under fire

Chapter 528

Chapter 528

Director Zhang, who had just negotiated with Luo Fugui about the distribution of the seizure, was at the entrance of the village ordering a dozen or so thin militiamen carrying large and small bags.

A pigtail came to the entrance of the village, looking left and right.

Behind her, two people followed: one is the platoon leader Luo Da, and the other is the correspondent Xu Xiao.

"Comrade Hongying, what are you looking at?" Director Zhang pulled out a smiling face and stepped forward to say hello.

"You are the chief of the Public Security Bureau?" The girl approached quickly with an innocent smile on her face.

Director Zhang was stunned for a moment, and there must be nothing good to be courteous!The unscrupulous bear looked up at the sky and pretended not to see anything.

He hurriedly explained a few more words to the soldiers who delivered the supplies, then turned his head and walked aside with the people who came.

Xiao Hongying smiled half-smile: "I heard that you are inquiring about the situation of our Nine Company?"

Zhang Yi was stunned: It's broken!

After the platoon leader Ma came for reinforcements, he gave full play to his investigative skills and almost found out the details of the Ninth Company of the Independent Regiment.

Even the investigation team of the company division stationed in Jiulian to investigate what they failed to do for several days, so he easily got it.

The security regiment does not belong to the supplementary regiment at all!And the independent regiment inserted a nail into the enemy-occupied area!
Moreover, the security regiment is the secret station of the armed task force!
All of this information is top secret!
He felt a little uneasy. According to the organization's regulations, he couldn't inquire about these things at all!
The key point is that he was curious about the Ninth Company, and he only used a small method: let several public security soldiers under him approach several Ninth Company soldiers, and asked them questions about a certain aspect according to the usual practice. It's life, some of it is fighting, even some trivial things, sometimes even using aggressive methods

But the problem is that the questioning of the subordinates just started. The soldiers of the Ninth Company, who had no sense of secrecy at all, just poured beans out of bamboo tubes, and poured out everything that should be said and should not be said to the public security soldiers. Spotless!

Now it's his turn to be dumbfounded!
The public security team and the main force have different affiliations. Although they are both organized in divisions, the public security belongs to the enemy industry department. They occasionally assist the combat troops in carrying out tasks and helping each other. News, this is a big mistake!

Now, I can only find my superiors for review!Uh. This has to be done.

But this incident also exposed the problem of the lack of confidentiality awareness of combat troops!

Company Commander Hu has to be reminded of this!

In the afternoon when the soldiers reported to him, he knew that the girl in front of him was not only a soldier of the Ninth Company, but also a veteran of the Ninth Company!
Although I know from Jiulianbing that this girl is a whore!

Years of experience in fighting the enemy allowed him to hear the implication of the girl's words just now.

As soon as he inquired, he was discovered by the investigator, so he thought this girl was even more difficult.

Of course, to be able to pull out such a large team with two or three people, even if it's just a girl, is worthy of respect!

With the current equipment of Jiulian, compared with the main force that I have seen, it is not far behind!
If you count all the possessions they boast about, in the Eighth Route Army, among the troops I have seen, there are probably few troops that can compare with it except for the Secret Service Regiment!
In the Eighth Route Army, no matter how strong the combat force is, there will always be recruits who don't have guns and use big knives and spears.

And Jiulian. Many people are holding double guns!



bow and arrow?

Bird gun?


The common equipment in these eight-way teams has not even been seen!

As for those with double guns, they almost didn't even look down on the shell guns that they had always regarded as treasures before!

He has been traveling in enemy-occupied areas and base areas for a long time, and has rich experience. He has long seen that even the veterans of the Ninth Company dare not speak loudly to her. This shows that this girl's position in the team is really not bragging!
Take her traveling alone, always followed by two warlords who made a special trip to carry guns for her, so he didn't feel that there was anything wrong!
Fortunately, I didn't look down on this girl's film, and ignored her tone of voice.

It's amazing to be able to take a platoon leader who has just finished a "big battle" for a walk anytime, anywhere
While thinking about it, Xiao Hongying in front suddenly asked again: "Hey, let me tell you. What are you thinking? Are you free to do? Find out what we are doing?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask, isn't Company Commander Hu and you together, why haven't you come here yet?" Zhang Yi has rich experience, and hurriedly spoke to him.

"This is a secret, what else do you want to know?" The little girl suddenly smiled when she heard the words: "Hey, let me tell you. What do you usually do in the public security team?"

