under fire

Chapter 1492 Trivia Before Fireworks

Chapter 1492 Trivia Before Fireworks

The first battalion commander of the 23rd Regiment, the main force, was sitting on the second floor of the gun tower.

There is an old map on the table.

A small dot on the map is marked with densely packed arrows.

He is adjusting the deployment of troops to adapt to the fact that Battalion Commander Hu sent a correspondent to report the latest combat plan.

From the bottom of his heart, he was a little uncomfortable.

Battalion Commander Hu's plan will change almost every half hour, even within 10 minutes.
I am obviously the main force, and I have also occupied the enemy's artillery towers and open positions.

But they had to follow the rhythm of the guard battalion.
Suddenly, I heard the earth-shattering movement made by the shelling of the devils in the north.

Quickly grab the binoculars and go up to the top of the gun tower, and put the binoculars on the bridge of your nose to observe carefully.

Stand tall and see far.

Most of the area in the field of vision of the telescope is dark, only the heavy machine gun position of the guard battalion on the road blocking the devil's reinforcements is covered by the devil's artillery fire and becomes ablaze.

Even if he knew the battle plan of the guard battalion in advance, the heavy machine gun should have withdrawn from the position.

Still sweating for the guard battalion.

Boldness is perfect for them.

Shaking his head, in the afternoon, he always thought that the guard battalion was not very good at fighting.

I didn't expect to follow the deputy commander to the guard camp for a meeting, and accidentally saw the equipment of the guard camp.

Having dealt with the Autonomous Army before, it is absolutely impossible for them to have such luxurious equipment.

They can't even be described as old-fashioned money by the commanders of the Eighth Route Army soldiers.

Must be called a big local tyrant!
There were at least five light and heavy machine guns, not including the two water-cooled civilian [-]s that were roaring at the devils.
Mortars, grenades into pieces, and grenades into boxes.

light machine gun, a large
It is estimated that the heavy firepower of the entire regiment of the 23rd regiment will be concentrated together, and it may not be comparable.

Until now, he hadn't understood why the equipment of the guard battalion was so luxurious!
It is very difficult to copy the battles against devils mentioned in the communication left by Battalion Commander Hu!
The weaponry of the 23rd regiment is no worse than that of the guard battalion.

In that battle last year, the 23rd Regiment was injured.

But it is absolutely impossible for me to give away bullets in boxes.

It's not bad to have a rich relative, but Battalion Commander Hu suffered an eye injury.

Unexpectedly, the girl next to him could make the decision, and very readily replenished him with [-] bullets!
There are more than [-] people in the whole camp, [-] per capita!

Taking the Wanzi as the unit, even the division has never seen such generosity when replenishing ammunition for the whole regiment!

And the girl opened her mouth and presented countless devils and puppet soldiers with equipment.
No cumbersome handover procedures, just move directly.
With that ammunition, and more than a hundred guns, a battalion can be pulled up at any time, although half of the soldiers have to carry swords and spears.

There is hope only when there are people, and only when there are guns and ammunition can we fight against the enemy!

The head of the regiment was seriously injured and the deputy head died the night before.

If there is no accident, the burden of acting head will definitely be on his shoulders.

The combat literacy of the grassroots commanders can't keep up. This time, Battalion Commander Hu and the others must train these hard-working soldiers under them!
There were gunshots in my ears.

From time to time, bullets whistled overhead.

Xiao Hongying squatted in a green gauze tent more than a hundred meters to the east of the road, a hole that had just been dug out and made a camouflage.

Skillfully removed the bandage on Hu Yi's head: "Fox...you can't be blind, right?"

"No, I can feel the light." Hu Yi moved his eyelids, and there was a piercing pain. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

"If the little devil continues to use gas bombs, it will be troublesome." Xiao Hongying washed Hu Yi's eyes with rapeseed oil, looking worried.

"Why are you so generous today?" Hu Yi heard that Xiao Hongying's tone was not normal, and he was a little worried that she would make trouble, so he quickly changed the subject and said that she sent ammunition to the brother army in the afternoon.

Xiao Hongying wiped the rapeseed oil on Hu Yi's face with a towel: "When you were in the division, you liked going to the library so much. Do you know the history of the 23rd regiment?"

