under fire

Chapter 1494 On the Thief Ship

After the bang,

Two large landmines blow up a car and overturn a car.

A car burst into flames.

As the reinforcements had expected, although the explosion was earth-shattering, the damage to Xiong Erlang's convoy was limited.

It does the most damage to devils in the center of the explosion, which comes from the explosion shock wave and the high-speed flying sand and stones.

The shock wave was like a tornado suddenly rolled up on the plain, and the vigilant devils on the road fell down, were injured by sand and stones and wailed, unable to stand up at all.

The ears of the devils in the center of the explosion were almost deafened, and almost no one could hear the humming of others.

On a hot day, some devils' teeth trembled and bumped up and down, making a "click" sound.

Some ghosts feel that they are in the harsh winter, thinking that the world will soon become dark for him.

The sudden accident took away the strength of the bodies of dozens of devils in the center of the explosion, and the self-proclaimed steel-like will was almost completely worn away by the violent explosion.

In a pit in the green gauze tent.

It is completely different from the scene on the road.

Hu Yi's command pit stood upside down with a [-] rifle, and a flashlight was tied to the rifle belt.

Under the flashlight, a map was unfolded on the ammunition box.

There was a circle of people squatting around the map, Xiao Hongying, Li Xiang, Luo Fugui, Liu Yuanqing, the platoon leader of the top soldiers who came to support from the brother troops, the liaison officer of the 23rd regiment, and the radio operator who kept sending reports beside him.

Hu Yi and Liu Yuanqing leaned against the wall of the pit.

There are many people in the pit, and it is stuffy and hot.

After fighting the devils in the green gauze tent for a day, the people in the circle didn't feel tired at all.

There were sporadic explosions on the highway.
Hu Yi originally planned to leave here after ambushing the devil reinforcements when they arrived.

Unexpectedly, the puppet army arrived first, and the speed at which those puppet troops turned back completely overturned his perception of the puppet army.

The puppet army first reached a private deal with the Lunan detachment.

Although it is impossible to command this group of puppet troops, some methods can still be tried.

Since there is such a good opportunity, how can we prevent the devil from hurting his muscles and bones?
People are very strange. If you squint your eyes and walk, you will feel dizzy, and you will feel that the ground is uneven after you can't walk a few steps.

My eyes still hurt, and although I can't see anything when I open my eyes, I can still keep my balance when I walk with support.

Hu Yi's tone was flat: "The time has entered the middle of the night, and it cannot be delayed any longer."

"The devils who came from reinforcements deployed into the green gauze tent and tried to surround us. The reconnaissance platoon has found out the detailed locations of the devil's various ministries." Xiao Hongying took over the command of the Ninth Battalion, and no one had any objections.

"Don't worry, everyone. If we want to leave, we just need to bypass the devils who entered the green gauze tent from the south, and then move south as a whole, and we can break away from the devils at any time." The platoon leader Jiandao said.

"There are still six hours before dawn. The time seems to be enough, but in fact there is not much time left for us." Xiao Hongying emphasized by waving her small arms at the map in front of her.

"After dawn, the devils are likely to call for aircraft support. At that time, there are devils' planes in the sky for reconnaissance. No matter how strong our maneuverability is, it will be useless." Liu Yuanqing added.

"The battle plan needs to be adjusted again."

A group of people chattered and discussed, ignoring the continuous gunshots in the green gauze tent.

After a while, Hu Yi, who was half lying down, issued a new order: "Light and heavy firepower, open fire at low intensity on the devils who entered the green gauze tent, drive the devils to the south, and make specific arrangements immediately!"

A group of people hurriedly discussed the details and each took the task.

In the end, how to get the puppet army to participate in this battle became the direction of discussion.

"The puppet troops who entered the green gauze tent must be allowed to attack south with us."

"That's right, there are reinforcements coming from the north. In the dark, the devils don't care whether you are a puppet army or the Eighth Route Army. If you can't answer the password, you will be shot. Don't worry about the puppet army turning back again."

"West to east, we have already blocked the way of the puppet army, hehe, we will not give them face with light and heavy machine guns."

"The puppet soldiers want to run away now, but he has no other way but to go to the sky and enter the earth."

"Going to the sky and entering the earth? Hehe, the puppet army doesn't have that ability."

"Die to the North, Live to the South"

"The night is so deep. Well, the moon finally came out."

In the distant sky, there is indeed a crescent moon as thick as a finger.

It seemed that guns were being fired everywhere in the green gauze tent.

Sporadic gunshots continued one after another.

From time to time, correspondents went to Keng Foreign Exchange to report the devil's movements.

Xiao Hongying withdrew her gaze from looking at the moon through the gap in the tarpaulin above her head.

I looked at the map that I drew like a turtle again, and I was very satisfied.

Turning his head to look at Hu Yi, who was half lying down: "Commander Fox, the reinforcements from the north spread out and outflank the devils. The vanguard was about one mile away from us 10 minutes ago, and landmines have been arranged to greet them. When they advance here, at least one more is needed." Hour!"

