under fire

Chapter 836 Policy

Chapter 836 Policy
The battalion commander took Dagou, Luo Fugui, and the girl to the town.

Ma Liang led a platoon of soldiers to lie in ambush in the wilderness north of the town. His task was to respond, and no one knew whether it would be dangerous to enter the town! More than 30 people are lying in the sun in the dry canal in the wilderness outside the town.

Soon, a scout dressed as a commoner turned into the wilderness from a distant road: "Report to the company commander, the battalion commander, they have successfully entered the Bali camp. Checkpoint, you have to pay one dollar to enter the town!"

"This bastard's heart is really black!" Ma Liang put down his binoculars and cursed, a dollar can do a lot of things
But never mind, he didn't intend to go in at all!

Not long after, a mule cart team came north from the town on the road in the distance.

Shi Cheng has only been in the Ninth Battalion of the Independence Regiment for only half a year. Because of his education and local work experience, he was quickly elected as the squad leader by the soldiers and returned to the place where he used to work. Because of the Ninth Company, he was also promoted to the Battalion. I became the platoon leader.

Staring wide-eyed at the caravan in the distance, Shi Cheng immediately went to Ma Liang's side: "Commander, these profiteers are doing business with traitors, can we treat them as an act of capitalism?"

Ma Liang glanced at the person next to him: "You ask me, who should I ask?"

Shi Cheng quickly took out a pamphlet from his pocket: "Company Commander, this is the main point of the third part of the report "Summary of the Struggle against the Enemy in the Past Five Years and the Policy for the Future Struggle against the Enemy" written by the political commissar of the division I copied!"

Ma Liang was stunned for a moment, and then took it. There were a few neat words on the cover: Excerpted from "Battle" Supplement No. 15, March [-]th.

Ma Liang flipped through it in the sun for a while, and his face immediately showed joy: "Why are you taking it out now?"

Shi Cheng scratched his head: "I thought you knew, besides, you have been busy since you returned to the base area some time ago. I didn't find a chance to report to you! It is said above that we will resolutely suppress the hardcore traitors!"

After a long while, Ma Liang finally read it and thought for a long time: "The policy is very clear. The targets of suppression are those traitors and spies who are determined to fight against the war, and the saboteurs, murderers with knives and resolute reactionaries who are most harmful to the masses and are most hated by the masses." Traitors, adopt a policy of winning over coerced elements and secondary elements, and give them a chance to turn back. The superiors only oppose random killings and assassinations, but they must be killed if they should be killed!"

Shi Cheng was overjoyed: "I think most of their mule carts are loaded with food! If we can be sure that they are delivering food to traitors or devils, then can we do the fucking thing?"

Ma Liang immediately understood that this guy was going to rob the road, and that he dared to transport food in the enemy-occupied area in broad daylight these days must have something to do with the traitors: "Well, I have to meet the battalion commander here, and you take a squad to follow. Remember, be careful!"

Shi Cheng was overjoyed: "There are only eight of them, three drivers, and five with guns! Don't worry, company commander."

On the bumpy road, the speed of the mule cart was neither too fast nor too slow.

Wu Hegui, who was escorting the food, was not in a nervous mood. The Eight Roads near Baliying had already been wiped out. Those who dared to act blatantly on Wu Hexiu's second brother's site in broad daylight were definitely not outsiders!
Besides, the dozen or so men in black who followed behind were probably brothers from the Secret Service Corps, all of whom were carrying pistols.

Sitting on the frame of the mule cart, humming a little song, the old god was unprepared, turned his head to look at the team following him in boredom, and shouted from a distance: "I said, brothers, you are running so fast!" Urgent, what mission did you receive?"

Shi Cheng led a team alone for the first time after joining the Eighth Route Army. Seeing the grain team getting closer and closer, he was out of breath early and his palms were sweating from nervousness. What did you say?"

Wu Hegui, who was sitting in the mule cart, had no doubts about him: "Hey, those eight people are going to be publicly executed tomorrow, and you are still running outside the town at this time, isn't there something wrong?"

