister Liu were lying in the adjacent pit: "Hey, old Liu, you said that Battalion Commander Hu used a machine gun to hit the plane, isn't it too ridiculous?"

The voice of Minister Liu, who was in charge of directing the frontal blocking of the stone bridge, came from the side: "During the Long March, comrades put machine guns on their shoulders and hit the planes head-on. , it’s really the first time I’ve heard of it.”

"They repelled the first wave of attacks by the puppet army. They were clean and neat, and they did have some skills."

"Then you should study hard"

"If our county brigade has so many bullets, I will definitely be no worse than them"

"You are indeed very powerful. You have beaten more than a hundred fighters and only twenty are left. I will deal with you when I go back."

"I don't know that the devil has a conspiracy. If it wasn't for the news from Captain Guo and the others, maybe you should burn paper for me by this time next year."

"Don't say dejected words, if you are told to withdraw, you will not leave"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

"Big man, why are you crying?"

"My good comrades."

hum. hum.
The loud roar of the plane hurts the eardrums.

The humming seemed to herald the arrival of the devil.

Puff puff.
In the low sky, a silver-white steel monster flew over with a strange howl, its flames constantly flashing.

The trajectories of the leading fighter jets fired continuously, crackling and stirring up two continuous sprays of soil mist from south to north on the river bank.

The Hexi Devils shelling stopped.

Light and heavy machine guns also poured bullets from west to east.

For the soldiers hiding in the individual pits on the reverse slope, the puppet troops will soon attack their heads,

Some people may think that positional warfare means that the two sides shoot at each other.

In fact, the requirements for the commander are very high.

Not only the enemy's attack method, but also the attack direction must be accurately predicted.

Moreover, the soldiers under him must obey the command without reservation.

At this time, whoever dares to take the lead will have no other result except to have his head broken.

Along with skill, there is also determination.

Yes, determination, not confidence.

The determination not to be afraid of death!
At this time, he was completely beaten.

If it is not determined, it is likely to collapse on the spot.

The top of the gun tower.

Hu Yi rested his finger on the trigger of the Czech light gun and held his breath.
(End of this chapter)

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