under fire

Chapter 792 Deadly Honor

Chapter 792 Deadly Honor
Lieutenant Guizi was very lucky. During the guerrilla bombardment test, he was thrown down by some of his subordinates. Fortunately, the orderlies who gave the order to retreat dispersed to various ministries. There were not many people left, and they hid fairly quickly. .

It seemed that it was too slow to rely on the messengers alone to notify the ministries to retreat. Among the six messengers brought by the squadron, only the remaining one fired the retreat signal directly into the sky.

The front command suddenly issued a green retreat signal, which was very conspicuous in the evening sky.

The devils looked at the raised signal flares, and everyone understood that the frontal attack was not good, and the lieutenant wanted all units to retreat!

Seeing the appearance of an enemy team, the leader of the second lieutenant who attacked from the flank was overjoyed, so he immediately ordered the orderly to retreat.

But before retreating, he had to organize a wave of fire suppression to cover the retreat of the group of warriors who were advancing.

As for the bicycle team that appeared on the flank, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Riding a bicycle in the occupied area is the patent of the Imperial Army warriors and the Imperial Association Army!

As for the large-scale guerrillas riding bicycles, it seems that they have never heard of it!
Deep-rooted belief that even if you ride a bike you are still a guerrilla!

Not long ago, he saw with his own eyes the scene of the imperial army's elite "stand up team" riding a bicycle to maneuver quickly and fight on the car.

Now this team that suddenly appeared from the south, although they were all dressed in black and riding bicycles, did not fire a single shot. Most likely they wanted to pretend to be the Imperial Association Army.
Cycling in the wilderness is not much different from running speed, the only advantage is that it is more durable.

The riding team was in the wilderness, and people fell down from time to time.

When the team was about to enter a distance of about 200 meters, the devil's guard post on the periphery of the battlefield suddenly stood up from a shallow ditch, and shouted to the people who came: "Stop, which part?"

Those who were riding on the bicycle were a little dazed, they were already at this distance. Not only did the little devil not shoot, but he even shouted at himself?

It's a pity that I don't understand!
Could it be... They really think that I am a member of the night raid team?

A certain guy hurriedly opened his throat and said tremblingly: "We are the night raid team. Our own people. Don't shoot."

The first class soldier could understand, and it wasn't Niaoyu who answered. As for the night attack team?He doesn't understand Chinese, of course he doesn't understand.

According to the rules of the battlefield, as long as the opponent cannot prove his identity, he must be regarded as an enemy!
Immediately raise the gun and shoot at the leader of the team!
To confirm whether it is one of our own, of course we have to defeat it first!
But the one kept his head down and hid directly behind the backpack strapped to the front of the bicycle.

The corporal hesitated for a moment, and had to change his target and shoot immediately based on his feeling!
The second lieutenant was also unambiguous, and immediately ordered the devils who turned their guns on the flanks to attack!

The bicycle team immediately fell into one place, cursed and started to fight back sporadically.

The big dog was willing to charge because Ma Liang said that hanging a backpack on the front of the bicycle can be used as a cover to block bullets.

Otherwise, without Hu Yi's presence, there is absolutely no way for him to charge towards the devil's position.

After the Devil sentry shot, he immediately jumped off the bicycle skillfully, trotted two steps, came to the back of the bicycle, and immediately pulled off the horse's four-ring frame from behind and rolled it up on the quilt tied to the front handle of the bicycle. The devil who was just pushing the bolt on the chest of the warning whistle.

As soon as the bullet fired by the guard post flew out of the muzzle of the gun, the bullet fired by the big dog immediately penetrated into his chest with moxibustion heat.

As for someone who said that hitting a devil on the head would kill him quickly, how stupid must the person who said that be in Dagou's eyes?
Even if you just hit the enemy's arm during the battle, the enemy will immediately lose combat power.

Turning his head to look, unfortunately, the sight of the grenadier soldiers in the distance was blocked by the idiots led by Ma Liang.

