under fire

Chapter 1448 Changing Landmines

Chapter 1448 Changing Landmines

As the supreme commander of this battle, the heads of the three divisions directly assigned tasks.

The Ninth Battalion arrived one step ahead, and naturally received the garrison on the north side of the artillery tower that had already scouted the terrain.

The various departments of the Eighth Route Army preparing to besiege the devils have not yet moved in place.

The devils started shelling without warning.

Hu Yi's heart froze suddenly, the first target of the bombing point was the joint area between the Ninth Battalion and the brother troops.

Before the shelling was over, Hu Yi had already walked through the green gauze tent and quickly ran to the area where the mortar shells fell.

Fortunately, the continuous green gauze tent has a really large area.

The devil's bombardment didn't take long.

Seeing the disheveled little braid coming out of the gunpowder smoke, Hu Yi silently breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes damaged by the poison gas tried hard to catch the little girl's facial expression.

Xiao Hongying's ears were still buzzing, looking at Hu Yi in the green gauze tent, she grinned and showed her white teeth: "Hey, fox"

Seeing Hu Yi's anxious face, his lips opened and closed, but he couldn't hear what Hu Yi said at all.

He rubbed his ears carefully, with an anxious expression on his face: "Hey, I seem to be deaf"

When the little girl approached, Hu Yi barely saw the girl's blurred black face: "Deaf? Don't scare me"

"It should be all right?" Although the little girl couldn't hear it, she could still see his worry from Hu Yi's expression.

A few seconds later, the footsteps of one big and one small resounded in the green gauze tent again.

The soldiers of the brother army who escorted the girl back turned around and disappeared into the green gauze tent.

Qingshazhong in the southwest direction.

Rifle shots were sparse but continuous.

Knowing that the identity of the Eighth Route has been found out, the devil who pretended to be the Eighth Route to launch an assault did not give up at all.

Tuba Road is really too cunning, laying grenades and booby traps along the way.

So that the devils can't chase quickly.
After stepping on it a few times, I found that the eight-way booby trap has a long delay. As long as you see smoke on the ground, you still have enough reaction time to find a place to lie down and hide!

The Devil Sergeant Cao who ordered the pursuit was quite capable, and soon found out that there were only three people who ambush the imperial army!

Well-trained devils naturally also have masters in reconnaissance and tracking.

Usually no one enters the depths of the green gauze tent.

It is easy to judge the number of opponents by the footprints left by Tubalu.

Being ambushed by three Tuba roads, causing nearly half of the casualties in disgrace, such an opponent deserves respect.

Killing them is the highest respect for an opponent.

The warriors alternately fired and attacked, and apart from a few wounded by the intensive shooting of the Tuba-Road shell guns, the loss was not great.

The chasing ghosts gradually became bolder.

In their view, if you are loyal to the emperor, death is not terrible, and you can return to the shrine and be admired by the people
The perverted devil's samurai spirit cannot be judged by common sense.

In an environment where the opponent cannot be seen, the defender naturally has the advantage.

But in the face of absolute military superiority, environmental factors can be completely ignored.

Tubalu wanted to lay an ambush in Qingsha, how could their plot succeed?
Sergeant Cao thinks his method of coping with the current situation is very good!

With a frontal push, several trio spread out to the two wings are advancing rapidly.

According to deduction, the three mice in front should be surrounded soon.

Tactics were born out of frontal assault and outflanking on both wings.

One of the most classic three axes of the Imperial Army!

Be sure to let those who don't know a few big characters get killed.
As for Tubalu, who can speak a few words of bird language, the imperial army has vigorously promoted the teaching of bird language in various places in the form of cultural invasion in recent years.

There are not many Chinese who can speak a few birdsong
In Qingsha, there are ghosts singing loudly from time to time, and the ghosts from Kyushu began to use dialects to communicate with each other to maintain location communication.

Although devils are small in size, the accents of different places are not the same.

Juncao didn't believe that Tubalu could understand those hometown dialects
Crazy Yang pricked up his ears and listened carefully. The devil was following the trail left by the big dog deliberately breaking the sorghum leaves.

