under fire

Chapter 623 The old past

Chapter 623 The old past

Thirty years.

The cold wind is still there.

out of the sun.

The cloudy sky dissipated.

The morning glow appeared in the sky.

Hu Yi stared blankly at the sky.

Climb on the roof to observe the city gate.

Liu Manhe emerged from the stairs.

Some were surprised to find Hu Yi on the roof.

He looked a little hesitant, and after thinking for a while, he sat down next to Hu Yi and looked at the eastern sky together.

"Morning, Captain Hu."

"Hey, Staff Officer Liu." Hu Yi turned over and was about to stand up.

"Sit down and sit down." Staff Officer Liu pulled Hu Yi who was about to stand up and salute: "I said Company Commander Hu, your task is to lead people to attack the county seat. Are you sitting here this early in the morning to observe the enemy's changing of the sentry? "

"Well." Hu Yi thought for a while: "There is something you can ask you to do for a favor?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? Say something straight."

"I'll trouble you then... definitely take the girl out of the city."

Staff Officer Liu sighed softly: "Actually, you don't have to be so pessimistic. The last time the headquarters was raided by the devil's advance team, the chief of staff sacrificed. For this assassination, the superiors prepared for more than half a year. This time, we must avenge the shame! "

Hu Yi thought for a while, and then answered his question: "However, there is one problem that I can't understand. Why didn't you plan to solve it with guns?"

"Because Section Chief Lin means to try to be as invisible as possible, which is more meaningful! Of course, it is also a problem that weapons cannot be brought into the city." At this point, Staff Officer Liu suddenly laughed, and asked jokingly: " I said it at the meeting yesterday, didn't it attract your attention?"

Hu Yi immediately confronted him: "I don't think the method is important as long as the advancing team can be killed."

"Then do you know why you couldn't get rid of this group of devils in your division?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "With the capabilities of our local troops, even if we can mobilize a regiment, they may not be the opponents of these devils."

"Although this is just your guess, your guess is indeed very accurate. You should know that with our team's fighting power, facing this group of well-equipped devils, even if we have the advantage of the terrain, we really can't keep them."

"Is this the purpose of our operation?"

Staff Officer Liu smiled slightly: "Instead of sacrificing the comrades of the local troops to startle the enemy, it is better to complete all their achievements in one battle."

Hu Yi finally figured out some details: "Can I understand it this way: the superior deliberately sent the devil back to the county town, and then did it on New Year's Eve?"

"The devil has the right time, place and people this time, hehe, he doesn't know we have another big move"

Hu Yi subconsciously asked: "Which move?"

"Monkey Sun borrows the iron fan to bloom in his hinterland!"

Hu Yi was a little dazed: "This is too risky, it is very likely that all of us who come this time will be here."

Staff Officer Liu chuckled: "Little devil, he didn't know that our ancestors had countless conspiracies and tricks besides the 36 tricks. There are also thousands of tricks, mental calculations and unintentional. If he imitates us to eat New Year's Eve dinner, he can't be fully armed, right?"

Is this what it means to do everything possible?Hu Yi had a black line: "I will lead the brothers from the independent regiment to take down the east gate after your operation begins."

Staff Officer Liu didn't seem worried about the upcoming action at all: "Are you really so confident?"

Hu Yi looked at this staff officer who was nearly ten years younger than him. It seemed that they were determined to die!Helplessly smiled bitterly: "You have tried everything possible. I am stupid. I can only do 36 tricks. When the time comes, I will cooperate with the outside. However, I estimate that the time I can persist is no more than 10 minutes."

Staff Officer Liu suddenly became serious: "There is a brigade of devils in the city, and a regiment of security forces. Are you sure you can hold out for 10 minutes?"

"Captain Liang will lead people to pretend to attack Ximen. Although the comrades in the county government are not strong in combat, they are familiar with the terrain of the county town. They should be able to succeed if they set off a few fires."

"I've thought about it, if we can successfully kill those advance teams, in fact... you don't need to storm the county."

"The premise is that there is no problem with County Magistrate Liu's intelligence. I always feel that the possibility of success is very small."