Seeing Xiao Hongying put on the cover, Hu Yi replied smoothly: "I didn't pay attention to this."

"Do you know which regiment it was that marched three hundred miles in two days and one night?"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment. He knew the feat of marching 240 miles a day and night when the Fourth Red Regiment captured Luding Bridge.

However, you can't say that, otherwise the little girl might leave this relatively safe pit at any time, and asked deliberately: "Which regiment is it?"

"It's the 23rd Regiment that fought against the devils side by side with us!" Xiao Hongying knew more about the situation than Hu Yi, but she didn't seem to be in a good mood: "Last year, the devils raided the headquarters. Their second battalion broke through the devil's siege, The ensuing battle in Xuecun resulted in heavy casualties. The three battalions first dispersed to protrude from the enemy's encirclement, and later they fell into the enemy's encirclement again in order to attract the devils who encircled them in the mountains. Most of the soldiers died heroically."

"." Hu Yi did not expect that Xiao Hongying would know the past of the 23rd regiment, the main force, so clearly.

In fact, he didn't have any objection to Xiao Hongying's giving ammunition to the brother troops.

She guessed in her heart what Xiao Hongying meant by saying this.

Seeing that Hu Yi didn't speak, Xiao Hongying asked again: "Do you know who led their second battalion to break through?"

Hu Yi hurriedly followed Xiao Hongying's thoughts, and subconsciously asked, "Who!"

A teardrop suddenly rolled out of the corner of Xiao Hongying's eyes: "Uncle Chang Deshan, commander of the division, he led the second battalion in Zhangzhuang's second breakout battle, and charged at the enemy with a light machine gun, killing many devils , puppet soldiers, but were killed by bullets fired from machine guns on enemy planes in the head"

Hu Yi opened his eyes suddenly, and a sharp pain came from him.

Barely seeing Xiao Hongying's blurred face: "In the afternoon, I don't seem to have heard the deputy commander. Ling said."

Xiao Hongying did not answer Hu Yi's non-problematic question, and continued: "The most unbelievable thing is that Wang Yuanyin, the political commissar, was shot in the leg by an enemy machine gun almost at the same time and was seriously injured. , in the rain of enemy bullets, one of the guards who carried him died, and the political commissar saw that he had difficulty in moving, so he immediately took out his pistol and committed suicide.”

The top two leaders of the division died heroically on the same day!
Hu Yi was a little confused: "You told me this at this time, to show what your plans are now?"

"That. The matter is not over. At that time, the leader of the third battalion was Captain Tan Bin. Sacrifice"

Hu Yi stood up suddenly, turned off the flashlight on the table and tore off the tent tarpaulin above his head: "Mule!"

"Here!" Luo Fugui, who was lying in the pit and counting the stars, poked his head out from the pit next to him: "Boss Hu, what's the matter?"

"Notify Li Xiang, immediately detonate and blow up the devil's car!"

"That... Boss Hu, haven't the devils from the north recruited reinforcements yet?"

"Execute the order!" Hu Yi's tone was a little cold.

"Yes!" Luo Fugui carried out the order extremely resolutely this time.

In fact, he really wanted to see how amazing the big fireworks Liu Yuanqing said were.

Liu Yuanqing said that he could brighten the blind, but he didn't quite believe it.
It's not that I haven't seen the scene where the shells fired by the Devil's "heavy" infantry exploded.

Xiao Hongying, who told the story for a long time, was a little proud.

Based on her understanding of the organization, although Hu Yi's thinking has progressed rapidly, even after joining the organization, it is difficult to promote her position.

Because he used to be an officer of the national army, he had to find someone with weight as an introducer!

The group leader and the political commissar knew about this, so they never even said that they would be Hu Yi's introduction to the organization.

The division commander died last year, although he had nothing to do with the Ninth Battalion.

The deputy commander of the division must pay back the favor for doing a big ticket under the eyes of the division fighters!

With a proud face, Xiao Hongying began to go to the side and chat with the radio operator to fiddle with the radio, contacting the deputy commander who had left earlier.
(End of this chapter)

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