under fire

Chapter 173 Ambush

Chapter 173 Ambush
"Later, we will lie in ambush about a hundred or so in front of the waterfall, and the rocks in the river will lie in ambush. You two will fight and retreat, and the devil will definitely chase after you, understand!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" The secret service team is full of momentum, and the reply order is even more arrogant than Jiulian.

The Devil Sergeant Cao led the troops along the valley path and pushed forward layer by layer into the valley.

Facing the dense gunfire, there were more than two Eight Routes on the opposite side!They were all spreading their legs and running desperately deep into the valley. Two Balu armed with guns occasionally stopped by the mountain wall and fired back.

Then it attracted dense bullets to fight back.

"Ba Lu must be somewhat out of bullets. There are obviously several guns, but only two guns have bullets. Continue to attack!" Sergeant Cao proudly held up the [-] cover, flinching at the devil next to him.

The sound of the water flowing from the waterfall in the depths of the valley became louder and deafening. There were many waterfalls in the mountains, which did not surprise the devils, and they advanced step by step in an orderly manner.

The two or eight roads in front staggered back one after the other. After turning a corner, a cliff appeared in front of us at the end of the valley.

Sergeant Cao felt that he didn't have much sense of accomplishment. Just these few dirt roads actually caused one death and two injuries to the warriors!
In the eyes of the devils, this was a battle without any suspense. Therefore, the devils didn't feel nervous at all. They just followed the road close to the cliff in the river valley and just pushed forward. If they didn't run fast, they would have become dead souls under the gun.

The devils lined up in battle formation, moving forward slowly, I see where you are going!

In the not-so-wide canyon, there were jagged rocks. The sergeant turned his head subconsciously and looked around habitually. The expected ordinary people were nowhere to be seen. There were not many people hiding behind the boulders in the valley!But I clearly saw six or seven figures just now, where are those people?
what's going on?There are still dense footprints on the ground, and they must have run forward. There is a river valley next to it, and the current is fast. It is impossible for anyone to hide in the water. But, what about those Chinese?
High cliffs, vertical cliffs, absolutely impossible to climb?Unless, there is a cave!
cave?The sergeant grinned ferociously!
Turning the head resting on the short neck arrogantly, suddenly, not far from him, in the rushing river where no one could possibly be, there was a pile of chaotic stones, and a black muzzle appeared on the side of one of the stones. Behind the muzzle was a A dirty face that hasn't been washed in 800 years.

Facing that ugly dirty face with a hint of sneer, Sergeant's heart sank, and he planned to roll over to avoid it, but that guy was just a few meters away from his side, and there were devils in front of him and behind him , Facing the muzzle aimed at him, he couldn't hide no matter what!

No, ambushed!Sergeant Cao regretted that he shouldn't have worn white gloves. He was the only one in the team wearing white gloves, and the rifle was pointed at him because of his gloves.

Being ambushed in a place where there is no possibility of an ambush, I was careless and even forgot to search the river, but who would have known that Tuba Road would turn into a turtle and hide in the water?Didn't it mean that the gun cannot be fired after it enters the water?

Wanting to warn, he suddenly realized that because of fear, his muscles contracted all over his body, his throat was uncontrollable, and he only uttered a "Yah Yah" sound made by a beast before it died.

The ugly face next to the stone suddenly bloomed, and a smile appeared on the ferocious face. The sergeant subconsciously pulled the [-] rifle, trying to turn the muzzle of the gun towards the ugly face.

Tang Dagou felt the familiar force of his finger on the trigger, and the gun rang!
The bullet hit the eye frame of the sergeant who was looking sideways at him, and disturbed the paste under the helmet. When it passed through the back of the head, the spinning bullet carried a high temperature, and went along a piece of bone that was blocking it, spraying out a ball of celery and chili sauce. Tofu brain.

He also heard the last words in his life: "Fuck, I see you chasing. You chase hard. I see if you have a chance to chase"

The yelling of the sergeant attracted the attention of two devils nearby, and the gunshots at close range shocked the attacking team even more.

