under fire

Chapter 1454 What is the main force

Chapter 1454 What is the main force

The devil's artillery fire extended, and the dense explosion made Hu Yi suddenly feel frightened.

The ground was trembling, trembling non-stop, trembling so that even the apex of his heart trembled.

He was a little scared, and he really didn't understand why the devils would bombard Xiao Hongying when she shot.

Could it be that this is the result of being immoral and smoldering on weekdays?

The devil infantry did not participate in the attack, and the light and heavy machine guns installed in the green gauze tent could not fire.

The devils don't show their heads, and shooting at this time will only waste bullets.

And it can't achieve the effect of ambush.

With poor eyesight, it was useless to go to the front line, and Hu Yi was so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

Right now, the only way to attract the devils' artillery fire is to open fire from Li Xiang's mortar platoon!
According to the combat plan, the guard battalion should launch a feint attack before dark.

I didn't care about that much, and immediately prepared to order the mortar to fight back...

A loud charge horn sounded suddenly from the south.

The main regiment did not seem to wait until dark according to the battle plan, and the ninth battalion took action first.

Perhaps it was judged that the devil's large-scale bombardment was because the Ninth Battalion launched an attack in advance!
The devil's fire was directed to the northwest. After the observers of the main regiment reported the situation on the battlefield, the deputy commander widened his eyes.
Battalion Commander Hu said they could attract the firepower of the devils, but he didn't expect it to be true...

Seeing that the devils almost turned all the muzzles of the guns to the northwest, and most of the devils' machine guns were also firing in the northwest direction.

The devil's light and heavy firepower turned to the direction of the guard battalion.

Don't miss out on such a godsend opportunity.

The deputy commander immediately ordered: "Blow the charge, make a frontal assault, and contain the flanks!"

As for the sky is not dark, blackened with gunpowder smoke!
The biggest problem with launching an attack in the green gauze tent is that it is difficult to achieve coordination.

If the communicators spread out to convey the order, the troops who received the order must first assemble their teams and then act, and the positions of each team are different, and the assembly also has a sequence.

Therefore, blowing the charge is the best way.

Although the attack rhythm of the soldiers could not be completely consistent, but when they heard the sound of the attack trumpet, it was an order. The soldiers immediately shouted and killed, and rushed towards the enemy with the same goal.

As for how to kill the enemy after rushing out of the green gauze tent.
Seeing enemies shoot and throw grenades at close range.
After rushing to the devil's position, fight the bayonet
After the blood boils, either the enemy will die or we will die!
Killing one is enough, killing two devils is enough.
It cannot be ignored that most of the time, most of the fighting Eighth Route Army is losing money.
Casualties among the new soldiers were particularly high, and some soldiers even cried when they wet their pants on the battlefield.

And some people are going in the wrong direction.
As for whether to escape, probably not.

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army has a tradition of cultivating fighters with the old leading the new.

Charge with soldiers who have little time for formal training, it is a test of the command ability of the grassroots commanders.

Fortunately, every soldier rushing towards the enemy has one idea in his heart: kill the devil
The soldiers with the same belief ran firmly and powerfully at every step of the charge.

Like the wind and clouds, the soldiers no longer cared about caring for the crops.

The veteran didn't hesitate to ask the recruit to follow behind.

The ideological work of the Eighth Route Army cannot be done by ordinary troops.

Sacrifice yourself on the battlefield, protect your comrades, where your faith is, even if you fall on the road of sacrifice, you still command the charge.

There is no regret in dying for this bullied country.

Veterans can be called veterans because they have been on the battlefield many times. Who hasn't climbed out of the dead?
It is not only a kind of protection, but also a habit to take young comrades to charge with oneself and let the soldiers follow behind.

Devil position.

The sound of shouting, shouting and killing in the green gauze tent shook the sky.

Finally, I watched a Balu rush out of the green gauze tent, followed by a crowd of ants appearing in an instant.

The observers who stretched their necks in all directions of the devil immediately widened their eyes excitedly.

Some even couldn't believe that Tubalu dared to charge.

I have to admire Captain Xiong Erlang for predicting the enemy like a god, Tubalu still charged knowing that he was going to die, there must be something wrong with his brain.

The extremely stupid Tubalu must be killed to death...

The devils lying in the trenches protruded their guns like marmots, welcoming the imminent feast of killing.

The imperial army has always been the only one to fight the Eighth Route Army. Now that he has been ambushed twice, he must let the Eighth Route Army realize that...the Imperial Army is an invincible myth in the world!

Covered by the green gauze tent, the eight-way black rushed out overwhelmingly at an astonishingly fast speed.

A few people who ran fast had charged to the first line of defense marked by the devils on the outside.

One can clearly see gray hats with drooping brims and washed white.

Those eyes under the brim are full of determination.

The perseverance that is not afraid of death, occasionally someone stopped with a rifle to fight back.

The patched military uniform, the color of the stretched legs has been blurred by the dust from the long journey.

The straw sandals on the feet are so shabby that it makes people feel sad.

Fearless to defend their homeland, the momentum is like a rainbow.

Not afraid of death, daring to fight tough battles is the soul of a soldier, and shoulders the mission of driving out foreign enemies.

The experience of blood and fire, life and death in the smoke of gunpowder has forged a firm will in the test of life and death.

"Prepare." The devil lieutenant in the southern defense line waved his command knife with a grinning grin.

The devils who emerged from the trenches looked for their targets and locked on.

Before Lieutenant Nanxiang Guizi, who was in charge of commanding Nanxiang, gave the order to shoot, he rushed to Tuba Road, which was more than 60 meters away from the periphery, but suddenly fell down on the spot in unison.

Then, the light machine guns on both sides of the attacking team fired first.

Da da da.
The trajectory of the machine gun pulled left and right along the ridgeline of the devil's defense line.

Lieutenant Guizi suddenly had a bad feeling: the attack direction of Tuba Road might not be in the south.

His guess made sense.

Eight Routes, who were attacking from the front, suddenly shrank their heads before the devils could shoot.

Instead, several devils lying on the edge of the trench and preparing for battle were immediately blown out of their heads.
Zhang Xiaodao came out of the dense smoke.

He tugged at the steel helmet that was buttoned on his head, and after buttoning the discipline button, he raised his hand to pat the dust and blood all over his body.

The devils fought happily in the artillery position.

It's a pity that the devils set up guard posts near the artillery positions.

It is definitely not possible to go directly there, and throwing a grenade may blow up a mortar shell.

But it is impossible to lose soldiers and generals to the devil artillery.

The devil made it clear that he did not intend to exchange lives with the Eighth Route Army in the green gauze tent.

Now that the Eighth Route has emerged from the green gauze tent, it is fully in line with the expectations of the battle plan.

"Shoot!" Lieutenant Guizi was in a bad mood.

For the sake of the battle, the status quo of the battlefield does not seem to be much different from the one-sided raids that they participated in before.

blah blah.
The gunfire in the open area south of the artillery tower was instantly intense.

A correspondent hurriedly came to the temporary headquarters where the deputy commander of Qingshazhong was located: "Report to the commander, the guard battalion Commander Hu said that they did not launch an attack on the devils."

"Our department and the guard battalion have formed a pincer attack on the devils." The deputy commander looked at the map and waved his hands excitedly: "Order: The two wings attack immediately, and the correspondent, immediately inform Battalion Commander Hu to guard their position. My order, no one is allowed to take a step back!"

(End of this chapter)

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