under fire

Chapter 904 Unpredictable

Chapter 904 Unpredictable
After being bombarded briefly by the devils, the small village is now full of gunpowder.

Two mortars can't form coverage shots at all.

Devils shells are expensive, and he is reluctant to part with the guerrillas.

The grenadier is even more focused on precise shooting. Except for a few Eighth Routers who were busy next to the corpses of the imperial army, they didn't even find a single Eighth Router target. Could it be possible to shoot indiscriminately at the positions of warriors who may still be alive?


The heavy machine guns had to be fired continuously to suppress the devils and puppet troops surrounded by the north and the south. Perhaps two of the warriors who attacked from the front could survive.

The correspondent ran from the west of the village to the middle of the village. The puppet uniforms on his body were dusty and black. He broke into a courtyard and yelled: "Battle Commander, the enemy is surrounded by north and south. There is a squad of devils in the north and a platoon of puppet troops in the south."

With a telescope in one hand, Hu Yi poked his head out from the roof: "I saw it!"

The correspondent quickly raised his head and hesitated for a moment: "The half-immortal said that the devil should have a squadron, but I don't know where it is hiding now."

Hu Yi was looking at the map, frowning and did not speak again.

The correspondent waited for a few more seconds. Seeing that the battalion commander didn't seem to have given any new orders, he immediately turned around and ran out of the yard with the attic in the main room.

Ma Liang asked, "Brother! Could it be the vanguard of the devils?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "The devils in the west of the village have heavy machine guns and mortars. If there is no accident, we should have bumped into the headquarters of the Devil Squadron this time!"

Ma Liang was overjoyed: "That's great, let's rush out now and find a way to kill these devils?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "No, Dagou and the others have already killed a squad of devils before. The puppet army outflanking the south can be ignored for the time being. The total strength of the devils is still [-] to [-]. If we fight out of the village now, we will first fight with the north. ghost encounter.

At the same time, we have to face the remaining [-] or [-] ghosts near the car in the west with light and heavy machine gun grenade grenades. As for us, it is estimated that we may not be able to do it if we fill them all in. Besides, even if we rush at all costs In the past, the Devils convoy was also likely to turn around and run away. "

Ma Liang was a little worried: "However, if the reinforcements from the devils come, we will be surrounded by the enemy."

The judgment of the two of them now revolves around a squadron of devils!
Lying on the highest roof in the village, Hu Yi held up his binoculars to carefully observe the movements of the devils in the west.

The Devil's heavy machine gun is still firing fiercely at Tang Dagou's position, and the telescope is slowly raised to look at the horizon farther west
Then turn counterclockwise until it turns to the east of Baliying, and then turns clockwise to the north.

It seems that no changes have been found!

After a long while, Hu Yi suddenly asked Ma Liang who was beside him: "Have the division troops entered the blocking position to the west of Baliying?"

"The correspondent hasn't come back yet, so it shouldn't be that fast!"

The words just finished.

A correspondent came in from the east of the village on a bicycle creaking and jingling: "Report. Baliying. The puppet army has come out."

Ma Liang quickly poked his head out and asked, "Is the partition in place?"

The correspondent stood in the yard panting: "Over there. It's here again. Many teams, district squads, and militia women's stretcher teams have arrived. I heard from the political commissar that there are no fewer than a thousand people now!"

"Great!" Hu Yi put down the binoculars, didn't look at the map at all, thought for a moment, and ordered directly: "Order, everyone except Dagou immediately evacuates the village along the canal to the east.
Immediately notify Dagou and the others to go to the north of the village first... beat the outflanking devils twice, regardless of the outcome, and then immediately retreat eastward.

Call the mules guarding the south of the village, and use machine guns to suppress the puppet army outflanking the south. Try not to cause too many casualties to them. After the big dog is done, they retreat together, and then let the puppet army enter the village! "

"Yes!" Ma Liang, who listened carefully to Hu Yi's order, immediately rolled over, stood up and poked his head out, giving orders to the company's correspondents waiting in the yard.
After everything was settled, he asked Hu Yi with some doubts: "Are we... Are we going to fight the puppet army of the Baliying Camp? But... If we don't kill this group of devils, we may be attacked back and forth!"

