under fire

Chapter 556 Culture

Chapter 556 Culture
Hu Yi put down the book in his hand for a moment, and said indifferently: "Getting to know the culture? You should know that I don't have that interest!"

Song Xiaoci smiled sweetly: "Except for sister Su in Jiulian, you should be the most educated. You really can do this!"

Hu Yi had nothing to say this time.

This girl's idea is indeed very special: "The commander is going to celebrate his birthday, let each of your troops write a poem, and by the way, let's take a look at the cultural learning situation during this time!"

"It's fine for me to give you a gift, but you want me to write a poem, are you deliberately finding fault?" Hu Yi didn't look good.

"Stop, this is the task assigned by the political commissar. Every company in our independent regiment has to write a song!" Song Xiaoci thought for a while: "Don't try to fool people, the political commissar said, everyone has to write a song, write Alright, let's end the culture study early."

write poetry?

Hu Yi was still in a daze, how could his superiors order such an inexplicable task?
With the teacher's temper, he would absolutely oppose any birthday celebration for himself.

I have been in the army for so many years. When I was in the national army, it was normal for officials to celebrate my birthday and set up a few tables for myself, but this time I asked all the company commanders of the troops to write poems. What kind of game is this? out?
He also said that the whole army is going to recruit good writers, so what's the matter?

It suddenly occurred to him that Gao Yidao seemed to have to complete this task, and he suddenly felt that it was not so strange, a little funny.

It was rare for Song Xiaoci to see this cold-faced general deflated: "I am now the propaganda officer of the independent regiment, and this task must be completed within three days. Hey, did you hear me?"

With a playful expression on Hu Yi's face, he finally looked up at Song Xiaoci, and suddenly found that she was really good-looking: "If Erlian can complete the task, Jiulian will have no problem!"

"Oh, that's OK...give me the poem in three days, and I'll go first!"

Song Xiaoci felt inexplicably happy when she left the bunker. She had been in the Independence Regiment for more than half a year, and she was able to do the propaganda work like a fish in water. As long as she assigned tasks, the soldiers of the Independence Regiment, except for the Second Company and the Ninth Company, It's almost all head-scratching.

Therefore, slogans are everywhere on the walls of Jiulian, and the soldiers' cultural level has improved by leaps and bounds with their enthusiasm for loving beauty and killing the enemy.

Song Xiaoci is also a cultural teacher of the Independent Group, as long as she is in class, every seat is full.

Moreover, she also organized the cultural task force of the independent group!
If it weren't for the fact that the foundation of the independent troupe is too weak, it is estimated that the drama Henan Opera Bangzi Crosstalk Pingshu, Pingshu, Recitation and Poetry will all be in the battle.

Song Xiaoci did a lot of work, so she was naturally fulfilled. She thanked Captain Lu from the bottom of her heart for putting down her airs and caring for her.

She didn't think much about it. As the chief, it's normal to care about the cultural propaganda work of the army.

This time I inexplicably received the task from the teacher, to be the host at the teacher's birthday, and I was very happy.

It's just that she was a little surprised that the teacher didn't say when his birthday was, which made her speech drafts always incomplete. , The devil sent planes to bomb it?
When I got out of the bunker, I looked back and saw a circle of heads around the bunker. This is not surprising, I am used to it.

He glanced at the figure in the bunker.

You lousy company commander doesn't even look at me straight in the eye, I'll make you pissed off!
Hey, if you can write poems, I will
After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure out what she was going to do.
When the figure goes away, it will never be seen again.

Finally, several heads stuck out from the shooting hole to look in. Xiao Hongying, with her ponytail up, stepped into the bunker from the outside, and looked around for a long time with her big rogue eyes, before she landed on the expressionless Hu Yi's face: " Fox, what did she tell you?"

"Didn't you hear? Write poetry!"

"Writing poetry?" The expression on the little face gradually became weird: "Hahaha"

"It's funny?" Hu Yi read the book seriously.

"You know how to write poetry?" The little pigtail asked crookedly: "It seems that your book is held upside down!"

"Can't write." Hu Yi finally didn't hold back.

"Isn't that funny?" Pigtail looked at Hu Yi and twitched his lips: "What are you laughing at?"

"Gao Yidao also writes!"