"Check again, have you figured out the location of the devils in all directions!" Hu Yi asked.

"That's right, we are taking the absolute initiative now, and the little devil is now in a deep quagmire, every step forward, we have to beware of us shooting him with black guns!" Xiao Hongying replied, using an idiom.

Liu Yuanqing, who was on the stretcher next to him, suddenly said: "The devils are attacking in the dark green gauze tent, and they are completely at a disadvantage. As long as we can keep the team in contact, we can keep the formation unchanged without rushing forward, and then advance in parallel. The devils who entered the green gauze tent will have absolutely no problem rushing to the open field!"

"That's right, let's hang out with the devils, so we won't be afraid of the devils' shelling!"

"The only possible variable is that the puppet army does not work hard."

Xiao Hongying shook her head: "There are devils chasing after them in the north, they can't do it if they don't think hard!"

"Come on, don't you know the temper of the puppet army?"

"Say something straight, don't make sarcastic remarks."

"What is the puppet army best at? Playing dead!"

"You think too much. The little devil won't give them a chance to play dead. On the battlefield, if the little devil sees someone on the ground, can he rest assured if he doesn't stab two bayonets?"

"I don't understand. Let's just kill all the devils who entered the green gauze tent and use them as fertilizer in the field. Why do we have to drive them out of the green gauze tent?" The sharp knife platoon leader sent by the division expressed his opinion.

"Grandma's opportunity to fight devils, we can't take up all of them in the Ninth Guards. We have to leave some for you, don't you think?" Luo Fugui stretched out his big hand and patted the shoulder of the leader of the sharp knife row.

"From noon to now, it's time for a good show!" Hu Yi, who was lying on a stretcher, began to issue orders: "According to the battle plan drawn up by Instructor Ya. Hong just now, the correspondent immediately tried to find a way to notify all departments. After 10 minutes, the signal flare Launch an all-out attack"

"Hurry up, get to work!" Luo Fugui immediately echoed.

Everyone in the pit immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

Li Laosan, who emerged from the darkness, muttered for a while next to the ear of the false head.

Head Wu immediately made the wisest choice in his life.

Shouting to make the temporarily deaf subordinates quickly get up from the ground and form a team.

After calling the confidant first and second battalion commanders for a meeting, the three of them buzzed their minds for a while, and then the puppet army team quickly assembled under the shouts of the puppet company commanders.

Bang bang bang.
Three red flares rose into the sky.

The green gauze tents are densely packed, and it is difficult to deploy the team.

It is said that it is moving south as a whole, but it is actually divided into many groups. Each group breaks through the green gauze curtain and heads south like a dragon boat race.

Death could be lost at any time in the darkness, and the lingering sound of the previous explosion still remained in my ears, and phantom screams and sharp whistles sounded in my ears from time to time.

Fear of boundless darkness, fear of death, fear of the future and countless negative emotions have seriously affected the puppet soldiers' normal thinking ability.

Just after watching the large fireworks, Li Laosan, who was behind the puppet army in the dark, was in a very happy mood.

No matter what he said, the pseudo regiment leader in front of him obeyed.

Thinking back to the past at Baidaokou, a fake platoon leader in the town yelled at him, and he could only bear it.

Now, the one in front is a group!

Pushed the back of the person in front with the barrel of the pistol: "Please hurry up!"

"Okay, Daoist!" The pseudo-head didn't feel that there was any disobedience. The man can bend and stretch, and Han Xin even slipped through his crotch.
"Yeah..." Li Laosan couldn't find an excuse for a while, so he yelled at a team leader. This feels so good.

The job Liu Yuanqing arranged for him to supervise the team was quite easy.
The pseudo-head had to accept the reality.

In front of the wolf-like Eight Routes who were so ruthless that they even killed their own people, and the puppet army who didn't know the real strength of the Eight Routes, they completely turned into sheep!

It is absolutely impossible for the Eighth Route Army to command the puppet army to fight the devils. This is the same as a wolf leading a sheep to fight a tiger.

But with the mentality of herding sheep, this matter is much easier to handle.

The head of the puppet regiment looked at the leader and even threatened that he had to break out to the south, so he couldn't help being disobedient.

The false regiment leader has already taken the first step to disobey the devil's order. As the regiment leader, as long as he goes back, he will definitely die.

Devils are equally ruthless when it comes to betrayal, pouring [-] kinds of torture with open intestines and stomachs can make life worse than death!

The puppet soldiers also knew in their hearts that if they dared to hide in the green gauze tent at this time, or lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

It is absolutely impossible to continue to serve as the Imperial Association Army after being slapped by the Taijun for being weak as before.

In just half a day, the imperial association army, which had swaggered from aloof and mighty, suddenly became
It seems that they are not even considered prisoners?
There is no going back.

At a certain time, the false regiment leader felt as if he had boarded a pirate ship
As soon as he gritted his teeth, he would go back to his old career as a bandit at worst!

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