"Who are you, how do you know we have something to do!" Shi Cheng put his hand on the holster of his gun, slowed down, and followed the grain transport team, three or two mule carts. From the rut, the grain on each cart It is estimated to weigh a thousand catties!
"My name is Wu Hegui, and Wu Hexiu is my cousin!" Wu Hegui jumped out of the mule cart without any precautions, took out a pack of cigarettes and shook out one and handed it over: "Come on, smoke a cigarette!"

Reach out and don't hit the smiling face?how is this possible
Shi Cheng didn't expect to encounter such a strange thing at all, his face was swollen, and he took out his pistol: "All raise your hands, hand in your guns and don't kill! We are the Eighth Route Army!"

Wu Hegui staggered in fright and was dumbfounded!

Shi Chengba pulled the outstretched cigarette hand away, facing the black muzzle of the gun, he didn't dare to pull the rifle behind him at all.

It is only about five miles away from Baliying Town!From his point of view, something could go wrong at all!But in the end something happened.

The team was surrounded by more than a dozen men in black, Wu Hegui's heart sank slowly, and he understood what happened at the scene.

In a panic, he knelt down directly: "Eight roads? How could there be eight roads. Oh my god, isn't this a dream?"

The soldiers, whose hands were trembling with nervousness, rushed forward, surrendered their guns, searched their bodies, and dragged the mule cart into a mess.

Without firing a single shot, he directly took down three grain trucks, plus five escorting security regiments, and returned five poor-quality rifles. Looking at the bullet bags of the security regiments, they must be indispensable!

The remaining three civilian husbands who were driving the carts also squatted on the ground and shivered with their heads in their hands.

Shi Cheng stood on the road with a sniper in his hand, watching the soldiers take off their leggings and tie up the five soldiers of the security regiment: "Tie me up tight!"


The squad leader under him ran up to Shi Cheng: "Hey hey...the platoon leader sent out two carts of millet and one cart of corn!"

Shi Cheng was in a good mood, just now that idiot said Wu Hexiu was his cousin, so the food is naturally a traitor's thing!
There is no psychological pressure to grab and seize.

Looking at the three mule carts parked in the sun, I didn't expect it would be so easy to grab food!

No wonder those idlers with little ability are willing to be bandits. Fortunately, during the severe drought, except for the occasional caravan passing by, there are no pedestrians on the main road.

Even so, the scene must be dealt with quickly!
Although I have no experience, I have seen the team handle prisoners two days ago.

Shi Cheng's hands finally stopped shaking, and he looked at the squad leader who was counting the bullets with his face full of excitement: "Shut these security regiments to the side first, and send someone to report to the company commander! The others are alert on the spot .”

"Yes!" The squad leader immediately got up and made arrangements according to the platoon leader's order.

Not long after, the three soldiers yelled and escorted the five security regiment soldiers who were firmly tied up to the west wilderness.

Shi Cheng turned his head to look at the three shivering coachmen squatting on the ground, and said kindly, "Don't be afraid, we are the Eighth Route Army, a team of ordinary people, who will tell me where this batch of grain is going to be sent? "

The tall and thin middle-aged coachman in front of him hurriedly nodded, with tears in his eyes: "There are old and young in the villain, please give me your hand, sir."

Shi Cheng was impatient, this road is not a place to stay for a long time: "Don't be so wordy, just answer whatever you ask, and tell me where the food is going to go?"

The middle-aged coachman quickly replied: "This is the military ration that Captain Wu arranged to send to the Baidaokou security team."

 "A Brief Summary of the Struggle against the Enemy in the Past Five Years and the Policy for the Future Struggle Against the Enemy" is a summary and plan of the struggle against the enemy made by the political commissar of the division at the senior cadre meeting. It was published in the journal "Battle" No. .15 issue, included in Political Commissar Anthology 1.5.

(End of this chapter)

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