under fire

Chapter 558

Chapter 558
Platoon Leader Ye nodded, and immediately, a black shadow coiled a long rope, and then put a circle of thin lead rope on the ground.

Another black shadow took out a large black crossbow from behind, pulled the spring on the machine, set up a strange arrow with a three-claw iron hook on the head and an iron ring attached to the end of the arrow, and hung it on the ground. That loop of string.

Then he got up and faced the bottom of the cliff and retreated a certain distance, raised the big crossbow and pointed it at the cliff, the trigger of the crossbow was slightly pulled, and with a bang, the crossbow shook violently, and the three-clawed iron hook immediately flew up the cliff with a thin guide rope .

There was a metallic clinking sound from the cliff, and the soldier quickly pulled the rope taut, and the iron hook should fall back and finally caught something.

Because the rope is too long and heavy, the crossbow and arrow cannot directly bring the rope up the high cliff. The thin rope passed through the round hole behind the arrow is first brought up the cliff, and then the thick rope is pulled up.

The black shadow kept pulling the thin rope, and the thick rope kept rising towards the cliff.

After feeling that the hook should be stable, the little soldier pulled the rope, and a soldier next to him immediately stepped forward, took the rope, and pulled it tight. The little soldier put on his gloves, grabbed the rope and immediately climbed up, and quickly climbed to the top of the cliff , Removed the three-claw iron hook hooked to the seam of the stone, fixed the rope at the root of a small tree on the top of the cliff, then shook the rope downwards, pulled the rope upwards, and prepared to pull another safety rope.

Two ropes are swinging.

After a while, under the cliff, there was a whispered order: "Go up the cliff immediately, and move quickly!"

As soon as the order came out, a black figure tightened his gear, tried to avoid making noise, tied the safety rope to his body, then grabbed the main rope, and climbed up quickly.

Not long after, a team of thirty people disappeared on the cliff, leaving seven or eight people below the cliff who did not follow.

A middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "Mr. Shangchuan, your legs are inconvenient. I don't have so much time to personally train the newly formed team. Next, the team training will be handed over to you."


"Let's go, let's go back and prepare first, Xiao Jiu-jun's supplementary team will arrive tomorrow."

A group of people headed east and disappeared without a sound in the hazy moonlit night at the foot of the mountain in the defense area of ​​the security regiment.

"Don't move!" Park Buhuan pressed Mei Huairen's head directly into the soil.

Outside a hill to the west, two figures turned out, heading east vigilantly.

Park Buhuan, who was the first to discover the other party, hesitated for a moment. He walked east in the middle of the night. Logically speaking, he should be one of his own people, but he couldn't be happy at all. The security team came from thirty miles away.

Think about those members of the security regiment. Those who knew the details of Jiulian all went to the cottage for ideological education.

Therefore, this is definitely not the patrol team arranged by Sun Youshang. Can such a large area be patrolled?
The garrison only arranges secret guards at night, and the southernmost area is Wang Xiaosan's defense area, and with his small number of people, he can't arrange patrols at such a long distance.

Unless the team is performing some tasks!
Behind those two people, a group of black shadows appeared, and the team was rushing eastward. What's going on?

In the middle of the night, I can't identify friend and foe, and I can't deal with this group of people by myself. My skills are so good, and I can't just shoot them directly. What if I am my own?Now the situation in this area is complicated, who knows what these people are doing?

When those people approached, under the moonlight, the vanguard seemed to be wearing Eighth Route Army uniforms.

Is it the militia?
The possibility is very high, and in this case, there is no need to meet them face to face for the time being.

The devils marched into the team and made great contributions, and the traitors of various ministries immediately followed suit, and some people disguised themselves as ordinary people and even militiamen to bluff and deceive everywhere.
Pu Buhuan didn't dare to show his anger, and stared closely at the advanced team, and suddenly found that there was a different person walking in the middle of the team!
He was limping, obviously not injured, because the speed was not slow, he turned around quickly in his mind, and immediately remembered that the monkey once mentioned something, that there was a lame man in the devil barracks!
At that time, I thought it was the devil who had not recovered from his wounds.

Looking at the situation now, if there is a devil with a disability, he will usually be discharged directly, unless he has special skills that ordinary people do not have!

Park Buhuan immediately became nervous and waited quietly. After a long while, no one came from behind.

He immediately got up and ordered to Mei Huaizhi: "Go to Beiwang Village to report the situation immediately, and I'll follow up to see!"

