under fire

Chapter 539 Layout

Chapter 539 Layout
Wang Liujin walked into the compound, walked through the ruins and walls that were not cleared, and walked towards the main house.

Hu Yi girl and Su Qing sat in the room.

After Su Qing returned the gift, he took the lead to speak to Platoon Leader Wang: "Platoon Leader Wang, I have something to trouble you this time."

"Captain Su, where did you say that? If you have anything to say, just speak up." Wang Liujin knew a lot about the situation, and of course he knew the identity of the Su Qing team.

"You arrange two fighters with good skills and high awareness to go to the enemy-occupied area to carry out a top-secret mission with Park Buhuan and Zeng Nansheng."

"Ah? Top secret, I'll arrange it immediately. If that's the case, I won't ask any missions." Wang Liujin immediately agreed.

Turn around and arrange for someone to go.

Outside the yard, the half-immortal who was busy preparing to receive the food shouted loudly: "Check again to see if those carts are firm. If they are broken on the road, you guys will carry them back by yourself. Yes, yes, remove that board and replace it." A new one!"

"Half Immortal, long time no see, have you really become the Director of Supply?" The monkey walked out of the courtyard with the big one.

"Fart, supply stock, don't mess around with jobs." Banxian looked up.

"You took over as Wang Xiaosan's cooking squad leader, I can eat two more bowls of this meal!" Monkey smiled and kicked the cart.

"Hey, don't be fooled, then Wang Xiaosan doesn't want to work in the cooking class."

"Your life doesn't matter, you are good at telling nonsense with your eyes open, tell me, how much benefit did you give Wang Xiaosan?"

"What you said, be careful that I beat you and me. Do you think I am that kind of person?"

"Well, as long as you can let the brothers eat comfortably every day, I have no problem with you marrying a wife!" The monkey turned around and walked into the courtyard.

"Ah? Tell me to watch the devil's barracks? I won't do it!" The monkey reacted violently when he heard Su Qing's arrangement.

"What are you afraid of? After the national army left, the devil veterans were almost transferred away, and the rest were basically devil recruits!

Park Buhuan is going to be an instructor for the security forces. Those security forces are almost all gangsters. You are responsible for inquiring about the details of those security forces with Zeng Nansheng on the periphery, and there is also a public security team to cooperate with you. You just need to find a way to find out. Regarding the strength of the devils' barracks, pay special attention to whether there is a row or so of strange devils suddenly appearing in the devils' barracks. As soon as they appear, arrange people to stare at them immediately, and the spy platoon will take action in person. "

"Wait, you mean, watch the advance team? Let me guard the tree stump and wait for the rabbit?" The monkey suddenly became interested.

"You are very smart, I believe you can do this well." Su Qing didn't intend to tell him more about the situation.

The monkey scratched its head and was a little embarrassed to be praised by a woman: "Then, all right!"

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and Zhang Yi led a young man into the dilapidated house.

"Let me introduce, this is Comrade Mei Huaizhi from our underground organization."

"No children? The monkey couldn't help but chuckle."

Su Qing glared at him, the monkey quickly backed his mouth, and laughed really hard.

This guy has such a low laugh, he can die laughing at a single name!
Mei Huaizhi with black hair stretched out his hand calmly to the monkey: "Mei Huaizhi, the plum of plum blossoms, the bosom of the heart, the wisdom of wisdom!"

The monkey quickly stopped laughing: "Just call me Monkey!"

Zhang Yi next to him looked at the monkey calmly: "I will arrange for you to work as a waiter at the restaurant opposite the Devil's Barracks, and you will follow Mei Huaizhi's arrangement when other matters arise, and try not to contact him at ordinary times. Put a white towel on the second window on the second floor, and Mei Huaizhi will contact you as soon as possible!"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he turned to Mei Huaizhi: "You must protect the safety of the monkey."

He looked away again this time. He didn't know that the thin monkey in front of him was actually relatively low-key. He and the big man built a gun tower and played with armored vehicles. Most people don't know it, and the glorious deeds have not had time to spread.

Therefore, Zhang Yi didn't find out the details of the monkey. This guy is basically a gangster who kills devils without blinking an eye, no, a world-class hero.

