under fire

Chapter 8 The opposite

Chapter 8 The opposite

It had been dark for more than two hours, and the soldiers of the Second Company, the Nineth Company, and the Qiufeng Guerrilla Brigade were almost gone after dinner, and they still hadn't received the order to call.

"If you don't leave, the security forces will be encircled. What is Boss Hu doing? Small, follow me later and don't get lost." Luo Fugui stomped his feet with a nervous look on his face, biting buns in his mouth.

"You're so nervous, and the more critical the time, the more calm you need to be. You're shitting there."

Tang Da Gou, who was lying on the food bag, scolded Luo Fugui, who was pacing back and forth in the kitchen.

"Your grandma's, run early, don't you run farther in the dark? You know the shit!"

"Run early, why don't you run during the day and afternoon?"

The security army playground was filled with dark crowds, and there was a commotion.

Two figures from the west and two from the north hurried back to the barracks, and after a few figures entered the barracks, they quickly ran towards the camp headquarters.

"Western Security Forces are setting up defense lines"

"The puppet army in the north is arranging defense lines"

Hearing the news that the vanguard had returned from the reconnaissance, Hu Yi finally stood up and had been sitting for almost a day. He felt that it was time to set off, and rubbed his head with his hands.

All the circumstances confirmed his guess: the security army in the north will definitely judge that there is a problem with the security army camp because the two reconnaissance puppet troops have not returned, and it is not difficult to guess the whereabouts of his group. The devils in the north followed the security army. The team will not be less than five or six hundred devils, security forces, and artillery, but they can't beat them.

The Guizi and the security army judged that the second company and the ninth company were in the security army barracks and could not go west now. The security army must have established a defense line in the west, and there was Li Youde in the west, so they would not leave any space for them to go west. files.

The purpose of staying here is to let the devils know that the Eighth Route Army is here.

Gao Yidao still didn't give up: "If you change direction like this, it's too mother-in-law. According to me, it's better to go straight to the west."

Hu Yi's face was gloomy: "With Li Youde in the west, there are nearly a thousand people. You will fight with bayonets one by one?"

"Okay, give me that heavy machine gun, we'll each shoot our own."


"Are you still a staff officer?"

"It doesn't matter."

Hu Yi had fought against devils and puppet troops here before. The last time he had Hao Ping's third company to help him, this time there was no reinforcements. There are more than 200 people, and they are too lazy to move.

Hu Yi did not discuss this time with Gao Yidao. Based on experience and Ma Liang's reconnaissance situation, the cavalry of the Devils were waiting at a place no more than ten miles to the east. The dark night was not suitable for the Charge of the Devils' cavalry, so The choice of the direction of the breakout is the direction of the devil cavalry.

The first wave of battle is to defeat the cavalry, and then turn to the north. With the puppet army in the north knowing the situation here in Xinglong Town, and setting up an encirclement, there will be a gap between it and the county seat.

Most of the people attacked the Guizi cavalry eastwards, as long as a few people were left to block them, they dispersed to the town. After successfully attacking the Guizi cavalry, they changed their clothes and marched northward. When approaching the county seat of Meixian County, they turned west and passed between the county seat and Xinglong Town. .

The security army has gathered with the puppet army in the county town and has established a defense line in the north and west, so there will be a gap between Meixian County and Xinglong Town. After passing through this gap, you only need to face Li Youde's troops. The puppet army Lao Qin in Shuipu has already done his work, and with the temperament of the puppet army, there is no problem in entering the mountains from there.

The people of the security army need someone to drag them all to Xinglong Town. After attacking the devil cavalry, both the security army and the puppet army will reinforce to the east. Passed through the gap between the security forces.

If there is a moment when the timing is wrong.
A squad of the second company has returned from the Duanzhen police force's den.

The key now is to find the devil cavalry squadron.

Min 24 is now on a mule cart, which is Li Xiang's masterpiece all afternoon.

Gao Yidao stayed for a class. In the barracks, all the puppet troops in the barracks were taken away. Now, the competition is about leg strength.

In the dark night, news came from the vanguard soldiers in the east.

After leaving the east gate of the barracks, Gao Yidao ordered Hu Yi: "You are right!" Then he took the other soldiers of the second company. Lao Meng hesitated for a while, feeling that there were many people in Gao Yidao. Follow Hu Yi directly from the middle to the east.

The soldiers of the Autumn Wind Guerrilla Brigade couldn't help but stunned, why don't you go to the right, why go directly east?
Ma Liang took the lead with a leading soldier and walked quickly to the east.

Luo Fugui held the muzzle of the machine gun and slammed it on the backpack on his back. He felt that he would not touch his head. He stretched out his hand to the right and dragged Xu Xiao to follow.

Under the leadership of the sharp soldiers, Lao Qin led two soldiers, led a mule with a cover on its mouth, and pulled up the man with a frame on it and squeaked eastward, followed by Tang Dagou and the two puppet soldiers. .

Hu Yi followed behind with Mancang and Xiao Hongying.

After that, Li Xiang joined the other wounded and set off.

Under the bewitchment of Tang Dagou, the security forces all joined the Eighth Road, mixed in the Qiufeng guerrillas. At this time, they all acted as coolies, pushing a wheelbarrow with some things that even the security forces in the barracks could not understand. The mighty people went out to the east.

Ten miles, according to Hu Yi's current marching speed, about an hour.

The devil cavalry must have a secret whistle, as for how to solve it, that is a matter of Gao Yidao.

The purpose of this time is to reach the Guizi cavalry station, no matter how good the fight is, it will turn to the north anyway. He could only grit his teeth all the way to the neighboring county and fight back to the old nest of the Autumn Wind Guerrilla.

There is nothing to say about Gao Yidao's knives skills. From a distance, the camp of the Guizi Cavalry Squadron is in sight, and all the wounded soldiers are placed on the spot.

Gao Yidao has sent a correspondent to inform that the entire company has blocked the cavalry's way to the north. The night cavalry can't compare to the infantry. If the devil cavalry becomes an infantry, if you want to run against Gao Yidao's second company, that is Gao Yidao's favorite.

The mule cart has already been removed from the frame, and the eight soldiers carried heavy machine guns with the mule cart, which became a moving point of fire, constantly approaching the Guizi's cavalry station.

Hu Yi took Xiao Hongying, and Xu Xiao, who was brought by Luo Fugui, was on both sides of the heavy machine gun.

Li Xiang carried the grenade, Tang Dagou and Hao Yun carried sixteen grenades they got from the puppet army barracks.

Ma Liang carried the [-] rifle on his back, and slowly crawled eastward on the muddy road in front of him. From a distance, he could see the devils setting up a bonfire on the mountain. It seemed that the cavalry of the devils knew the movement of the eighth road. , did not even do hidden things.

The horses in the Guizi's station were snoring. The Guizi squadron leader did not find the village, so he set up camp on a small dirt bag. The Guizi cavalry was well equipped and even brought a tent.

Eight devils were on guard around, and six devils also formed a patrol team, without torches, they circled around regularly.

The command knife of the Guizi squadron leader is 438 meters away from Hu Yi's Zhongzheng rifle.

(End of this chapter)

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