On the way, he had already asked Mei Huaizhi's identity. Fortunately, the information sent out at that time was sent to the security team in two ways. Mei Huaizhi was arrested by the traitor, but the other should have been sent in last night. The security group, if nothing unexpected happened, the information might have reached the independent group.

The security team has bicycles, and the speed of sending information is more than half faster.

In this quasi-security area where bulls and snakes are mixed, all kinds of people are active, and everyone is doing small tricks to wrestle with each other, but in such a large place, it is rare to meet each other, not to mention, if it is not necessary, all kinds of people try to hide as much as possible Although it may be rewarding to really do it yourself, your whereabouts will be exposed at any time.

Pu Buhuan quietly followed the team, and turned back to the east all the way.

Captain Meng did not intend to fight the enemy head-on. Guerrilla warfare is not a positional warfare. There are not enough troops on the plains, and the people have all moved. Of course, the stupid thing of fighting the enemy for casualties cannot be done.

After retreating westward for five miles with the people, the enemy's vanguard did not move forward. It seemed that the enemy brigade did not intend to continue the pursuit.

Not long after, the village in the distance suddenly lit up with flames.

The guerrillas stopped, and Captain Meng looked at the fire, knowing that the enemy was setting fire again.

A soldier next to him was a little dazed: "What's the matter with these enemies? Why don't you chase them?"

"Isn't it good not to chase? You bastard!" A squad leader slapped him on the neck.

"I'll go and have a look!" The scout next to him immediately got up and was about to walk back.

"Wait!" Lao Meng took off the shell gun on his body, and handed the two magazines to the scout: "You take this too!"

The scout thought for a while, nodded, took the speed machine and the magazine, put it on properly, and quietly rewound it.

The scout understood that his own shell gun was insufficient in firepower, and the captain wanted to get closer to find out the news and strengthen the firepower so that he could retreat smoothly.

With a wave to the side, the other two shadows followed immediately. When the three of them were approaching the village, Guigui Chongchong jumped into the ditch dug earlier in the moonlit night and slowly crawled forward.

The three enemies at the entrance of the village looked at the silence in the hazy moonlight outside the village, and they didn't realize that someone came across from the ditch!

The leading scout drew out his bayonet with his right hand, raised his finger to point at the three enemies on the opposite side, and stretched his hand to the neck to pull it horizontally.

The two people behind immediately pulled out their long three-zero bayonets.

Approaching silently in the ditch, the three shadows were smoking, occasionally looking back at the blazing fire in the village.

A voice sounded: "The company commander brought us here and set fire to play?"

"Let's just listen to the orders from above. Why bother so much? The guerrillas have been found ahead. What if we chase after them and fall into an ambush?"

"These poor ghosts run so fast that they don't even see their shadows!" A sigh.

"Haha, do you really want to see? Now you go west, if you can run five miles, you can still stand with me and your surname!"

"Hey, do you think I'm stupid?"

After the three men in the ditch were ready, the lead scout suddenly waved his hand and issued an order to stop the attack.

Two puppet soldiers who set fire to the village ran to the entrance, surprisingly angry!
These eight roads are too hateful!
Because nothing was fished in the village!Those pots with a few gaps missing, and the nests made of piles of hay on the ground, which of these can be used?

Smashing a broken iron pot into pieces can sell for a few dollars, but it's a pity that you have to go so far. Could it be that if you take that thing with you, you won't even be able to pay for the wine after selling it, so what's the point?
If it wasn't for the detective team's swearing that there are eight teams here, they wouldn't bother to get to this poor place that doesn't even have two beds.

"Hey, what are you still doing standing here? Hurry into the village and smash those kangs to me." The puppet army who ran out roared and turned around and ran back to the village.

The three lucky guys didn't realize it, just walked around before the gate of hell closed, flicked off their cigarette butts, and walked to the village.

One by one, the puppet soldiers set fire to the village indiscriminately, smashing everything that looked good.

The puppet soldiers were sweating profusely, their faces were ashamed, and they looked at the company commander of the security forces with their eyes rolling around. No one dared to rush to the west of the village. Who knows if those Tuba roads are ambushing nearby.

Not long ago there was movement around the village, what if they were chased and shot again?

Finally, I heard the heavenly voice of Company Commander Zhi: "The mission is completed, cheer me up and return to the camp as a whole team!"

Damn, you came out for a long time, didn't catch any fart, and just set fire to go back home?

(End of this chapter)

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