"Grand one hahaha. Cough cough ha ha cough cough cough cough cough cough cough cough." The little body almost lost its breath without laughing.

Master Hu nodded solemnly and said, "Have you finished laughing?"

The ponytail trembled wildly: "I'm going to die laughing, tell me, what's going on? Hahaha, cough cough."

The sky over the confinement room was gloomy.

Song Xiaoci had been gone for a while.

The tall figure stood up suddenly, the military uniform was tidied up without any wrinkles, the belt around his waist was tightened, and the rifle was lifted against the wall, and the polished bayonet could be seen.

Out of the windowless house, go straight to the bunker.

Bending down and lowering his head into the bunker, he held his toes high and majesticly: "Your surname is Hu, are you still in the mood to read?"

With just this one sentence, I knew that Gao Yidao had something to ask for this time, because his first sentence should be called Hu Za Sui.

Hearing what he said, Hu Yi raised his head vigilantly and looked at Gao Yidao: "Cultural study, why don't you go out and practice stabbing without reading?"

Gao Yidao looked at this arch-rival who had no intention of giving him any face, and the eyes of the two of them almost lit up.

The ponytail next to him immediately understood why Gao Yidao had come, and said in a low voice, "Great and capable man, what prestige are you trying to get here?"

Gao Yidao didn't know what to do. I had never been afraid of people when fighting bayonets. The matter of holding the pen fell on him. He didn't know if the new student under him could write, so he didn't know.

Hearing Song Xiaoci's tone, no one could escape, and finally opened his mouth: "That poem, hehe, what the hell is it?"

This is said in a low voice, is this still a high sword that has won the three armies?

Sitting opposite Hu Yi, Xiao Hongying tore the corner of her clothes and held back her smile: "Of course we should pay attention to such a big matter as the master's birthday!"

"Is it difficult to write poetry?" Thinking of Officer Song's serious attitude, it is estimated that the student would not be able to write Xuan.

"It seems to be that difficult! Hahaha." Xiao Hongying couldn't help it anymore.

Gao Yidao stared like a pair of copper hammers: "I also have students in my company, just wait!"

Hu Yi finally raised his head, hearing that Gao Yidao meant that he was going to turn around and leave, but there was no movement after waiting for a long time.

Gao Yidao suddenly changed the subject, perhaps knowing something, lowered his voice and asked, "Hey, I heard you got news about the advance team?"

A crescent moon hangs in the sky.

In the plain and wilderness, a cold wind blows from time to time.

Some insects that are still alive still scream in the night.

"Report, there is a large group of people on the move in the east. They run very fast and hurriedly, and you can hear the sound of running footsteps." A soldier jumped off his bicycle after entering the village.

"Could it be that someone who doesn't have long eyes is here again?" Lao Meng who heard the sound and walked to the door of the broken house was stunned for a moment: "Go! Go and have a look!"

"Captain, the security forces have rarely crossed the blockade line in the past six months. Could it be that the enemy came to defend us when they knew that our main force had returned to the mountain?"

Lao Meng knocked on the soldier's head: "Do you think we are persimmons? Hey, Company Commander Hu is gone, but those enemies really think that my autumn guerrilla brigade is a persimmon? I will put eye drops on them this time." !"

"I'm itching to wait!"

"Arrange transfer immediately!" Commander Meng ordered the soldiers who followed him.

Immediately, the sound of gong beating resounded in the village.

The ordinary people, who had practiced countless times earlier, went out with their backs on their backs. Led by the guerrilla fighters, they began to run towards the north of the village.

"Hurry up, hurry up, keep up! A group of counting!"

"30 people, all here!"

"Second group report!"

".All Arrived"

The prepared team followed Captain Meng and the sentry and left the village eastward.

In the distance, a long string of torches meanders along the road to the south.

A dozen or so fast horses were in front of the battle, and the sound of horseshoes sounded.

"Hey, this battle is not small!" Captain Meng confirmed the situation, heard the creaking sound of bicycles behind him, and asked behind him: "How long will it take for the villagers to be transferred?"

"They're all out of the village. Comrades are sweeping away the footprints on the ground with branches!" came the panting voice on the bicycle.

 In the entire military history, it is the only time that a division commander is lent to celebrate his birthday for publicity!
(End of this chapter)

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