under fire

Chapter 756 That 1 Shot

Chapter 756

Wang Sanzhu soon received the message: "Uncle Qi, it seems that most of that group is still in the southern village, and both sides should be small groups of separate troops. Shall we go straight there?"

The old bandit Qi shook his head: "Now that the enemy's situation is unknown, the group in the south is confident and fearless. It is clear that they are not afraid of us being surprised. Why do they dare to set up camp here?"

Wang Sanzhu respected the old gangster: "Then what should we do now? Don't we wait until the brigade is fully assembled before we start."

The old bandit thought for a while: "Send a small group of troops to inquire about their situation first, even if he runs all night, he can hang himself, and retreat to the blockade line first! Then make the next step!"

"They are either the Eighth Route Army or the guerrillas of the national army. There are only so few people in total. Why hesitate?"

The old gangster Qi suddenly looked at Wang Sanzhu with sympathy: "You have to understand, I have no grudge against Eight Roads. Even if I become a bandit with you, I have never done anything to Eight Roads!"

"All right, all right, I was the one who killed the Eight Routes, okay? I also helped you kill so many devils and the scum of the national army who didn't fight devils!"

A bandit ran over: "Report to Commander Wang Shao, the group in the east calls themselves the Black Tiger Army"

Wang Sanzhu frowned: "It shouldn't be!"

Old gangster Qi heard the words: "You have to eat every bite, and you have to do everything one by one. I'll go to Dongbian Village to catch my tongue first. If it's really some kind of Black Tiger Army, I think we should focus on recruiting."

"Hey, they sneaked up and ate my number 100. Until now... I still don't know if the remaining brothers are dead or alive. I don't care who he is, I have to give my brothers an explanation!"

"Whatever you want, give me the commander's direct brothers in a team, and I'll go to the east to have a look!"

"That's it, I'll adjust another cannon for you!"

It didn't take long.

The leader of the bandits, Mr. Liu, was overjoyed when he heard that reinforcements were coming, and hurried from the north to the west, smiling obsequiously: "Uncle Qi, did you come in person?"

The old gangster Qi frowned: "What's the situation? How many people are there in the village?"

The equipment of Commander Wang’s lineage is excellent, and the youngest Liu is very envious: “The roads to the village are all blocked. After I ordered the brothers to disperse, I planned to climb over the wall and enter. Before I got close, I was ambushed and three people died. , six or seven were slightly or seriously injured, and the brothers have surrounded the village to the brim, even if... it is a fly, don't even think about flying out."

Knowing that there are people in the village, what kind of ambush is this?
The old gangster Qi kept his face, how dare a few gangsters dare to say that there is no way to get through?
Just now I asked him how many people there were, but this guy just played sloppy and didn't answer, it was clear that he didn't know at all!Asking him again is absolutely nonsense, but it will affect the judgment!
I don’t bother to ask, it’s safest to look at it by myself. It’s 300 meters away from the west entrance of the village. Hold up a telescope and observe carefully. The village is so small, how many people can it hide?

Riding hard on the horse's feet, he beat the horse and ran around the village before returning to the west. Then he looked up at the sky, and looked at the youngest Liu: "Have you shouted?"

"Called. They replied that it was the White Tiger Army, and that it was the Black Tiger Army. I have heard of the Black Tiger Army. They have always been active at the foot of the mountain in the west. They are fellows who kill the rich and help the poor. They just don't listen to Lao Tzu's advice." Liu Lao Yao explained in a rambling manner.

"Fire the cannon immediately, try to shoot him a few shots first!" The old bandit Qi didn't hesitate, and turned his head to order the artillery team.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head: "Boss Liu, immediately gather a platoon to keep up with my platoon and wait for orders. If the people in the village do not come out to surrender after the shelling is over, they can directly attack from the west!"

The youngest Liu was stunned for a moment: "Surrounded?"

The old bandit Qi who jumped off his horse put dirt lumps on the ground: "Don't talk nonsense, you have five or sixty people, just leave a few on each side of the village! Hurry up and gather the team"

"There are brothers from other mountains here, what if they don't listen?"

Old gangster Qi really wanted to crush this long-winded bastard to death: "Just go to the assembly, just say what I said, who would have the guts not to listen..."

Holding the binoculars, Ma Liang saw clearly that the bandits were adjusting the mortar, and was startled: "Everyone, get off the roof quickly and find a strong place to defend against the artillery according to the training requirements! No one should probe."

The battalion commander made a mistake in his judgment, the bandits have heavy firepower!

Ma Liang didn't dare to be careless, he stayed on the roof and continued to observe. Time passed slowly, except for people running around the bandits, but there was no movement...

The sky is slowly darkening, it's almost dark...

The arms of the soldier lying on the ground to support his body were all weak, but still...no movement!

The bandit soldiers finally set up the cannons, and the youngest Liu finally assembled the team. The artilleryman looked at the old bandit Qi: "Uncle Qi, the preparations are complete. There is a row of big trees outside the village, and the shooting effect may not be very good."

"Take a shot first!" Old bandit Qi put down the lump in his hand and raised his head.

After the devils came here, Wang Taigong first joined the national army, and the national army gave him the position of commander of the guerrillas, and then gave him a few mortars. Check out these off-brand mortars.

This time around, Wang Sanzhu gave a total of six shells.

The distance to the target was very close, the muzzle elevation angle was large, and the barrel was almost vertical to the ground. A bandit held up his fingers and gestured for a long time, and finally stuffed a mortar shell into the muzzle.

There was a muffled bang, the cannon was ejected, and rushed into the sky with a whistling sound.

It was so fast that the gangsters didn't have time to look up to see where the shells flew.
Although the bandit gunners have fired a few shots, they don't actually have much experience. Anyway, if they can shoot out, it's over. As for where they hit, God only knows
With such a big village as the target, I will not miss it!
However, he still aimed at the middle of the village...

In front of Mr. Qi, if he really hit outside the village, it would be embarrassing to grandma's house.

A puff of smoke rose in the village, followed by a loud bang.

The ground trembled, and the horse beside him neighed.

Hit it right!

Almost right in the center of the village.

The bandit gunner heaved a sigh of relief, and proudly asked the old bandit Qi: "Uncle Qi, do you want to shoot again?"

"No need for now, Mr. Liu, you go and shout, just say that if you don't come out again, the village will be blown to the ground later!"

"Deling!" Youngest Liu looked at the mortar enviously, it was a good thing.
Finally waited until the cannonball exploded.

Wan, who was lying on the edge of the millstone, waited for a while, but there was no movement.

Turning his head to look at the big dog who didn't seem to care at all: "Why did Ge Laozi just shoot? Didn't the **** try to shoot? What kind of play did the bandits play?"

The big dog curled his lips: "What the hell is a bunch of gangsters... Do you really think it was a trial shooting? Look at him shooting directly into the middle of the village. Can this be of any use?"

Wan took it seriously: "Ge Laozi must have been a novice who fired the cannon. I guess he didn't even blow up a hair. If I did it, he should blast the front first, so that observers can observe the effect of the shelling!"

"Damn, I almost forgot that you used to know how to shoot cannons... One day I'll ask Li Xiang for one, and we'll have fun too..."

Wan Baxi curled his lips: "Fart, I swear to me, I will never play with that thing again if I am killed, and I will use all the little devils to shoot revenge."

"What a gang of bandits scared you like this, you bastard!"

"You're a ball. Ge Laozi, I said big dog, don't be careless, be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter."

It was estimated that the bandits would attack in a while, and the big dog didn't want to talk to this guy anymore, so he got up and rushed to the roof in twos and threes.

(End of this chapter)

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