I can't help admiring the persistence of these devils.

This time, the devil's footsteps were not simply followed behind, but the two wings walked through with a certain regularity and rhythm.

Almost no need to think, immediately understand the devil's old routine of playing the old frontal side bag.

Holding up his drenched body, he kept making gestures.

The big dog yelled through the gaps between the dense sorghum stems and leaves: "What the hell are you going to die if you say a few more words?"

Although he said so in his mouth, he kept walking.

After filling the shell gun magazine with bullets, Li Laosan yelled, "The last shell gun magazine is here."

Under the sun, between blue and yellow.

The big dog took out a brand new shell gun and handed it to Li Laosan: "I'm not used to this."

"Big dog, you bastard, play by yourself." Li Laosan didn't answer: "You think Daoist doesn't know, you're afraid of getting into close combat with devils."

"What the hell, I'm a sharpshooter, suitable for long-range shooting."

"Being so shameless about being afraid of death, you are number one in our camp other than mules."

blah blah.
Perhaps hearing the voices of the three, the devil who had been hanging behind began to shoot.

huh huh huh.
The howling bullets broke the stems and leaves, and quickly went away with the sound of death piercing the air. After smashing an unknown number of stems and leaves, they disappeared without a trace.

The distance between the two sides is less than 50 meters.

This scene looks very absurd, but also reveals an unspeakable weirdness.

Neither side seems to be afraid of bullets?

It is said that guns have no eyes, but in the green gauze tent, the bullets really don't have eyes.

Listening to the sound, it seems easy to say.

In fact, when you can’t see your opponent, and only use the [-]-degree included angle of hearing the sound as the enemy’s position range, a bullet flying at high speed has a very low probability of hitting a target ten meters away from the line of sight limit in Qingsha. Small.

Not to mention the target 50 meters away.

Crazy Yang was holding a shell gun in his hand. To him, it didn't matter which firearm he used.

The difference is that the reasonable use of appropriate firearms at different distances can give the enemy the greatest damage.

The devils are self-righteous, and they may not know that there is a loophole in the old-fashioned tactic of breaking out of the flank.

This loophole is fatal!
The environment of the green gauze tent is not suitable for attacking at all!

Unless there is absolute crushing strength.

This strength does not refer to the number of troops, but to firepower!
The chasing devil had two crooked machine guns, one of which was rendered dumb by the grenade.

Moreover, in such an environment where the opponent cannot be seen, a crooked sub-machine gun with only [-] rounds of ammunition in a full bucket will not last long.

Stray bullets whizzed around, the big dog and cat ran forward, and Crazy Yang and Li Laosan lay on the ground and broke their backs.

The enemy was getting closer and closer, and Li Laosan, who was on guard behind him, watched Crazy Yang dismantle the devil's grenade and prepare to lay mines.

"Can the grenade thing be dismantled?"

"It can be disassembled."

Li Laosan's scalp was numb when he saw it: "If the grenade blows up in his hand at this time, both of us will have to finish the game."

"It can't be blown up!" Crazy Yang didn't even lift his head.

Li Laosan was about to cry: "If you are killed by your own grenade, how can the third master have the face to see the patriarch?"

Crazy Yang inserted the safety pin of the grenade into the small hole in the bottom cover of the projectile, turned it slowly, quickly removed the cover containing the explosives and poured out the medicine bowl, and then began to take the fuze.

"Can you stop doing this stuff?" Li Laosan's voice was trembling, "Can you teach me how to do it?"

"Okay." Crazy Yang casually threw the empty shell of the grenade, which was emptied of fragments inside, to Li Laosan.

Li Laosan took the hot potato and felt much lighter.

After playing with it for a while, I carefully probed again, looking east through the blue-yellow gap between the sorghum ground.

I couldn't see anything under the sun, and the sound of the devil's advancing footsteps rubbing against the vegetation in military uniform could be clearly heard.

Crazy Yang exhaled a foul breath as if relieved.

A large trip mine is fresh out of the oven.
(End of this chapter)

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