Hu Yi shook his head and did not answer Ma Liang's question, and ordered to the correspondent who was riding a bicycle below: "You immediately return to the division, notify the political commissar, and ask him to immediately lead people from the south to the west of the devil convoy, and then spread out a feint attack, and find a way to block the west of the village. Those devils rushed into the village!"

Ma Liang was a little confused when he heard Hu Yi's arrangement, the political commissar of the division was several levels higher than the Jiuying!
But after thinking about it for a while, I understood the reason for Hu Yi's arrangement!
What kind of generals there are, what kind of soldiers are there. After following Hu Yi for so long, Ma Liang is no longer the correspondent he used to be!
As soon as Hu Yi's combat mission was assigned, Ma Liang finally analyzed the battlefield situation.

In positional warfare, if the firepower of the two sides is equal, the defensive position can be arranged in advance, and the situation will naturally prevail.

If the Ninth Battalion wants to attack the devils in the west, it must attack and charge!

Even if the Devils only had half a squad left, they could still cause great casualties to the Ninth Battalion on the attacking side by virtue of their superior firepower!
The divisional situation is different. Although the combat effectiveness of the militia guerrillas is not very strong, there are many others!

If they push up from the west, who knows the strength of the division far away?

The devils in the west of the village must adopt the tactic of standing firm and waiting for help, and to stick to it, it is naturally much better to enter the village than to stay on the plains!

As long as the district makes a big noise, most of the devils from the west of the village will enter the village.

After Jiuying withdrew from the village, only one platoon was left behind, and they could use the ditches in the fields to pin down the devils in the village.

As for blocking the puppet army from the Bali Battalion, the Ninth Battalion currently has nearly [-] troops, and the puppet army from the town is also on the offensive side, with a geographical advantage. Coupled with the fighting strength of the Ninth Battalion, it should be impossible to eliminate this group of puppet troops. How difficult it is.

Even if it can't be wiped out, it will definitely not be a problem to defeat!
In this way, the offensive and defensive momentum of the two sides will immediately change, and the puppet army of the Baliying Battalion will be pulled out. Without the streets and yards they are familiar with, they are nothing!

Obviously, the focus of Hu Yi's consideration is not here!

Because there are two other teams scattered from the Devil Squadron on the periphery!
According to the information obtained when the puppet platoon leader was captured, there is still a battalion of puppet troops in the west. When the Nine Battalions finish picking up the puppet troops in Baliying Town, they will be free to deal with the devils that may appear when the puppet troops follow in the west!
No matter how powerful the little devil is, without heavy machine guns and mortars, he is no different from a toothless tiger on the plains!
And the division just let the militia use the ditch to establish a position on the west side of the village in advance, so that they had a geographical advantage.

The next Ninth Battalion can completely fight positional warfare with the devils and puppet troops who have to be reinforced!
One thing is certain, from here to Baliying Town, everything is under the control of the Nine Battalion, and the devils in those two teams did not hide here at all, so the devils must be in the west!
Since you are coming from the west, you have to be on the offensive side no matter how you outflank on the plain!
I will use the fields to fight with you. Although the casualties of the Ninth Battalion and the division will not be small, the casualties of the devils and puppet coalition forces on the offensive side are definitely greater!
This is also the tactic of encircling the spot and attacking aid emphasized by the instructor when studying in the Anti-Japanese University!

The situation on the battlefield is changing and unpredictable. Before entering the battle, it is just an idealized state.

It is impossible for anyone to know whether the outcome of the battlefield will develop as they imagined.

Poor second lieutenant Guizi had no idea that his opponent was trying his best to deal with him!
Hanjiang Chuxue: Add more and pay off the debt!
(End of this chapter)

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