Liu Manhe shook his head: "Half of the investigative team is outside the city, which is beneficial to our operations. You have also seen the ability of our secret service team members to kill the enemy with bare hands. Company Commander Hu, I think...you should have confidence in us."

"I only have confidence in the bullets in the gun."

"I can't say enough about you. The plan is to be agreed upon by everyone. As long as the gunshots are fired at our restaurant, the three directions outside the city will attack at the same time. Although there are a large number of devils, they will never know that our real goal is to advance to the team. That's all. We will take the lead, and as long as we can successfully climb the east wall, the mission will be over."

"My mission is to take down the East Gate."

"Having said so much, you still don't believe in our secret service's ability to do it with bare hands?"

Hu Yi felt that this plan was a fantasy: "Of course I hope you can succeed!"

"There are our people in the police force. You can rest assured that we have reported to the city. No matter whether this operation is successful or not, you must ensure that Chief Lin is taken out of the city!"

"I'm sorry, Team Liang gave me the task of supporting your secret service team!"

"All of you Anti-University students are assigned by me and Section Chief Lin, do you know that?"

"I don't know why you tell me so much!"

"Hey, because I'm nervous, I can't tell those soldiers, don't you think?"

Hu Yi's Sanguan was downgraded again. He thought that the secret service team could go to heaven and earth, so he would be nervous: "Actually, the person who came up with this plan is really a genius."

"Hey, you can save this and tell Section Chief Lin." Liu Manhe saw the sun getting higher and higher, and he got excited again: "Do you know the name of our team this time?"

"You didn't tell me, I can't ask."

"It's okay to tell you, hey, the chief gave us a name: Death Commando."

Hu Jiu replied lightly: "It seems very majestic."

Staff Officer Liu laughed: "Our headquarters was attacked, and the devils continued to mobilize us, causing serious damage to our Eighth Route Army. We urgently need a victory to boost morale. Now we are in a confrontation with the devils, and if we don't pay attention, small-scale battles will break down. A big battle was won, but we lost a lot after being raided by the devils, and we can't afford to fight a big battle."

"I can understand, but mobilizing so many grassroots commanders, isn't it a bit of a fuss?"

"For this operation that has been prepared for half a year, it is only allowed to succeed and must not fail!" Staff Officer Liu paused at this point: "Commander Hu, I ask you one thing. After the city, we must kill everyone in the restaurant at all costs."

Hu Yi shook his head: "I can't do this. Tonight, there must be ordinary people in the restaurant."

"You have to do it. To tell you the truth, Chief Lin has read the investigation report on you. Although someone in your independent group covered it up, you once ordered to shoot at the common people. Hehe, you can't hide it!"

Hu Yi was stunned and almost jumped up from the ground.

He was held back by Liu Manhe: "Don't be surprised, you don't have to worry about it, except for me and Section Chief Lin, basically no one knows about it."

During this period of study, Hu Yi clearly knew the consequences of ordering to shoot at the common people, ranging from dismissal to being shot!They never expected that the combat report submitted by the independent regiment would have such a big loophole, and the organizational investigation would be so careful.

Seeing that Hu Yi didn't speak, Staff Officer Liu didn't care: "Don't think too much, the source of the news is not in your independent regiment, and Section Chief Lin only found out about it by chance when he transferred your file, because some of the puppet troops guarding the artillery tower are ours. People, regarding the battle report that you ordered to shoot at the common people, Section Chief Lin has personally destroyed it."

Hu Yi was a little startled: "I don't quite understand."

"You don't need to understand, you have to remember that I told you so much because the organization has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in this operation. The more than 100 students who entered the mountain this time have all gone through such investigations. As for why The reason why so many people from your independent regiment can enter the Anti-Japanese University is that we really need to train the grassroots commanders, and we have been looking for this opportunity." Maybe it took a long time to talk to Hu Yi, and Staff Officer Liu yawned .

"I have a suggestion." Hu Yi had never been so confident.

"You don't have to be so polite."

"If our operation goes well this time, I hope you can retreat with us"

"hope so."

Before Hu Yihua could speak, he heard a slight snoring sound from the side.
(End of this chapter)

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