To fight grenadiers, you have to leave the bedroll in front of the bike
It's hard to say whether the bedding roll can block the bullets, but it's safe to have a cover!Move your body carefully and turn the gun to the devil next to the guy holding the binoculars in the middle of the devil!
The person holding the binoculars is not necessarily an official, it may be an observer!

Lieutenant Guizi didn't panic, he changed from prone to half-kneeling, raised his gun to his shoulder, selected a target dangling on the ground, took aim, and shot.

Watching the figure fall with satisfaction, he pulled the bolt again and loaded a bullet.

Raise your gun and aim.
Before he had time to fire, the second lieutenant with the helmet on felt a loud bang from the front of his head, and his body had to fall backwards.

He only felt a fiery jet invade from his forehead, which directly interrupted his ferocious self-confidence.

The big dog lying behind the bicycle muttered: "What the hell, I've been staring at you for a long time. Hey, you dare to kneel there and fire a second shot."

As for why he was so stupid to hit the devil on the forehead this time. Because he hit high
After the bullet was ejected, the big dog immediately turned over and moved sideways subconsciously, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten that this was not a trench. What the hell this time it was in an open field!

But just happened to see the figure of the devil grenadier in the distance, and he immediately forgot that there was no cover after being beaten into a mad dog: "Hey, what the hell. Let me see how you die."

The firepower of Gao Yidao's counterattack company in the trench far exceeded the imagination of the devils!

Directly beat the attacking devils to suppress the machine guns and collectively misfire.

Faced with the enemy at the same time from the front and side, even after receiving the order to retreat from the second lieutenant, most of the devils continued to shoot in an orderly manner.

After all, the second lieutenant commander "hasn't" retreated yet!

The grenadier is an old hand. He didn't pay attention to the troops coming from the flank. With the second lieutenant in the back, he was full of confidence. He had already destroyed two guerrillas and a machine gun team just now, and he was still pulling the grenadier belt up. Hit the grenade in a single position.

The grenadiers knew very well that only the machine guns in the trenches could pose a major threat to the warriors' attack or retreat. Now that they had all rushed to this position, they had to shoot up all the grenades they brought!

Maybe just 1 more minute!
The deputy shooter next to him kept reporting the situation on the battlefield.

It's a pity that the second lieutenant he trusted very much was very sad at this time, but was fired by a "stray bullet". He was still convulsing at this time, his mouth, nose and ears were bleeding, and the medical soldiers next to him were trying to stop the bleeding. Wrapped with cotton gauze, when the helmet was removed, only red and white bean curd brains were found that covered the entire helmet.

The sergeant next to him was only stunned for a moment, and immediately took over the command. Seeing the second lieutenant died in battle, the sergeant immediately became mad and forgot to resolutely carry out the second lieutenant's retreat order.

If you have a little brain, you should retreat immediately when you are attacked on both sides and the enemy's troops are far superior to your own.

Sergeant Cao is one of the best generals in the team. In his mind, who is the Imperial Army?

The imperial army is number one in the world, well-trained, brave in combat, and fearless of death. How could that stupid pig of the lieutenant give the order to retreat in the face of the guerrillas!

Even if all die in battle, the honor of the imperial soldiers must be maintained!

If the second lieutenant could move, even if he had no brains, he would jump up from the ground and chop General Cao directly.

Of course, the brave Sergeant had to command according to his own understanding, and he absolutely could not tolerate anything that would damage the honor of the empire.

Therefore, he turned a blind eye to the second lieutenant's order to retreat, and even ignored the retreat signal issued by the lieutenant!

In fact, devils have a good habit of absolutely obeying the orders of their superiors in person!

But on the battlefield, the lower-level officer who is red-eyed by devils has a very strange bad habit: as long as there is an advantage to take advantage of, he directly violates the orders of his superiors as a joke!

Devils are a collection of these contradictions. Otherwise, how can they be worthy of the title "devils"?
(End of this chapter)

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