under fire

Chapter 1461 Three Vertical Independent Regiment

Chapter 1461 Three Vertical Independent Regiment

The grenade smashed into the outer trenches of the devils.

The trenches were filled with gunpowder smoke and dust, and the flying shrapnel immediately caused more than 30 minor and serious injuries.

Life is very resilient.

After the grenade explodes, it forms fragments that mainly injure the enemy. Even if the grenade explodes close to the human body, the person with multiple shrapnel in the body may not die immediately.

A small group of devils howled in a trench deeper than one person.

The devil observers on the second line of defense were directly dumbfounded. They have been fighting Tubalu for many years, and they were chased and killed by the imperial army like a dog chasing a rabbit.
The team in the trench that regained the outer line of defense is probably in danger!
Before he could raise his voice to report the details of the battle to the battlefield correspondent who was waiting next to him, a cloud of blood suddenly appeared on his forehead.
The communicator next to him was taken aback, judging from the situation of the observer being shot that the bullet came from behind
The defense line on the north side has not been impacted by the Tuba Road so far.

Combined with the order issued by the previous headquarters to find the eight-way sharpshooter.
Apparently, the Tubalu sharpshooter was not killed in the shelling.
Perhaps there is more than one sharpshooter on Tuba Road!

North side.

More than four hundred meters away.

Comrade Hongying, who has never missed a shot, is sniping behind the devil's back
A dozen or so soldiers spread out on the edge of the green gauze tent, firing cold shots from time to time. It didn't matter whether they could hit the target or not. Their purpose was to cover the red instructor.
Comrade Hongying, who was lying in the shallow pit with his face covered in dust, was still shooting, more and more vigorously.

The rifle on Xiao's shoulder vibrated slightly again and again, the compacted soil in front of him trembled again and again, and the bullets whizzed and flew towards the devil's position.

Once again, five rounds of bullets were pressed in, only to find that there seemed to be no one in the devil's position.

Then the muzzle was pointed at the top of the blockhouse again, and it seemed that someone was waving a flag on the top of the blockhouse.

Naturally, you can't see the situation in the southwest direction of the top of the gun tower if you are in the north.


Xiong Erlang tried his best to calmly stand at the shooting hole on the second floor of the gun tower and look south.

The battlefield messenger reported that the sharpshooter of Tuba Road in the north was not dead.

Xiong Erlang didn't even hear about it.

Compared with the loss of the entire southern outer defense line until the warriors regained it, and then the warriors who regained the outer defense line were wiped out, whether the eight-way master was killed by the previous shelling was a piece of cake for him.

Since it was not considered a major situation, the staff officer just ordered everyone not to rush into trouble.

The abominable Tubalu is too insidious to use such indecent tricks.

Until now, he didn't even know who his opponent was.

Suddenly I remembered the man and woman in the detective team.

He finally believed that the situation reported by the two members of the detective team was correct.

The Eighth Route Army had indeed set up an ambush. It had previously planned to use the gun towers to launch an ambush, but the Imperial Army saw through and shot them two grenades. The Eighth Route Army immediately changed its tactics.
Tuba Road actually used the outer trenches of the Imperial Army to make a fuss!

Up to now, Xiong Erlang still didn't know that the Eight Routes that were going to ambush him and the Eight Routes that attacked his back line from behind were from different troops.

Take it for granted that the two cloud eight-way teams are actually one team.

Suddenly there was an impulse: report the situation to the division headquarters and ask for aviation support!

Tubalu wore sorghum leaf camouflage, even if they were standing in the green gauze tent, the Royal Air Force could not see them.

Take advantage of the terrain and set up trenches in advance, and the imperial army's combat effectiveness is definitely stronger than that of Tubalu, and the imperial army is equipped with ninety infantry guns.

However, until now, the [-]nd Infantry Artillery has not yet been built.

At such a short distance, what role can infantry artillery play?

Useless, extremely useless.

If it weren't for the many cars under the gun tower, he would even have wanted to order the imperial army to enter the green gauze tent and fight Tuba Road to the death!

The devil's new observer muttered with the orderly next to him for a while.

The messenger returned to the second floor: "Report to the captain, we have contacted the commando team"

In the green gauze tent in the southwest direction.

Received an order from the command center in the direction of the gun tower to change three semaphore soldiers in a row

Sergeant Cao, who was outside the encirclement of the Eighth Route Army, finally made a decision.

Let the three fake Eight Routes change back to the devil's uniform and disappear into the green gauze tent.

How could there be only one gun firing now.This is an encounter!ill-fated encounter,

There was originally a small team in Qingshazhong, but there are only 22 left who can continue to operate, including six slightly injured devils whose arms were scratched by landmine fragments and their uniforms were torn.

The three elites entered the green gauze tent, ready to attack the eighth defense line and create chaos.

Look at the direction in which the three elites who are about to sacrifice disappear!
"Salute to the three warriors including Fujiwara-kun!" Sergeant Cao paid a standard military salute, and then issued an order: "The whole team is divided into two groups, and immediately spread out to the two wings and advance to the eight-way position. After the battle starts, throw more grenades. Get mixed up in the eight roads"

Sergeant Cao is only carrying out the command issued by the command that he must attack the Tuba Route defense line no matter what.

No intention of doing this.

Prohibition, don't waste time!
Sergeant Cao sneaked into the green gauze tent with more than ten fake eight-way.

Park Buhuan was panting and running in the sun, urging his compatriots around him to speed up with a smoky voice from time to time.

After receiving the news from Chanjiu, he immediately assembled the team to leave Huilong Town and head east for reinforcements.

From time to time along the way, traffic personnel sent to the east that there was a large-scale fighting situation.

The situation was extremely bad, and after arriving at Juanzi Village quickly and slowly, the battle was over.

The nearby militia and the common people are cleaning the battlefield.

I heard that the main force of the third division has already crossed the river and headed west and north.

After figuring out that the devils were retreating northward, it was guessed that the main group must have bitten the tail of the devils.

Without the slightest rest, he immediately led the team to turn north.

After searching for nearly thirty miles to the north, the sound of continuous explosions accompanied by intense light and heavy machine guns could already be heard in the north.

This made Park Buhuan a little confused, and he didn't understand the situation. It's broad daylight, okay?
It is true that the Eighth Route Army is good at fighting guerrillas, but listening to this battle in broad daylight does not seem like a chase.

Based on my feeling, it should be the Eighth Route Army who ambushed the devils. After all, no one dares to find a position to fight with the devils.

Finally, I met the correspondent who was hurrying south.

Guard battalion ambush devils?The main force copied the devil's back?
Isn't the Guard Battalion the Ninth Battalion?
Pu Buhuan's heart became hot, and he threw all guns, ammunition and bayonets into the green gauze tent by the roadside on the spot.

The whole team ran forward and went straight to the scene of the gunshots in the north.

The sound of gunfire became clearer and clearer.

Marching in a hurry under the scorching sun, the speed of the team finally slowed down, and some people fell behind from time to time.

Park Buhuan was a little anxious. He could hear clearly that the battlefield was almost full of grenade explosions and the clamor of devils' light and heavy machine guns.

He even heard the sound of the long-lost [-] infantry artillery.

The team met the [-]th regiment of peripheral security fighters.

The guard post didn't know the situation on the battlefield, and I was a little envious of this well-equipped Eighth Route Army team. Don't think about it, it must be the main force!

Looking at the long line, the security post murmured in his heart: "Didn't it mean that the troops of the three columns have gone to the west to defend northern Shaanxi? Why is there still the main force? This independent regiment of the three columns? What's the origin?"

(End of this chapter)

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