The sound of the gun was different from that of the Sanba Dagai, which shocked the devils. The quick-responsive devils turned their guns and pointed at the place where the gun was fired. Apart from seeing the splash of red and white matter expanding, the one who fired the gun The raiders are shrinking their heads!
The devil who was sprayed with brains and blood subconsciously turned his gun and fired at the position hidden behind the rocks!At the same time, they did not forget to find a place to hide. The two devils had already found out the grenade, and they were habitually smashing the helmet on their heads.

The rear of the devils was also on the side of the attack capital, behind a rock half-hidden in the water, a gray figure rolled out from the gap between the rocks, using the rock as cover, holding a crooked machine gun in his hand. On top of the tubes are black lacquered fins that emit an icy metallic sheen.

On both sides of the gray figure, two wet Balu appeared, holding batguns in their hands, with the heads of the guns in their hands wide open!
From the corner of the eyes of the devils, they saw a sudden change behind them. For an instant, the muzzle of the machine gun began to flash with fire, illuminating the land in the dark valley. Behind the fire was a cold face with curved eaves Under the military cap, a pair of thin eyes are half-closed to prevent being dazzled by the muzzle flash!
The state of three-burst firing has been maintained until the last three particles ejected from the chamber, and the muzzle flame spread stopped, and at the same time, he raised the shell gun that was placed aside with its nose wide open.

While the machine gun was firing, the two 20-round fast and slow machines with large noses were also firing!
The first reaction of a devil who has lost the command of a sergeant is to hide. It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The originally prepared attack fell apart with the sudden appearance of dense gunfire. The devils already understood that this time they encountered an ambush again!
It is impossible to count on the arrival of reinforcements, so saving one's life is the only option right now.

There are rocks everywhere in the valley, and the devil who quickly got into the gap between the rocks escaped the bullet rain!
There are not many Eight Routers in ambush, only seven or eight, and the strength of the two sides is one to two. When will the Eight Route Army be able to fight more with less?The hateful thing is that there are so many automatic weapons in the eight roads!

Extremely hateful, a coward who only knows about sneak attacks!

The devils were well trained. Facing such a dense rain of bullets, only half of the devils lost their combat effectiveness. The rest of the devils did not dare to stand up and fired back based on their feelings!
The atmosphere was extremely tense, and the two devils tore off the grenade hanging from their chests as they usually do in training!
On the cliff!Under an angry braid, the girl squinted her eyes halfway, and put one of the devils who touched the grenade into the front sight, her tight little face was full of excitement, and the moment the devil knocked the hood on her head, she pressed the trigger without hesitation , The bullet screamed and flew out!

When the bullet penetrated into the devil's body, the hand holding the grenade was just raised to the rear. The bullet that penetrated into it made the victim no longer have a chance to throw the grenade, and the time-delay fuze had already been triggered!
One, two, three, four, five "boom", two 48-piece grenade fragments with two lumps, respectively in the ghost group and the eight-way group, radiating to the surroundings!

The Czech machine gun on the cliff rang out inappropriately when Tang Dagou fired the first shot.

The front team that the devils attacked had originally turned their guns, crouched on the ground and was still hesitating to fight back, but several of them were knocked over immediately.

Although there are only fifteen devils in a team, and there are less than 20 people including three pioneers, and two people sent a wounded number to leave, but the team is so wide that Hu Yi's crooked machine gun thirty One shot, plus three sniper rifles, even the mule's shuttle, Tang Dagou's ten bullets, and more than a hundred bullets, shuttled arrogantly in the valley, passed through the devil's body, hit the stone, deformed and jumped.

The remaining two devils fought stubbornly behind the stone.

You can hide behind the stone, but they didn't notice that there was a demon with horns on its head on the cliff.

He was grinning and muttering: "Be obedient and don't move. There are sweets to eat."

Bang, the bullet went into the back of the head of a devil who was still fighting back.

(End of this chapter)

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