under fire

Chapter 169 Dawn

Chapter 169 Dawn
The team moved north again, slowly groping forward.

I was lucky, I found a huge depression, among which several naturally formed caves are not deep, the deepest one is five or six meters, just enough to make a fire, the location is very good, even on the cliff opposite May be visible.

The disadvantage is that the terrain is very low. There is a high and gentle slope not far from the stream, which is very humid. Even if there is a flash flood, there is a place to transfer it.

Of course, Hu Yi knows that marching formations are the key teaching in the military academy. After entering the era of hot weapons, battles are no longer as strict as in the era of cold weapons with knives, arrows, bows and arrows, and the requirements for camping are no longer strict.

It is naturally impossible for dozens of people to get into the cave, and the largest cave naturally became Wang Xiaosan's territory.

Nearly half of the people who helped Wang Xiaosan, including the bear, pretended to help Wang Xiaosan light the fire, covering the light from the cave entrance. Li Xiang took people to look for firewood.

Hu Yi and Liu Jin didn't stop. After Chen Chong led the people forward, they continued to move forward cautiously. After walking for a while, they climbed up the gentle slope in the valley.

He took a long breath, feeling the coolness, raised his hand and tightened his sweat-soaked rifle strap, and turned to face the dark flames piercing the cliff to the north: "Can you climb up from the cliff?"

"I have never been here before, and I don't know, but we all know that in the Taihang Mountains, in an unfamiliar place, no one would do such a stupid thing."

"Why?" Hu Yi asked suspiciously.

"Stone weathers, rock is unstable."

"Then why can devils climb up the cliff to the south of the division headquarters?"

"Maybe devils are not afraid of death!" Liu Jin was at a loss for words, feeling upset: How do I know?

Devils are equipped with advanced equipment, which is naturally different.


In the early morning, as the team continued to move around, the division headquarters contacted the local staff and entered a village in the ravine.

Under the night, the village suddenly became noisy for a while, and then quieted down. The houses were still not lit, and the open space in the village was full of people.

The villagers who returned to the village tried every means to block the windows to prevent the light from being exposed, but they were excitedly busy in their own kitchens.

"Old Ding, wake up, the secret service team sent a telegram 'Wine station, five miles south of Qingshan'."

With a gust of mountain wind rushing in, behind the door that was pushed open, a figure dressed in dew entered the wooden house, and went straight to the inner wing of the house, where there were several gray shadows sleeping by the stove.

After adapting to the light, the field of vision becomes larger and larger, and the snoring stops.Everyone in the room was woken up, too many things happened during this period, Ding Deyi forced himself to wake up, and instinctively prepared to transfer.

When he heard that he only received a telegram, he suppressed his panic, got up with a yawn, and walked out with the people.

Hu Yi put down his rifle, took a look at his pocket watch by the light of the fire, then quickly closed it, put it in his pocket, and buttoned it.

Although the rifle was put down, he did not take off his equipment at all. The fire in the distance made his weather-beaten face gradually return to blood, and he lay down on the place Luo Fugui had prepared earlier.

There was still smoke in the cave, and Wang Xiaosan was quietly busy around the stove that was made of a few stones.

Hearing the sound, a small braid pulled a blanket from the inside to the outside, and covered Hu Yi who was lying at the entrance of the cave.

Go back to the inner position, close to the leading woman on the eighth road, pull the marching blanket horizontally, and barely cover it.

"Where's your blanket?" Nv Balu, who was woken up, rubbed her eyes and asked suspiciously.

"Give it to the fox!" The white girl replied in a low voice with her hands on her pillow and her eyes closed.

"Company Commander Hu's name is Huli?"

"His name is Hu Yi, I call him Fox, hehe, only I can call him! By the way, when did you join the Eighth Route?" Listening to the mountain wind howling in the canyon, Xiao Hongying had a shy smile on her face.

Nubalu opened her eyes, looked at the smoke scattered from the top of the cave, and said quietly: "I have been in the Eighth Route Army for three years, and I went to Yan'an first."

"Have you been to Yan'an?"

"It has been two years since I came here from Yan'an, and I have been engaged in local work until"


There was a uniform snoring sound from the side, and without much effort, the girl next to her had already fallen asleep, remembering that when she was so old, she was still acting like a baby by her parents, she felt pity, and covered most of the girl with the marching blanket.

Began to be curious about such a girl, but mixed in the army, it seems that no one of the soldiers along the way teased her, alas, what a poor child!

The girl aroused her own memories. She went to college and marched with her classmates, and then joined the underground organization. She distributed leaflets and put up slogans.

Later, for the sake of great ideals, I went to Yan'an with my classmates. After studying and improving my thinking, I went to Taihang Mountain to join the Eighth Route Army. I became a guerrilla captain, and spent all day in the mountains, the conditions were very difficult, but my life was very fulfilling.
In the distant memories, he slowly closed his eyes.

The night will eventually pass, and the cloudy sky finally began to rain, not too heavy, and the mountainous terrain is high, so it did not cause mountain torrents, but the creek turned into a small river.

It was only after dawn that I discovered that the two-faced mountain pierced into the sky, not an ordinary canyon, so it should be called a line of genius.

The soldiers who had been reconnaissance all night had reported that there was a fork in the narrow valley, and finally there was no need to worry about being blocked in the narrow valley.
The rainy weather didn't allow the troops to rest for a while, but it made the march safer. At least the current weather would make it more difficult for the devils to search, and it would be harder to find those who escaped into the mountains.

But it also poses a new problem for those hiding in the mountains: that is the source of food.This is nothing to those with experience in wilderness, but it is nothing short of a disaster to ordinary civil servants.

Hu Yi carefully marked on the map. On the seized map, new markings and lines were added under dense pencils. The two leading the way squatted around Hu Yi, recalling carefully, the map is being perfected, of course, it is only the nearby place .

In the northeast direction of the map, except for a few lines and a large area of ​​villages, Hu Yi felt helpless. There were not many teams with maps at the first level of the Eighth Route Army, and there was not much space for activities most of the time.

The primary task of fighting guerrilla warfare is to be familiar with the terrain and make up for the lack of equipment. Taking advantage of the right time and place to fight devils is the way for the Eighth Route Army with ridiculously poor weapons to survive.

Once captured, go out to the plains. This is also the development model of most Eighth Route Army troops.

The sky had turned white, and the light did not illuminate the narrow valley. The soldiers were all assembled and ready to go. Li Xiang counted the number of people, and then came to stand in front of Hu Yi.

Hu Yi gathered the brim of his hat that had been wet by the rain, bent it into an arc, and scanned the queue with satisfaction: "Now order: the special agent team will go out to investigate and arrange for two people to break up. If there is news, report it immediately. Li Xiang and Chen Chong Tian Sanqi was united and under the command of Li Xiang, Tang Dagou Hao Yun and Luo Fugui assembled and I personally led the team, and the militia and guerrillas followed Wang Xiaosan to the end."

Hu Yi knew that in the mountains and narrow valleys, there was basically no need to break the back, so four steps were formed. This group of goods who just came in had to prevent them from being delayed and becoming cowardly at critical moments.

(End of this chapter)

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