under fire

Chapter 171 Discovery

Chapter 171 Discovery
"What the hell, I killed you, and you're still playing tricks at this moment." Tangshan Big Dog bent down and picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it beside the monkey standing by the pool, splashing a big splash of water .

"The guy with the root can't just throw it up. The river valley is full of rocks, so he will definitely get stuck in the crevices of the rocks. Can't he climb up along the rope? I said I can't climb, but I didn't say I couldn't use other methods!" Zi Yong Pretending to block water drops with his hands, he didn't care at all, but replied triumphantly.

"Do you think that bad idea of ​​yours will work? We've been trying it out here for a long time, hehe, even the stone is so close to throwing it up!" Squad leader Liu Jin frowned, not optimistic about this idiot's idea at all.

"That's because you are stupid, don't you know how to tie a rock with a rope and throw it up?"

"You want to tie a rope to the rock, let me tell you, don't waste your energy! The cliff is too high, you idiot, don't you know that the rope is very heavy? Such a long rope must weigh dozens of catties, right?"

"If you say you're stupid, you still don't admit it. It's useful for you to tie stones. Don't you know how to build a shelf on the ground, and let's build a personal wall underneath. Although the rope is heavy, the place we throw it is high! I think it can be done!"

"You think you're the only one who is smart? Do you think I'm a fool? Hehe, we've tried it a long time ago. In this short time, in this barren mountain, how tall can you make it?"

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the audience sank.

"Prepare to retreat, don't talk about those useless things." Hu Yi felt that these guys were all bad ideas, and democracy may not be a good thing.

"Wait, why don't we make a big slingshot?" The girl whose feet were soaking in the water came up with what she thought was a good idea.

"You idiot, did you think you were shooting sparrows with a slingshot? You try that with that slingshot?" The mule had already packed up the guys, and took the lead to retreat back and forth.

"You might as well be a trebuchet!" Amidst the roar of laughter, a soldier in Tang Dagou's platoon laughed.

Hu Yi didn't expect that his order would become a joke. He was about to explode. After thinking carefully for a while, he turned his head to Li Xiang who was in the whole team and asked, "Li Xiang, can you do it by throwing stones?"

"There are those small trees and miscellaneous trees here and there. It should be possible. Maybe it will be fine!"

The laughter all around stopped.

"Since it's a good idea, why don't you hurry up and prepare? What are you waiting for? It's really not going to work. There's still time to retreat!" Hu Yi ordered angrily.

Although this method seems stupid, it seems to have some truth, but what the result is, you have to try it.

The so-called number of people is powerful, three cobblers, the best Zhuge Liang, the problem seems to be getting simpler and simpler.

Li Xiang fiddled for a while: "Well, Company Commander Hu, it may not work, but now I don't have any tools at hand. I need to get a trebuchet in a short time. Devils may appear at any time, and there is not enough time."

The audience was dumbfounded.

The monkey made a run-up sideways, and then ran up, using both hands and feet, to climb up a raised stone on the cliff. The movement was so agile that it was really a monkey. It was almost five or six meters high, but it was smooth when it went up. There was no other way to rely on the cliff, so he had to turn around and slide down. "Let's set up a wall now, the human wall can be set up at any time, if you say no, what the hell!"

Li Xiang came up with a new idea: "It's impossible to make a big trebuchet, but a simple one can be made!"

The hearts of the audience were raised again.

"How to do it?"

Large bows and arrows are not simple, and it is not really made bows and arrows, but a resilient tree was cut down, a few people climbed up the rickety frame, and directly took the tree as thick as a child's arm, and found it. A rock crevice was plugged in, and the surroundings were tightly plugged.

The two soldiers put on their helmets, and then pressed down the wooden stick to be inserted on the mountain wall to almost the lowest point, and tied it with a rope.Hang a wooden stick with a branch tied with a rope.

In the middle of the much-anticipated period, the rope was cut, and the tree branch flew mid-air with the rope.

The tree branch that flew into the air amidst groans and sighs fell straight down.

The failure was due to his mother. After seven or eight attempts, he finally succeeded.

The monkey pulled the rope hard, as if it was hanging tightly, and immediately shouted, pulled the rope to a place where there was no waterfall, let the two soldiers hold it, and quickly climbed up the rope.

The thrilling cliff jump a few days ago claimed the lives of countless people.

The weather in the mountains is not too hot, and the monkeys who climbed the cliff smelled a familiar smell.

Maybe it was the smell of rotting after the death of a beast, but he didn't care. He took the branch stuck between the two stones and tied it to a boulder.

Shout out to the people below: "No problem, hurry up!"

He began to look back at the terrain, the ups and downs, and took a few steps forward, a gray burden aroused his vigilance.

Is there someone in the valley?

Curiosity made him go forward and use a bayonet to pick the burden away, but it turned out to be piles of paper soaked in water. Out of curiosity, he took it out and looked at it: except for a few numbers from one to ten on these papers, they barely Familiar, others, all don't know his ugly eyes.

He got up and looked around vigilantly, but there was nothing unusual.

Stuff like this shouldn't be here!
But it happened to appear in this uninhabited valley. Looking up at the sky, the mountain is a bit high, at least 200 meters, and I feel a little dizzy. Could it be that it was thrown from above?
There is only this possibility.

It is unrealistic for five or 60 people to climb up the cliff if they want to rely on a rope. Half of them were tied around the waist by the rope and pulled up by the person who went up first.

The first person to go up, of course, was the secret service company, and saw clearly the contents of the document that had been soaked in water on the surface. It seemed to be a notice about launching a production campaign.

Hu Yi watched as the number of people in the valley gradually decreased, and gunshots unexpectedly appeared outside the valley, although they were not too dense.

The gunshots echoed in the valley.

Even the few female soldiers who were planning to retreat, including Er Niu, went up the cliff.

The biggest possibility is that the devil's vanguard came up too fast, and the two people behind the spy squad had to stop and catch the fire.

Luo Fugui, who was hiding aside, finally walked over: "Boss Hu, shall we go up too?"

The devils have already come from behind, when they come, you go up and set up the machine gun, and block the valley entrance outside, otherwise, the last person who comes up will be a living target by the devils who are chasing up.

"Then I'll go up first." After finishing speaking, he tied the rope dropped from above around his waist. After trying it out, he felt that it should be tied firmly. The rope used to fix the direction climbed up.

It is impossible to climb directly, because people will sway into the waterfall.

Holding a crooked machine gun, Hu Yi quickly walked out of the valley under the surprised gaze of Tian Sanqi who was pulling the fixed rope.

Immediately afterwards, squad leader Liu Jin, who hadn't gone up, also followed.

Behind is Chen Chong, who hesitated for a moment, and followed him out. Tang Dagou felt that there seemed to be not many devils outside, and just now he heard that mules were about to go up to suppress them. It seemed that there was no danger, so it was good to go and have a look, anyway, the one surnamed Hu was still carrying it. Machine guns, there are only a few Devils rifles outside the valley, and you can have some fun.

(End of this chapter)

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