under fire

Chapter 834

Chapter 834
Deputy Captain Geng entered the courtyard, and without talking to those around the wall, he walked quickly into the house to find Hu Yi.

Hu Yi was looking at the map and raised his head: "Here?"

Captain Geng sat down opposite the broken table, with an apologetic expression on his face: "Captain Hu, we have already consulted our superiors, and your return to the garrison may have to be postponed for a while."

Hu Yi frowned: "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Captain Geng was a little embarrassed: "You know about Lao Yang leaving the day before yesterday"

"Although we haven't been in touch for a long time, you know what kind of character I am. I don't like to beat around the bush!" Several voices with incomplete notes began to sing in the yard. After Hu Yi finished speaking, he inadvertently turned his gaze from the gate to the yard: "Old Something happened to Yang?"

Captain Geng shook his head: "That's not true, it's just... the armed work team that was originally active in Huaxian County had an accident a few days ago. According to the instructions of the superior, Lao Yang brought some team members over to prepare to reorganize the base area. But news came in the morning that the contact person suddenly disappeared, and Lao Yang judged that the contact person should have been taken away by a traitor."

"The disappearance of this contact person, what does it have to do with Jiuying?"

"We're ready to rescue, but we can't gather enough people for the time being!"

Although Hu Yi has never personally done local work in the base area, since he joined the Independence Regiment, he first set up a wine station, and after entering the plains, he, Su Qing, and Lao Zhou have also come into contact with a lot of local work, which can be regarded as some experience, as the saying goes If you have never eaten pork, you will always see pigs running away.

He was injured in his early years and even spent a period of time in Xinxiang to recuperate his injuries, so he has some understanding of the customs and customs in this area.

He bowed his head and thought for a while: "Do you know the size of the security regiment, guerrillas of the national army, local militia groups, and the size of the investigation team, the specific distribution and the leaders of each team?"

Geng Dui was stunned for a moment, the so-called expert knows if there is one, and he never thought that the battalion commander of the independent regiment in front of him knew local work.

Commander Hu's questioning seemed very professional!
Captain Geng immediately saw the hope, and blurted out: "I don't know the specific situation. The old Geng in the courtyard knows a lot, so I'll call him right now!"

Captain Geng looked at those who were singing, and walked up to Lao Geng: "Uncle Third, we need to find out the details here, so hurry up and follow me!"

after a little while.

Lao Geng sat across from Hu Yi, and slowly explained in detail what he had learned about the enemy workers in Hua County and what happened before and after the Wu brothers surrendered to the enemy.

Hu Yi was a little puzzled: "Why didn't you get rid of this kind of people?"

Old Geng smiled wryly: "The whereabouts of the three Wu brothers are secretive! The boss, Wu Lantian, was originally a high-ranking official in Dihua County. He has fought against the enemy for many years, is very capable at work, and is very familiar with our working methods. The work team has been looking for him. The work team arranged for people to break into the dog traitor spy work group. The dog traitor pretended not to know and set up a trap. Most of the fighters died, and only a few seriously injured fighters escaped under the desperate cover of the responding local staff, and they are recuperating secretly at this time."

Speaking of this, Lao Geng's jealousy was frightening: "The dog traitor not only defected to the devil, but also colluded with the bandit Wang Taigong. Wang Taigong voted for the devil last year, but the strange thing is that the national army anti-rape team did not do anything to Wang Taigong. According to our speculation, this Most of the Wu brothers are secretly connected with the national army."

Hu Yi had a headache. He felt that the relationship between them was too complicated. He turned to Captain Geng and said, "Say it straight, what do you want me to do?"

Captain Geng nodded: "These traitors arrested Secretary Li Fengtian. They originally released the news that the meeting was shot today in Baliying Town, more than ten miles to the south. I don't know why it was changed to tomorrow. Therefore, we are going to hold a meeting at the traitors. Firstly, to rescue Secretary Li, and secondly, if you are lucky, try to get rid of the Wu brothers in one fell swoop!"

Shoot the assembly?

This word somehow caused Hu Yi to have an illusion!
He shook his head hard, as if trying to drive a certain period of experience out of his mind.

But suddenly thought of that woman who seemed to be no longer cold.
"Captain Hu...hey...Captain Hu? What are you thinking?" Captain Geng's hair was black, this guy lost his mind when he was talking about such an important matter!

Hu Yi came back to his senses, and quickly smiled awkwardly: "What did you just say?"

"We are preparing to launch a rescue operation in the Eight Mile Camp!"

Hu Yi looked at the map that was placed on the table earlier, and began to consider the current situation.

Although it is still in the enemy-occupied area, Hu Yi feels that with the strength of the Ninth Battalion, it is not too complicated to form a local security team without devils garrisoned!After rescuing people, the Ninth Battalion should be able to return to the station soon. Thinking of this, he pointed to the Bali Battalion on the map: "Since the enemy has set the time for tomorrow, let's arrange people to go there this afternoon for reconnaissance and find out the deployment of the enemy's troops. Make specific arrangements!"

Captain Geng looked solemn: "I'm a little worried, will the traitor repeat the same trick and set a trap again!"

