under fire

Chapter 167 Asymptotic

Chapter 167 Asymptotic
Although there was almost no light, Liu Jin could still clearly see the person and dog under the tree.

"Stop, what are you doing!" The man under the tree half-kneeled up, the hand holding half of the gong tightened the noose around the dog's neck, and struck the gong with a wooden stick in his right hand.

The sound of the broken gong awakened the sleeping darkness. To make matters worse, the gong sounded beside the dog's ears. After being frightened, the black dog broke free, kicked a few steps, and rushed forward!
Liujin was lying on the foot of the hill, and when he heard the question, he was overjoyed, and was about to answer, but suddenly saw a black shadow flying towards him. At such a speed, he was still shocked in the dark night, and his mouth I swallowed most of the words I was going to reply, and spit out the word "grass"

Of course, the secret service class is not a bragging rights, fearless in the face of danger!Put your hands on the ground, push your left foot on the ground, your body is flying, your right leg is swept across, your toes are retracted, and the soles of your feet are facing the shadow. It has been discovered that it is a dog, so of course you have to greet the dog's head.

One kick just hit the aggressive dog's head, and with a heavy kick, the arrogant dog was directly kicked off the hill, and rolled down the hill.

To deal with such a dog, Liujin squad leader didn't pay attention at all. After the body fell to the ground, there was a pain in the soles of the feet. I really moved a bit. There was some pain. I felt that I should be fine, but I didn't dare to get up. Although the other side said It should be one of his own, but it is not worthwhile to get black guns like this. If the person under the opposite tree has a gun, this matter will be a big deal.

Quickly shouted: "My own people!"

Hearing the reply, the people under the big tree stopped and hid behind the big tree, and carefully touched the broken gong that was rushed away by the dog from the ground to their hands.

"Who are you?" The voice was childish and trilled.

"Master. Special. The Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment." Heideng said that he was a special agent company, which was easy to misunderstand.

The young man clenched the shuttle in his hand, trying to maintain a calm tone, but he heard a familiar voice from the "one of us" on the opposite side, his vigilance was slightly reduced, and he took a breath: "You come out first!"

At this time, behind Liu Jin, a group of soldiers also followed up indistinctly. Liu Jin felt that there should be no danger. If the opponent was really a devil, he would have fired a long time ago.

Slowly stood up, walked quickly to the big tree, but didn't pay attention, the dog that was kicked down the hill had followed up silently again, and as the distance got closer, the people under the tree also followed. Finally seeing clearly, he immediately yelled: "Wangcai, stop!"

At this point, Liu Jin realized that the dog's mouth was almost approaching his calf, and he was shocked again, but the soldier who followed behind him also approached the dog with the bayonet of his rifle.

Everyone stopped on the spot.

"Devils are sweeping up, why are you still here?" Liu Jin turned his head and asked quickly, regardless of the dog who had stopped and ran under the tree when he heard the order from the man under the tree.

"We hid in the ravine for a few days. The work team brought some ordinary people over. We didn't find any devils coming from the south, but sent a sentry to the north, so we went back to the village." The young people didn't hide it, but they didn't even think If you hide it too much, you forget your vigilance.


While talking, a group of people appeared in the village, and they were rushing up the hill with torches. When they heard the sound of broken gongs, those with rifles at both ends were in front, followed by those with spears. They trotted all the way to the hill. watching the team on the mountain, and then stood there in silence.

A special agent company turned around and left in a hurry.

After half an hour.

Hu Yi stood, under the curved brim of his hat, glanced around, and put his hands on the edge of the table: "You said, the devil is in Nanaipu, and the people in the headquarters retreated east?"

A young girl glanced at the young man in the gray and black patched clothes, and seeing that he was silent, she turned around and said, "This happened a few days ago. We were originally notified when the devils raided the village south of the headquarters. I took the common people to transfer in advance. After arriving here in the ravine, I happened to meet Captain Liu and the others in the ditch with the common people. According to what they got, no devils were found in the south, and it is not a problem for a large number of people to stay in the ravine. So, return to this village this afternoon."

The mountain wind came out of the broken wall, and the pine torches on the wall shook.

Hu Yi raised his face, relieved his emotions, and then looked at the young girl: "How far is it from Nanaipu?"

"Go directly. It's less than twenty miles away. However, there is a cliff over there, and people can't go up. If you want to go there, you have to go around to the headquarters."

The girl's voice was nice, and Hu Yi had the illusion that they were all short necks, and he couldn't help thinking of Su Qing, but it was not so cold.

Seeing Hu Yi in a daze, a group of people followed in a daze.

half an hour.

"How many people can you fight?"

"We have a small team, Captain Liu and the others also have a small team."

Hu Yi knew that a team of guerrillas consisted of ten people, which was different from that of devils.

The girl's eyes started to turn red, and she continued to speak: "The troops fought terribly. They were surrounded and forced to the cliff. None of the unarmed comrades surrendered. Later...they jumped off the cliff."

"What did you see? How many people jumped off the cliff?"

"We are at the bottom of the mountain. I don't know how many people jumped off the cliff. When we left, there were devils on the edge of the cliff. We have to protect the people. There is no past." The young man next to him should be Captain Liu, and finally said, The five sense organs gathered together, and tears flowed from the eyes.

"Where is it? Didn't anyone go to investigate?" Hu Yi's voice grew louder and higher-pitched, and it seemed a little hoarse, showing coldness.

He didn't care about the life and death of ordinary people. He was a soldier, and he was good at fighting devils. This time, he was looking for news.

Captain Liu murmured, but did not reply, and turned his eyes to the girl.

"I didn't send anyone there, for fear of being discovered by devils"

The dim torches radiated light, and the figures on the wall were trembling, making the people sitting there begin to have illusions.

Some couldn't see him clearly, and the few people who were not far away seemed vague in the dim light.

After a long silence, Hu Yi turned his head, walked to the door, stopped, and ignored the people behind him: "Find some people who are familiar with the mountain road here, now, take us to have a look... Order! "

There was a slap, and it was the instant impact of Liu Jin's cloth shoes. He instinctively puffed up his chest and stood there waiting for Hu Yi to speak!
"Captain Liu, please take the people out of here immediately, send people to the south to scout for a distance of no less than five miles, and enter the ravine southward. If you find the enemy coming from the south, lead the people to the east, and send people to report immediately; second, don't In contact with the enemy, after all the personnel have passed by, try to erase the traces on the road; Jiulian is now resting, and two hours later, it will set off to the north overnight."

Everyone here understands it. The order sounds simple. There are two main points.
Hu Yi saluted Captain Liu. This was the most solemn military salute he ever paid to Captain Liu. It was not only because of the order he had accepted, but also because of his promise, because those heroic souls who were surrounded by devils and would rather die than submit were respectable. .

"Let's go." Hu Yi said, and went out, his voice was not loud, but very heavy.

After going out, Hu Yi stood upright in the mountain wind, motionless. He felt that those who jumped off the cliff without falling down were worthy of respect, and they should go and have a look anyway.

He didn't move because all the people in Jiulian were gathered around the dilapidated house, either sitting or standing, and the people under the dilapidated doors and windows of the house watched him silently.

(End of this chapter)

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