under fire

Chapter 1478 Nothing Untradeable

Chapter 1478 Nothing Untradeable

On the road between green gauze tents in the dark plain.

The head of the regiment is rushing forward with his brigade.

Gunshots from the east could already be heard in the distance.

The battlefield seems to be getting closer.

The eighth road surrounded the point to fight for aid, and the head of the regiment thought it was abnormal not to be bombed by landmines.

Therefore, he sincerely invited the acquaintance of the eight-way liaison officer to plant a few landmines on the ground.

The liaison officer was stunned for a while before confirming that the leader's request to be bombed was true.

That being the case, why not give him a taste of land mines?
Thus, the eight-way liaison officer got into the green gauze tent.

Appeared somewhere in the agreed green gauze tent with ragged militiamen.

A group of cronies from the head of the group followed.

After handing over [-] rifles and [-] rounds of ammunition to the militiamen, the two sides returned separately and quickly disappeared deep in the green gauze tent.

The self-governing army began to form a team.

A group of black shadows dug pits and planted landmines on the road not far in front of the Autonomous Army.

A black figure put down his shovel and happily touched the big gun he just got back: "Captain, I think something is wrong. These puppet troops are running rampant in the village, oppressing the villagers on weekdays, and selling opium to poison the people."

The captain next to him was noncommittal: "Look at the whole thing. Do you think that big cigarettes are so expensive, and they poison the rich too. Can he trap our very poor poor?"

"Captain, why are you talking so logically?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get to work"

"Captain, I think that the autonomous army is not all bad people. For example, Captain Cheng and the others bully us on the surface, but secretly send people to deliver rice and food to the villagers."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"How can this be nonsense? They are now rebelling against the Autonomous Army and officially playing the banner of our Eighth Route Army."

"Damn, you have such a big mouth. Go back and write a [-]-character inspection. If you don't go deep, it won't be enough."

The militiaman refused to accept: "Why?"

"It's a secret!"

"Ah, all right, can ten characters work?"

"No, the inspection you wrote last time only wrote three words 'I was wrong' plus your name is only six words."

"Well, is the oral examination okay?"

"Could you make it a little bit better?"

"Okay." The soldier didn't care, thinking that it's a big deal for me to ask someone for help.

The captain seemed to know what this guy was thinking. Most of the militiamen were illiterate, and he couldn't help it. He sighed helplessly: "You must write it yourself. Uh. It must be profound!"

"Uh," the soldier muttered in his heart, he had to find someone to write: I deeply realized my mistakes, and added my name.

I can't count clearly with my two fingers. I feel that there must be more than ten words, right?
I wrote half more than before, which is indeed more profound.

The head of the regiment knew in his heart that the devil must have bought some of his subordinates.

Not too many people know about this kind of deal with Eight Roads.

Taking advantage of the time when he was about to go to the battlefield to form a team, he completed the deal with Eighth Road.

Some things, if you want to be unknown to others, unless you do nothing yourself.

Obviously, the head of the delegation is not worried.

Knowing that Tuba Road will plant landmines in front, and there is no high-tech landmine "detector" like the Imperial Army, the head of the regiment brainstormed and came up with a good solution.

Use two long bamboo poles to support a carriage wheel and push it forward.

The wheels of the carriage are "well-made", and a chain of gourds filled with sand is hung on the ground, and a primitive minesweeper vehicle appears on the plain.

Of course, the premise is that you have made an agreement with Balu, and Balu also promises not to release landmines, otherwise it will be useless.

Since the head of the regiment has taken great pains for the safety of his subordinates.

Knowing that there are landmines ahead, the head of the regiment completely ignores them.

No matter what kind of ambush there is, thirty rifles are still worth it for safety.

These days, as long as there are people under his command, thirty guns can be retrieved at any time.

Traveling at night in the plains requires not only protection against landmines, but also protection against eight-way black guns. Naturally, you have to perform a full set of acting.

Being unscathed after being bombed by eight landmines will definitely be a feat that everyone on this land will talk about.

They are all those spies who were bought by the devils.

The same scene was staged at the same time among the puppet troops reinforced in several directions
Watching Tubalu escape into the outer trenches, Okamoto felt great humiliation.

This is the first Tuba Road that successfully escaped from the gunpoint of the imperial army.

Immediately led the devils to charge, and directly launched an attack on the Eight Routes in the open.

In his opinion, the night can cover the retreating figure of Tuba Road.

It can also cover the attacking figure of the elites.

He shouted at his elites to get up from the ground and quickly rearranged.

This time, in order to avoid being bombed by Tubalu's unreliable grenade, the three-person formation of the devils was much sparser...

Crazy Yang looked up at the sky full of stars.

Visibility is close by starlight alone.

Staring wide-eyed at the open land, as the devil continued to advance, the dark figure of the devil was finally faintly visible.

Wiping off the sweat from his face, he turned around and sent an order to the side: "Everything is ready"

The devils formed a front arrow formation, and the first three devils opened the way.

Carefully check the situation ahead, and move forward by shaking left and right.

Okamoto is very smart, he is not a person who will take risks easily, if the night is not fair to both parties, he will never order his men to attack.

Knowing that the attack was on the disadvantaged side, he still didn't hold back.

After a short time, the devil's skirmish line approached the trench about 30 meters away.

The leading devil just pulled out the grenade and was about to throw it into the trench ahead.

Suddenly a bang was heard.

I feel a sharp pain in my ankle!
"Ah" screamed and fell to the ground.

A animal trap with rusty serrations snapped shut and was clamped around the devil's ankle.

The vigilant devil next to him gasped. Seeing that he was about to launch an attack on the Eight Routes, the bomber unexpectedly had an accident here?
It is entirely conceivable that since Tubazan shot with a gun.

Without any hesitation, he immediately fell to the side.

After the strange cry, Tubalu will definitely shoot.

Did not meet the devil's expectations.

Two guns poked out of the trench, their muzzles flashing.

bang bang
Two bullets rushed into the open field where the sound resounded.

Boom boom boom.
Earth-shattering explosions and flashes tore through the night.

The grenades thrown by the devil exploded one after another.

Lie on the ground and let the heat wave blow, the devil half-closed his eyes to prevent the sand from blinding his eyes.

By feeling, at this time, it was more than [-] meters away from the trench where Balu was hiding, which was just close to the bombing distance.

The scattered devils stared at the bombing point of the grenade that was almost thrown into the trench in front of them as if they had seen a ghost.

Tuba Road is too despicable, if you stand, the elites of the Imperial Army can drop bombs 30 meters away.

But lying on the ground, the bombing distance has to be discounted
The devils exerted all their strength, their eyes were red, and the grenades thrown by half-lifting their bodies failed to smash into the trench.

On the contrary, two devils did not withdraw their bodies in time, and were shot by eight-way guns in the trench.

Then, the Devil's light machine gun team located on the two wings saw the flash of Tubalu, and immediately fired violently at the flash.

The vigilance of the devils' rifles suddenly became dense.

But it still failed to stop those Tuba roads who had a good location from going east to west and firing on the west.

No need to think about it, the imperial army threw a grenade.

Those Tubalu standing in the trenches would definitely throw grenades too.

Okamoto was vicious, turned his head and opened his mouth wide, and immediately screamed strangely to let the bomb-throwing team behind him to fire quickly.

He believed in the shooting level of his elite grenadier team.

Because of the posture, throwing grenades lying down is of course no better than Tubalu who is standing in the trenches and throwing grenades.

Then I can use a grenade to kill you, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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