under fire

Chapter 809 Offense and Defense

Chapter 809 Offense and Defense
The wounded enemy screamed in panic in the dark, the attacking bandits yelled and fought back from time to time, and they were unmasked in the wilderness, and they were shot randomly by the soldiers in the village from time to time.

Li Huanzhang changed to a shooting position, and while observing, pressed the bullets into the magazine one by one by feeling, and pushed the bolt to load a bullet.

Then he poked his head out in a half-kneeling position, raised the gun to his shoulder, and selected a torch as a target again to start aiming.

Bang, another bandit with a torch fell to the ground.

The machine gun crew who had been following Li Huanjian all the time, the one holding the machine gun and carrying the ammunition immediately asked for a fight: "Platoon leader, let me shoot a shuttle, I promise to hit at least three bandits!"

"What are you in a hurry for? We are now standing still and waiting for help. It is still early before dawn, and we will catch the bandits by surprise later!"

At this moment, a thought flashed through the minds of the bandits from time to time: There must be sharpshooters among the guerrillas.

In just a few minutes, six of the torches behind were extinguished!
A bandit is a bandit. Those who thought they were far away from each other would not dare to stand on the wasteland. They just put the torch in the ground and took care of it from a distance. After all, the torch can illuminate the bandits ahead. road.

Little did they know that lighting the torches behind the attacking bandits simply sold off all the attacking bandits.

The bandits lying on the ground in front were secretly thankful that the eight-way sharpshooter only lit torches, as if he didn't attack the attacking bandits. Otherwise, given that they are now less than a hundred meters away from the village, the sharpshooter would definitely shoot wherever he wants!

Among the bandits, there are also tough fighters who are not afraid of death, but now they don't hide themselves at all, it's almost like sending them to death!
The attackers were in the open, while Balu had a house in the village as a cover and was in the dark. If Balu hadn't shot occasionally, the bandits wouldn't even know where the target was.

Even so, the bandits really rushed into the village in one go as Wang Sanzhu asked. As long as one of the three attacking teams entered the village first, they would win immediately!

Who made the bandits a mob?

Who knows how many eight-way guns and big knives are waiting for them in the darkness of the village!

Whoever goes in first will die!

Who is willing to be the top bird for those dozens of dollars?The most urgent thing is to save your life.

Since the sharpshooter of the Eighth Route is in front, and Uncle Qi is leading the team in the east of the village, then wait until Uncle Qi enters the village first. Who knows if Eighth Route has other sharpshooters in the east of the village.

I was crushed to death by the eight roads in the village, but I still had to fight back. Who wouldn't change a place with a shot?
The bandits kept changing positions, but as a result, the bandits were even more unable to judge the positions of the eight-way shots in the distant darkness.

After fighting for a long time, Wang Sanzhu always felt that something was wrong, because there seemed to be no movement in the east of the village so far!

"Listen to me. Hurry up and rush forward. Just rush into Cunba Road and you'll be done!" Wang Sanzhu, who was lying on the ground, scolded the old bandit Qi in his heart. He gave orders with a loud voice.

If Wang Sanzhu yelled a few words in person, these bandits might still listen. As for the messengers?Who cares, look around first, nothing happened?Then fuck yourself!

The bandit soldiers hurriedly continued to lie down in the dark, shooting at the position where the gun muzzles occasionally flashed in the village.

Village East.

Qi Laofei knew that Wang Sanzhu had committed the same old problem again, and thought that there would be a large number of people so that the Eighth Route Army could be used as a persimmon. The fight in the west of the village was lively, so of course he couldn't hold back.

"Uncle Qi, you can't see anything here? Do you want to light a torch?"

"Don't talk nonsense, if you want to see the King of Hades right now, then you can order!" The old bandit Qi has rich experience in attacking and defending in the dark night. On the surface, it is beneficial to the defensive side. It is also an opportunity to attack!
The old bandit Qi knew very well that even though he had many men under his command, those Eight Routes were not afraid of death in a fight, which the bandits could not keep up with no matter what, so he didn't ask for it at all, but asked his men to advance to the village step by step.

