under fire

Chapter 626 The night is very dark

Chapter 626 The night is very dark

The sun is slowly setting to the west, and the clouds in the sky reappear.

The county town is shrouded in darkness, dilapidated streets.

The dead wood without a leaf swayed in the cold wind.

Anyway, another year to go.

In the north of the county seat, there was a relatively tidy and remote courtyard, with two small lanterns hanging crookedly at the door, swaying from side to side in the cold wind.

Hu Yi looked up at the sky, spit out the chicken leg bone that had been sucked in his mouth so much that he lost his taste, and slowly lowered it to the wall.

Turning around and walking into the dilapidated house in the yard, squinting to meet the eyes in the tiles piled up on the roof, nodded, and opened the curtain to enter the house.

Porridge was cooking on the stove in the house.

There was a mixed smell of roast chicken and sweat, and a few piles of chicken bones were messed up on the ground.

The young eyes who were lightly sharpening the bayonet raised their heads and grinned friendlyly at him.

Seeing Hu Yi coming in, a young man got up from the ground, went out to the yard and continued to observe the almost deserted street repeatedly.

Without hesitation, Hu Yi went directly to the young man who had just left the door and sat down against the wall.

Subconsciously, he pulled out the two shell guns and put them in front of him, and withdrew all the bullets one after another, feeling the familiar mechanical outline sliding in the palm of his hand.

After standing up, he inserted the ten-shot magazine into the body of the gun, and slipped it into the holster quickly.

Two twenty-ring magazines were inserted into the belt of the black cotton coat in front of him.

Four ten-round magazines were in the pocket.

No longer looking at those envious eyes around me, leaning against the corner and closing your eyes to rest again.

The shell gun is not a good-performance weapon for these fighters of the secret service team.

But now, the devil's investigation is too strict, and no gun can get into the city, and it is really useless for a pair of special agent soldiers alone.

Hu Yi didn't sleep.

Carefully review the details of the single-handed assassination of traitors in Meixian County.

His thinking is different from others. Although the security model is different from Meixian, the layout of the streets and the structure of the houses in the county are not very different.

The devil's management is very strict, Qi County is no different from Longtan and Tiger's Den, a smell of roast chicken wafts into the nostrils, and the thoughts are seriously affected.

These roasted chickens brought by comrades in the county government may be the last things that everyone in the house eats.
The atmosphere in the room should be considered very good, there is no sadness, only passion and desire to accomplish the goal.

The policemen in the far-flung subdivisions have begun to go door-to-door to register.

This management model has existed for more than 2000 years. It is similar to the Baojia system, except that the Baochang has been replaced by a professional police officer.

Hu Yi knew very well that he chose to carry out this mission by himself because his superiors believed that he had experience in fighting county towns.

Experience is a very valuable thing.

Even the experience of failure is more memorable because failure means bloodshed and sacrifice.

When the policeman arrived at the door, the police officer who entered the door with a shy face in the yard babbled a few happy new year wishes, and then the policeman left.

Time is passing and darkness is coming.

"Hey, Company Commander Hu, it's getting dark soon." A soldier next to him reminded him friendly.

Hu Yi opened his eyes and squeezed out a thankful smile.

After stretching, he took out the pocket watch from his pocket and felt the familiar rhythm. With a light snap, the silver watch cover popped open. Through the window, the dim light came in, and the angle between the hands on the dial could be clearly seen. Two of the three needles coincide, and only one is still turning.

Finally, the three pointers coincided together.

six o'clock.

The appointed time is up.

Putting the pocket watch in his pocket, he raised his hands and tried to bend the traitor hat into an arc, but unfortunately he failed.

Get up and kick the one next to you to wake up, and then nod to the awake people in the room as a farewell.

Turning around and walking towards the door, the figure firmly walked into the semi-dark night outside the house.

Now is the time to meet the upcoming battle.

He exchanged a glance with the soldier at the door, and walked out of the courtyard expressionlessly.

He looked up and looked at the searchlights that had been turned on in the direction of the surrounding city walls.

It was almost dark, but there was some light from the houses in the county town, and the faint light reflected the dark streets mottled.

The searchlights on the city wall swayed regularly, occasionally piercing the darkness.

Hu Yi looked around and estimated the distance and time to the vicinity of Dadexing.

At this time, the patrolling police team should have already set off from the police station, making an exception and not interrogating those idlers who were still wandering on the street.

It is almost a mile away from this hidden spot in the north to the hidden spot of Dadexing Restaurant. Under normal circumstances, you can reach it by walking slowly for 10 minutes, and you will not encounter patrols during this process.

