under fire

Chapter 46

Chapter 46
When the soldiers of the brigade came from behind, Team Leader Zheng and Su Qinggang showed joy, and before they could speak, they heard a leader looking at them and said, "Catch them up."

"Hands up!" Facing the dark muzzle.

Team Leader Zheng quickly explained: "We."

A soldier standing behind him, with a gun butt, smashed it on the back of Team Leader Zheng: "Shut up!"

Su Qing exchanged glances with Team Leader Zheng, and the two seemed to understand something.

The guns of Team Leader Zheng and the escorting soldiers have been seized, and the five people are tied up.

Team Leader Zheng looked at the soldiers and was a little angry: "I said, comrade, what's the matter with you?"

The eighth-way soldier looked at him with contempt on his face: "Stop talking nonsense, you damned devils, you will be shot to death in a while, hum!"

Team leader Zheng had a black line: "You little comrade, how did you talk, ah?"

"Hey, pretending to be our Beishan regiment, your grandmother, I didn't expect our Beishan regiment to be here for a few months, and you will be arrested."

Second Lieutenant Hojo suddenly opened his eyes, and a voice came from his ears: Footsteps sounded from the south and north at the same time, and a large number of people were approaching.

One dodged, climbed onto a stone on the side of the road, pulled out the telescope, and there was a black mass of eight roads carrying guns on both the north and south sides of the valley.

My heart trembled slightly: Leaked whereabouts?

The north-south valley has been reconnaissance a few days ago. Although it is steep to the east, it is possible to go up the mountain. Only have a chance to get rid of it, once the fire is exchanged, the enemy will be attacked.

As for when his troops were exposed, it was not important now. It was obvious that the opponent had already prepared and did not start in the village, perhaps because he was afraid of hijacking the people. After he figured it out, Hojo Takakuni immediately jumped off the stone cautiously.

He took out a pencil and a small notebook from his bag and started writing quickly.

Not long after, he tore off the writing paper and rolled it into a small roll: "Miyagawa-kun, get ready."

A white carrier pigeon flapped its wings, flew out of the woods, slowly rose, and flew out of the canyon.

There were dense gunshots from the south, and slowly, the gunshots became sparse and kept ringing.

Su Qing's hands were tied behind his back, and he barely sat on the ground. On the surface, he stared blankly at the overhanging cliff outside the window. His heart turned sharply. It seemed that the division had arranged for the troops of the Beishan Regiment. Listening to the soldier's tone, he should be here. After lying in ambush for a long time, it seemed that he was just in time for the meeting.

It stands to reason that the leader of the investigation team of the enemy's engineering department should know about it. In fact, this is not the case. However, these soldiers must be his own, and he is not worried for a while.

Some people, even in a dark room, are so bright, a few guard soldiers occasionally sneak a glance at Su Qing, people always love beauty, and the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army are no exception.

It didn't take long for the leading soldier who just passed by to return to Xiaoli Village with the team.

Carried more than 30 stretchers, most of which were corpses and wounded of the Eighth Route Army.

I was reporting to the people coming from the south: "The company commander, he also caught a few live victims and locked them in this room."

"Go and see!"

In the dimly lit house, the door was opened and the room became brighter. The company commander was stunned: "Hey? Instructor Zheng? Why are you here?"

The two of them used to be a company.

"Hey, company commander Sun, Sun Wukong, hey, the little monkey you brought is cruel enough, ah, don't say anything about tying me up, and smashing my two gun butts, I tell you, this is not over."

"Hurry up, hurry up and untie." The company commander Sun hurriedly asked the eighth-way soldiers next to him to step forward to untie the others, and he personally stepped forward to untie the team leader Zheng.

The soldier who smashed people earlier was dumbfounded. This is really his comrade, it seems that he is still the leader of the company commander?Standing there without daring to move, weeping sadly, looking at the company commander, the tears were about to flow out.

"You bastard, you cut the rope with a knife, and you couldn't untie it for a long time. Did you mean it?"

"It's a pity that the rope was cut, you wait a moment, hehe."

"Why are you shivering? You're still laughing!"

"Alright, don't kick me"

"These things have to be sent to the regiment headquarters, and we still have a mission." Company Commander Sun grimaced.

"You won't give me this telescope? Believe it or not, I kicked you to death. I haven't seen you for a year. Your kid has been promoted to company commander, so what I said won't work?"

"It works, of course it works, referring to the old leader, why are you here?"

"I'm still asking you."

"Our regiment head went to the division for a meeting, and I heard that there were devils in the name of our regiment, and they even sneaked into the mountains and were laughed at by the brothers, and there were also several incidents in the north. , we transferred our company to come in to guard Yamaguchi, hehe, wait for your old man, by the way, Yamaguchi still has our troops."

"Captain Sun, can you show me those devils' documents?" Su Qing saw that the two of them were chatting, and it was fine when they were idle. For a while, it was hard to mention leaving, and she was also interested in the advance team that Hu Yi had encountered. .

"This is Su Qingsu, a former political worker of the Independent Youth League. It's my own person, no problem." Seeing Company Commander Sun looking at him, Team Leader Zheng said without hesitation.

Su Qing quickly flipped through the thick stack of documents that the devils brought with them. It was very strange. The text was not Japanese, but all Chinese.

A very detailed map of the mountainous area, a combat report on the pursuit of the mountain, a detailed march log written by Chiba Kamikawa, the route into the mountain, precautions, and Section Chief Xu of the Eighth Route Army pushed the carrier pigeon signal soldier to fall into the valley!The attack on the Eighth Route Station failed, the battle at Kushuixi, a plum?Eighth Route Army headquarters analysis.

Company Commander Sun was still talking to Team Leader Zheng: "If it hadn't been known from fellow villagers that these gang of devils are pretending to be our Beishan Regiment, we might all be deceived by them. These guys are always pretending to be our Regiment, and they have to be killed. The little devil is very smart, in order to pretend to be, he is wearing the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, and even the devil's loincloth is useless."

Su Qing looked at the document for a while: "No, it's a downsized team of devils that came out this time. It should be 38 people. We only saw 12 people in the morning. Company Commander Sun, how many devils have you eliminated?"

Company Commander Sun's face changed greatly: "Even eleven were killed, but none survived."

Su Qing said calmly: "Team Leader Zheng, I remember correctly, we saw twelve devils in the morning, and now there is one less here! And based on the number of people, the devils advanced into the team and were divided after entering the mountain. soldier."

Su Qing: "Map!"

Company Commander Sun quickly took out the map he had brought, and then he remembered that he was the chief military officer. What does this political worker Su mean?
(End of this chapter)

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