Of course it’s okay to take down the village regardless of casualties. The main purpose of this trip is to save people. If the people saved outweigh the casualties caused by saving people, this kind of loss-making business cannot be done.

That kid Wang Sanzhu thought that he could despise the Eighth Route Army after a year of military academy, but he really didn't know how to write the word "death", and it would be good to let him suffer and improve his wisdom.

A black shadow crawled in the wilderness, the dark village in front was not far away, and the gunshots from the west continued.

On the east side of the village, a soldier in charge of observation finally discovered the situation: "There are enemies!"

The observation post just finished
A militiaman next to him fired a shot at a position in the darkness where he heard a noise.

It didn't take more than a second for the gunshot to sound, and a faint flash of light came from the wilderness almost at the same time.

Bang, someone from the bandits fought back.

Immediately afterwards, two strange screams spread in the darkness.

The militiaman who fired just now was headshot by a bullet, and fell silently on his back in the trench at the entrance of the village.

The air near the trench immediately smelled of blood.

The flash is still on the eyeball and hasn't gone away.
"Calm down, don't shoot without my order!" Zhou Lianchang felt a toothache and lowered his voice: "Now quickly light the torch and throw it outside in the open field."

Due to the rush of time, only a trench more than ten meters wide was dug horizontally at the intersection into the village. There were only two soldiers and four militiamen in the trench, and the others were all hidden behind the side walls on both sides of the intersection not far away.

After Company Commander Zhou finished speaking, someone next to him struck a match and lit the torch slowly. After the torch made of dry firewood burned vigorously, the soldier threw the torch over the wall.

A pile of firewood that had been piled up outside the wall was ignited, and the light began to brighten.

Company Commander Zhou first shouted towards the trench: "Everyone pay attention, you must aim before you shoot, but don't waste bullets!"

Then he loudly ordered the soldiers and militiamen behind the courtyard wall on the other side: "Everyone pay attention! Don't open fire before the enemy comes up. You must pay attention to the bandit's machine gunners. The task of your squad is to take care of the enemy. Heavy!"

The light slowly illuminates the vicinity of the village. The bandits in the open ground stopped advancing. You look at me and I look at you. The previous sneak attack plan seems to be in vain. The old bandit ordered!

There is only one platoon of soldiers in the four directions of the village, and the east side. It is almost an impossible task to stop the large-scale attack of the bandits with the militia led by these soldiers.

The people in the village are still digging ditches and setting traps. If the bandits really invade in a big way, prepare in advance for the soldiers who retreat into the village to fight house-by-house with the bandits!

At this time, as long as the wounded can still move, they are almost all carried by the peasants to find cover. Those with wounded hands only took a grenade and hid them outside the yard where the bandit prisoners were held.

Inside the courtyard wall, the bandits and captives were almost arguing at this moment.

Someone lowered his voice, "Let's jump over the wall and run together later, I don't believe these eight ways they can do anything to me!"

The wounded soldier next to him curled his lips: "Your mother is not injured, you can run. If those eight roads really throw grenades in, I will be injured. And what about us brothers who can't run?"

The previous person replied nonchalantly: "Then you all hide in the house first, even if Balu really throws a grenade in!"

The other person next to him objected: "I just looked at it, and there are people on the roofs outside the wall. If we climb the wall, I guess we will be beaten into a sieve by them as soon as we climb the wall! If you want to run, run yourself, Lao Tzu Just wait here."

"I think Commander Wang must have taken the wrong medicine this time. Although we were arrested by the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Router always kept his word and would put us back in a few days. I really don't understand why he has to use force against the Eighth Router! "

"You know what a fart, we were ambushed by the Eight Routes this time, and we lost at least two or three hundred light spears, which is worth twenty to thirty thousand oceans. Come!"

The armed task force secretly arranged for several people hiding among the bandits to have short guns on their bodies. At this time, they had already surrounded the little leader who wanted to run away. If this guy really wanted to run away, he would shoot him and kill him later!

Big deal, it's just one less person lurking in the bandit team.

(End of this chapter)

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