It's just that there are more pedestrians on the street than during the day, because the annual event of setting off firecrackers to celebrate the New Year will be held on the square in front of the county government.

After inquiring about the situation early, the gongs and drums in front of the county government door rang once, and then began to ring continuously.

Before the arrival of the devils, almost every household would set off firecrackers at the door to celebrate the New Year. Since the arrival of the devils, an order was issued to prohibit ordinary people from setting off firecrackers privately.

Hu Yi squeezed into the crowd, raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hat, and headed for the county government square.

Today's curfew is extended to ten o'clock.

People on the road rushed to the county government square excitedly.

After the firecrackers were set off, there was still a troupe singing an opera on the open-air square outside the county government office. The play seemed to be called "Zhan Hanba".

In these years, it is considered lucky to be able to survive. The common people in the enemy-occupied areas had to bow their heads under the pressure of the devils.

The electric light at the entrance of the county government office exudes a hazy yellow light.

The common people, praying for God's good weather, put on white clothes, short coats and red cloth belts, and performed dances in the square in front of the county government office.

The sound of gongs and drums shook the sky.

Several children running around in the crowd were yelled at by the adults, and they still couldn't calm down even though they were held tightly by their hands.

The dense crowd in the square buzzed, and the sound of selling grain gourds kept ringing out in the crowd.

It looks like a scene of singing and dancing.

Hu Yi shook his head. If his family was better off, who would come out to do business on New Year's Eve?

A group of ordinary people performed listlessly at the gate of the county seat, beating gongs and waist drums, and the hustle and bustle of the square rushed straight into the sky.

A man in black appeared next to Hu Yi.

"Brother, borrow a fire!"

Hu Yi replied coldly: "I don't think you should smoke at this time!"

After finishing speaking, he still took out the match in his pocket and handed it over.

The man in black smirked: "It's very lively, I'll make them cry soon."

After Li Huanzhang was kicked awake by Hu Yi, he followed Hu Yi far away: "Without a tail, the number of traitors in the city is much less than before."

"Where's the girl?"

"I went to Dadexing Restaurant as planned."

"When will you do it?"

"Before curfew."

"Eight o'clock?"

"No watch, anyway, we will do it when the police whistle."


A police team appeared in front of the county government to maintain order.

Several people came out of the county government, and a traitor wearing glasses started to speak with a metal loudspeaker.

The sound of gongs and drums stopped.

The square began to be quiet, occasionally there was the sound of children crying, followed by whining from their mouths covered.

Immediately afterwards, the tin microphone came into the hands of a ghost, who spoke arrogantly in bird language for a long time.

Then the traitor took over and hissed his throat again to translate the devil's bird language.

After returning, it was the county magistrate's turn to stand on the big stage next to the gate of the county government office and talk about the principles of common prosperity.

Hu Yi carefully looked at the men in black around the crowd, and kept exchanging glances with Li Huanzhang.

The two were looking for an opportunity, and they were going to attack those traitors with the purpose of getting guns.

Soon, Hu Yi was discouraged, shook his head at Li Huanzhang with cold eyes, and said in a low voice, "I have plain clothes, so I can't do anything for now."

Finally, the speaker stopped, and there was an uproar from the crowd.

The people in front suddenly started covering their ears.

Soon, there was the sound of firecrackers, loud crackling, and Hu Yi was in a daze. The sound was like several machine guns firing at the same time, and suddenly he thought of the battlefield.

The smell of gunpowder was carried by the cold wind and filled the crowd in the square.

After the firecrackers rang for a long time, they finally stopped.

The voice of whispering in the crowd gradually increased, a group of children rushed into the sky where the firecrackers were blown up, and the gunpowder smoke that was constantly drifting with scraps of paper, they wanted to find the dumb firecrackers that hadn't exploded.

The traitor wearing glasses spoke again with a loudspeaker.

Hu Yi didn't have the heart to listen carefully to what the traitor said.

Because several gas lamps were lit on the stage, the singers couldn't wait to beat the gongs and drums.

The surroundings of the stage have long been turned firmly by ordinary people who brought their own stools.

I saw several men in black also gathered around the stage.

Hu Yi winked at Li Huanzhang next to him, and the two of them raised their legs and followed the crowd, slowly heading towards Dadexing Restaurant.

The smoke from the firecrackers on the gate of the county government hadn't cleared away, and they were tumbling around the light bulbs emitting dim light.

The night was very dark.

(End of this chapter)

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