Seeing that the girl stopped asking questions, Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "Uh, we are mainly responsible for defending the base area, cooperating with the propaganda policy of the enemy's engineering department, collecting information on the family members of the security forces, and eradicating hard-core traitors."

The girl suddenly laughed, laughing wildly: "Hey, it's important to have a lot of work. How do you feel when you inquire about the situation of our army?"

The topic changed so quickly, Zhang Yi's mind was buzzing, well, something bad is going to happen!
"Why don't you talk?" The girl's eyes suddenly became clear, even a little sharp: "Isn't your public security team in charge of security work? You questioned our Jiu Company to the bottom of the sky this afternoon. What do you want to do?"


"Have you forgotten the discipline of the organization? What do you mean by not asking what you shouldn't know?" Xiao Hongying put on all her expressions, and said these few words very seriously!

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth: "I was wrong about this! I just didn't expect that your weapons are so good and your fighting is so powerful. I just wanted to ask and learn by the way!"

In fact, it was the little girl who saw that the chief of the Public Security Bureau was pleasing to the eye, and she was quite capable!It is definitely not easy for Zhang to be able to ask Jiulian how many meals he usually eats and what he eats in one afternoon!
She took a liking to Director Zhang, who seemed approachable and talked too much no matter who he was talking to!

According to her feeling, this Director Zhang is very similar to Su Qing, even better than the investigation team leader who came to the wine station last time, and later the independent team officer Zheng!

Although the investigation team of the division has been overshadowed by various means, the only one missing in Jiulian is someone who can investigate!
This person in front of him is purely a good hand at intelligence!

He has worked in the plains for a long time and is familiar with the terrain of the plains. If the Ninth Company joins him, he will also have Lao Zhou who can do the ideological work of the security forces in the gun towers. Add wings like a tiger!

She stared at the beautiful big eyes, and quietly looked at Director Zhang, who was a little embarrassed. The armed task force was led by the political commissar, and Su Qing was usually in charge of the work, and it didn't make much progress. So, is the Jiulian doing it by itself An intelligence system?

Before long, the Ninth Company will be promoted to the Ninth Battalion!Intelligence work can't rely entirely on armed task forces, can it?

In other words, getting so many telephone lines from the district must come in handy, right?

Director Zhang was stopped by the girl's few words, and his big eyes made him feel a little terrified!

It is said that I dressed up as ordinary people and went in and out of enemy-occupied areas, crossed blockades, and even inserted bayonets into the chests of traitors with my own hands.

This girl is not easy!
"I made a mistake, and I will review it to the organization!" Director Zhang gritted his teeth and felt that dealing with this girl was more oppressive than seeing the division political commissar passing by last time!Quickly express your attitude.

"Do you think... you already know the situation of the Ninth Company, so this matter can end like this? You even inquired about the armed task force, should you give me an explanation?" After so long, I don't know what he is thinking. Can this matter be resolved by doing a self-examination?Even if you are not punished and you are not transferred back to the division as a civilian cadre for half a year, this matter is definitely not over.

Zhang Yi was stunned. He had worked for the organization for almost ten years, but he never expected to make such a big mistake unintentionally!

Whether this matter is big or small, it is related to the important secret of the independent regiment's development to the plains, and I was curious for a while, so I asked the soldiers under my command to learn about the situation separately. Too much!Once leaked, who can bear the consequences?

The best result, of course he knows it well!I guess I have to go into the mountains this time, and it will be difficult if I want to fight devils again!
Seeing Director Zhang's face turn red and turn white, Xiao Hongying suddenly smiled.

Suddenly he said in an unquestionable tone: "You know too much, so if you transfer all the people who questioned our soldiers, including you, to our Ninth Company, won't this be over?"

Zhang Yi was stunned, his mind buzzing.

This proposal is a good way. Who would not want to go from local staff to combat troops?
Although local work is equally important!
However, there is a strict personnel transfer procedure in the organization, and the transfer of more than a dozen people can be transferred just by saying it, a little girl like you?

Are you kidding me?
Even if the armed task force wants to mobilize local personnel, it must first report to the organization for unified coordination, and will consider the personnel's personality, background, resume, and good work before making a comprehensive consideration.

Not to mention that to carry out this kind of cross-system transfer of personnel, the organization must first send people to conduct inspections, and also investigate the evaluations of the inspected personnel's superiors, and finally go through organizational procedures.

If it weren't for special circumstances, no matter how fast it was, within three or two months, there would be no results at all!

(End of this chapter)

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