under fire

Chapter 158 The Calm Before Night

Chapter 158 The Calm Before Night
The ghost lieutenant who came for reinforcements looked up at the sky: the sky was full of sunset glow, and the mountains and rivers were full of anger.

Now, in such a beautiful scenery, he wants his warriors to join the vanguard of the advance team and attack from the bottom up.

As a ghost lieutenant with ideals, I wanted to raise a different opinion. Seeing Da Chuan holding the command knife with a hole in it, his face was grim, and his heart skipped a beat. Before he left, he had to obey the order of the advancing team.

Originally, I wanted to suggest a detour from other roads, and after looking at the terrain, it seemed that this question really shouldn't be asked.

It seems that there are not many roads in the mountains and mountains, and the opposite is even more extreme. In the telescope, I can see a road, and it is still on the cliff. Such a terrain, circuitous?It is true that I think too much.

This kind of attack has never been done before, just like attacking those fortified cities. As long as there are enough cannons, planes, no matter how steep the mountain is, it is no problem. But now almost all the planes have returned to the team. I finally remembered that there is no radio station, what is it called? Aviation?

Ordering myself to attack from the bottom of the mountain to the almost vertical mountain, this advancing team is probably crazy!
The mountain attack itself is a very difficult type in all kinds of attack operations:
The defensive side occupies the dominant terrain and can take advantage of various direct and indirect firepower; at the same time, it is convenient to directly observe the opponent's main attack direction and attack formation. Of course, there is no formation in the terrain now.

And the focus of the defense system can be adjusted at any time; it is convenient to rely on height and physical strength to carry out counterattacks. Of course, the cliffs are precipitous. It is estimated that Balu is not as stupid as it is.

The attacking side is in a lower position, and it is impossible to obtain sufficient pre-battle reconnaissance. It may not even know the defensive system of the Eighth Route. Barrel and machine gun?I can't afford it.

There is no other way but to rush upwards by piles of heads.

Okawa, you idiot, why can't you do it yourself?When I came here for reinforcements, I just thought I could add two strokes to my resume, but I didn't expect that it would be a job to die.

Without air power support, attacking from the top of the mountain, is the difficulty still called difficulty?This is simply impossible, and immediately cursed in my heart again:
Okawa, your whole family are idiots, didn't you just say that you fought here all day and recruited aviation soldiers?

At this time, those dark humanoid things being carried up from the mountain path, what does this indicate?
Perhaps, the Okawa idiot on the other side was mostly just to vent his anger of coming to reinforce him, but he didn't bring the anger of the radio station. To be able to become a lieutenant, this devil is certainly not stupid.

Now, assuming that your military rank is higher than yours, since you want me to attack, of course you have to set up an array and observe the battlefield situation, right?The appearance is still to be done.

The sky was getting darker, and I couldn't see the situation on the other side, let alone the smoking situation in the ravine.

After a long while, a small team of 60 to [-] people was finally mobilized, and they began to give lectures, explain the tasks, and then lined up down the mountain, trying to launch an attack after dark.

Because, at that time, with the Eight Routes on the hill, the two sides will not be able to see each other. Perhaps, through the timing, they can make up for their disadvantages in terrain.

After dispatching troops for a long time, Lieutenant Okawa just watched with cold eyes and did not interfere.

The lieutenant finally understood something, pursed his lips, and put his hands on his chest, where the idiot Okawa couldn't see, and quietly shook his hand to the second lieutenant leader who led the team.

On the opposite side, the devil's reinforcements appeared, and Hu Yi shook his still-paining shoulder.

Fighting many times in the smoke of enemy plane bombs, he had already become cold-blooded and numb. Once again, the two squads of Tang Dagou and Half Immortal with mournful faces were stuck on the top of the mountain. When the devil plane came, Tang Dagou didn't Forget about waving.

The Ninth Company didn't have any generals, let alone senior commanders, and Commissar Ding, who was originally with the Ninth Company, was also retained by the division.

Without quick wit, the power of the masses is powerful, even if it is a trick of escape, it is impossible to light a fire and run away.

The deserters pretended to be calm, and their seemingly bravery came from experience, and everything they thought they had forgotten when they were crying was staged again.

A large group of people had to take risks, betting on their own wealth and lives. Isn't the only thing left with their wealth is their lives?

For the Nine Company on the hill, there is still a way out. The hill is full of rocks. If it is really seen through by the devil's plane, there is always a chance to hide. No matter how good the plane is, there are only three. If you want to It is absolutely impossible to blow up all the people on the hill.

Of course, if they knew that the Devil planes entering the mountain were a squadron of more than ten planes, their minds might change.

It's just that it's not glory to face this bravery and passion, because Chief Hu said that if you go north now, you will definitely be discovered by the devils who have already copied to the north. At that time, there are two sides. Enemy.

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, it seems that the bet was right.

Hu Yi withdrew his gaze, turned his head and looked at the bear beside him quietly: "Notify Chen Chong and the others to come up and prepare to run away."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the half-immortal who was staying beside him, and paused for a moment: "As long as you are with me, it seems that you have had good things together, of course... If you have the chance, you can run away, and I will not keep you!"

The new veterans of the Eight Routes behind Banxian panicked when they heard this last sentence.

There seems to be something wrong with what this shit company commander said. What he said is sad. How can the situation be so bad now?The devils can't get up behind, and the plane sees the grandpas running around, what do you mean by saying this?
Looking at the guy who can tell fortunes in front of him, I hope he can say a few words and understand what the guy surnamed Hu meant.

People can't understand what they say, more than half immortal.

There was a burst of laughter, and the seemingly harmless and wicked girl in the company appeared with braids scattered all over her head. She looked like a solitary head. However, there were four female soldiers behind her, one of them, It's very dark, it doesn't seem to be that good-looking, and the team is eye-catching.

Someone saw Luo Fugui next to Hu Yi, and immediately, that black face pulled down. In the eyes of some people, they just wanted to laugh.

After a few steps, he ran to the front, and the one who was very dark and ugly was naturally Er Niu.

Stand straight, stand at attention, and salute: "Report."

"Why didn't you leave?" Hu Yi sternly said.

The questioned did not answer.

"Uh, I can't find my way." With big innocent eyes, she sniffled, grinned, and untied Er Niu's circumference.

Can such an excuse be justified?The jaws of the old and new soldiers under Banxian were shocked, and they no longer analyzed what Chief Hu said just now, but at this moment, they thought of winking at a joke.

Hu Yi stared at the girl fiercely: "Are you deliberately trying to get along with me?"

The girl didn't raise her head, she stared at the toes on the ground. "I just want to retreat with you...with everyone!"

How could Hu Yi fail to understand what this girl was thinking, his heart felt sour, and he didn't want to argue anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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