"Brother Mei, please take care of me more in the future!" Hou Zi looked serious. The chief of the Eighth Route Army is really cute. The next job must be more exciting than gambling every day as a soldier in the national army.

Zhang Yi continued to arrange: "In addition, I will send you a group of people to watch the back door of the devil's barracks. We must find out the situation of the devil's troops in the county town!"

"Don't get too far, I'm going this time to find out if the devil's advance team will enter An County, right?"

Zhang Yi, who was interrupted, was a little displeased. The soldiers of the Ninth Company didn't even understand basic etiquette, but he couldn't help it.

There is still a lot of things to do in the county seat, and it is impossible to stay here for a long time.

That's all for now, I have other things to arrange, you guys get ready first.

After speaking, he took Mei Huaizhi out of the broken courtyard.

"Hey, he protects me? That sounds really nice!" The monkey looked disdainful.

Su Qing's face was calm, and she was very clear about the virtues of the members of the Jiulian: "You have another task, to secretly protect Zeng Nansheng's safety, and to cooperate with Zeng Nansheng in selecting some people from the security forces to join our team, understand?"

"Ah, this, I'm not very good at it!"

"Zeng Nansheng is responsible for developing our people in the security forces. You lead people to cooperate and secretly collect those security forces with clean families to join our team, understand."

"It's interesting, just to find out their details?" Monkey has a good feeling for these two stolen characters.

"Pay attention to your own safety, if exposed, evacuate immediately!"

The monkey was stunned. Does this count as concern?

After serving in the army for so many years, no one has ever cared about him, and his heart suddenly felt a little sour.

Another figure walked into the broken courtyard.

".What are you kidding? Ask me to train the security forces? No way." Park Buhuan turned against Hu Yi directly.

"The advance team may enter An County, your task is to find out where they are staying!" Su Qing knew that Pu Buhuan hated the advance team who led the devils to sweep up the headquarters, so he didn't worry about him making trouble at all.

"Ah? And this thing, hehe, why didn't you say it earlier, it's interesting to be an instructor for the security forces!" Park Buhuan winked at Hu Yi: "If you can't beat the security forces in the future, old Hu, hehe, don't blame me !"

"If you can't get back to the team of No. [-], my aunt will want you to look good!" Xiao Hongying next to her saw that it was easier for this guy to go back and forth than to yawn, so she immediately lost face.

"Don't worry, we won't embarrass our little girl!"

Wang Peng knew that Hu Yi's ability was extraordinary, but what he had to do this time was too complicated.

Entering the plains to fight devils, no one in the whole group did not have this expectation.

But when it really fell on me, it felt unreal, like a dream, and my heart was up and down without a clue.

Being arranged by Jiulian to be a coolie is a good job, and I wish I could have this kind of good job of transporting food every day.

The first company commander under his command personally followed the people sent by Zhang Yi to the north, and first he had to get in touch with the guerrillas there.

Seeing that Hu Yi's team is full of talents, although he is a battalion commander, he always feels inferior.

In the past, he thought that the more people the better to pull a team, but after seeing the development of Jiulian, he realized that "talent" is the foundation of our foothold!
Among other things, I don't even have a single female soldier in my company!

In the Ninth Company, I have seen almost a hundred female soldiers!
Looking back, I have to organize the female soldiers too!

There are few young men in the mountains, and it is difficult to recruit soldiers, but I have always ignored female soldiers. If I recruit female soldiers, will I be ridiculed by the other battalion commanders?

laugh?I laughed their jaws off!
Having made up my mind, I have to start with the female militiamen of the Ninth Company. Since I can borrow two platoons from you, now I will ask you to borrow a squad leader, right?
It's not easy to talk about it, so I will go back to Lao Qin to find a solution.

When I think that it won't be long before I can take a battalion to develop on the plains, I feel happy.

Although the future is unknown, it is better than carrying water and building houses for ordinary people every day in the mountains!
Under the leadership of Hu Yi, Jiulian was able to develop so rapidly as soon as it entered the plains. In this move, it is necessary to take time to ask Jiulian for advice.

That being the case, the former subordinate Chen Chong is in front, so let's get his Nine Company experience first.

The little hen released by herself will not be finished this time without laying a few duck eggs.

(End of this chapter)

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