Hu Yi thought for a while, then shook his head: "No matter how powerful the security team is, they are a mob. I'll go and have a look in person this afternoon!"

Eight Mile Camp.

The black cotton clothes had patches on the elbows and shoulders, and the traitor Wu Hexiu, who was used to hard work and plain living, stood alone on the edge of the mass grave outside the town.

He remembers very clearly that when he first joined the revolution and engaged in underground work, the first time he took part in the campaign against local tyrants and evil gentry, it was in this mass grave outside the town, where he and a few comrades supported the comrades in action and waited in the dark All night.

At that time, the mass graves were far from being so big!
On that moonlit night that was blown by the wind all night, he whispered about his ideals with his comrades who were also young.

At that time, lying in the mass grave, he felt fresh and excited but also worried and afraid. His hands were soaked many times, and he didn't even dare to look directly at the vague graves and tombstones in the distance many times.

At that time, the wheat seedlings planted in the previous year had already greened the vast plains, full of vitality everywhere, and even had an intoxicating fragrance in the air.

He was a little puzzled, it had only been a few years.

Most of the comrades-in-arms who talked about ideals with him were buried in this mass grave.

It seems that many of them are still his own hands!

Right now, except for those wild dogs running around in the mass grave, no one will stay here without a problem!
No one is willing to stay here during the day, and no one comes here to scare their guts when they are full at night.

Wu Hexiu shrugged his nose, and finally smelled the scent of spring sunshine again, and listened carefully to the rustling sounds from the wild dogs.

Wu Hexiu looked up quietly at the skinny wild dog digging the grave not far away.

There are almost no tombstones in the graves!
There is not even a sign written on a wooden board!

Even if the forgotten domain of the soul is uncontested, the smell of new graves dug by wild dogs is always pungent.

Into the nose is no longer the smell of spring sunshine, but a rotten smell.

He just stood in the sun panting in a low voice, looking at the rotten clothes and bones dug out by the wild dogs, without any fear in his heart.

Standing firmly with his legs and feet together, he repeatedly grasped and relaxed his toes. Perhaps because of excitement, he was so focused on doing this boring movement. The spring sun shone on his back, bringing a burst of warmth.

I remember very clearly that there is a hole under the tomb on the ground in front of me, because he dug it himself.

He watched the wild dogs digging constantly, and he even wanted to tell the wild dogs: You can't dig it out if you dig like this!
The pit was so deep that he even clearly remembered the face that was buried by his new self-shoveling.

The unrepentant eyes on that face even swayed in front of him.

Wu Hexiu's face became grim: "What are you looking at? Look at me digging out your eyeballs and stomping on them!"

He took a few steps forward in a grudge.

A few wild dogs immediately became vigilant, grinning and looking at Wu Hexiu who violated their territory.

Wu Hexiu stomped hard on the dug-up grave, but unfortunately, there was no crisp popping sound of his eyeball being trampled on the ground.

The wild dogs watched vigilantly as this guy who was obviously not of the same kind attacked the grave bag.

No, there are enemies!Wu Hexiu retreated to the edge of the cemetery.

A leg bone half buried in the soil under his feet was finally broken by his step, making a crisp cracking sound.

Seeing that the man retreated to the edge of the cemetery, it seemed that he had no intention of infringing on their territory... The wild dogs began to ignore the mad human being.

Continue to dig the grave.

Wu He Xiuxin had an obsession, he wanted to kill all the local tyrants and evil gentry, he did kill most of the wealthy people in the nearby ten miles and eight towns, and robbed them of their food.

Even many villagers who were starving to death received money and food from him.

From the cracks in the grave dug by the wild dogs, a trace of green came out, swaying its immature figure in the sun.

Wu Hexiu's bloodshot eyes immediately spotted the tender white grass, and rushed over in a few steps!He stomped hard until he stepped on the grass directly into the soil.

In this way, he entered the territory of the wild dogs again, and one of the violated wild dogs immediately grinned and barked at the sky.

The wild dogs next to him did not show any weakness, and immediately barked together, and even groaned and put their heads on the ground and began to approach Wu Hexiu.

Wu Hexiu immediately found that a large number of enemies were attacking him, even attacking his dear comrades.

Without hesitation, he pulled out the pistol at his waist, and suddenly pulled the trigger on the white dogs, black traitors, and yellow devils who were attacking.

Beep, beep, beep...

Immediately scare the enemy to stop and dare not attack!

It seemed that he forgot to press the nose of the gun to shoot, and the thumb pressed down the nose skillfully.

This time, he was brave, and a rain of bullets rushed towards the enemy immediately.

After a while, the attacking enemy was beaten to pieces by him!The enemy left two corpses, and the other enemies ran away with their tails between their legs.

With a grimace on his face, Wu Hexiu deftly pushed a row of bullets into the magazine again, pulled out the bridge frame, and shot wildly at the enemy's corpse on the ground again.

Finally won the battle, unfortunately, all comrades sacrificed.

 I wrote it for five hours and I don’t want to change it.

(End of this chapter)

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