under fire

Chapter 908 Accidental Factors

Chapter 908 Accidental Factors
details make a difference.

But when it comes to the battlefield, it is likely to be a negligible accidental factor that determines the death of a certain person.

For example, smashing someone's head
Then he was killed or injured by the grenade thrown by himself.
The second grenade thrown was smashed back by the head that suddenly appeared on the wall.

The devil who had been on guard to cover throwing the grenade was shocked. Counting the time, there was absolutely no time to pick up the grenade and throw it away, so he immediately rushed directly to the grenade subconsciously.

Countless shrapnel drilled into his body, some even came out from his lower back, causing a rain of blood to fill the air.

It really takes courage for a devil to use his body to press a grenade without fear of death.
The upper class soldier with an injured arm and the devil who was acting as a ladder were immediately blown away by the shock wave.

After rolling a little on the ground.
There are only two people outside the fence, and there are guerrillas inside the courtyard wall. At this time, we must maintain firepower to suppress the inside of the fence!
The suppression machine gun was firing fiercely at the possible firing positions nearby, and the ballistic trajectory seemed to be a little far away.

Therefore, the devil who was acting as a ladder didn't care about being dizzy and buzzing in his head from the violent explosion, let alone his companion's blood still splattering in the air.

Then he pulled out a grenade and quickly dropped the safety pin, smashed hard on the helmet, silently counted to two, and then threw the grenade into the courtyard again.

Inside the wall.

Stepping on the broken stool, he climbed on the wall with one hand, and his calf was pulled by the guy on the ground below. Li Laosan was about to start cursing, but found a dark guy throwing over the wall again.

At this time, even the most stupid person knows that what is thrown over will not be a good thing.

The devil didn't intend to throw the grenade away, and the force was not great.

Li Laosan immediately raised his hand and copied it in his hand!
Wen Wuquan was frightened half to death: "Throw it back!"

Li Laosan almost subconsciously threw the grenade outside the wall.

As soon as he dropped his hand, the grenade exploded in mid-air outside the wall before it landed.

Dense gunpowder smoke billowed, and the shrapnel immediately shot out radially.

The devils outside the fence have proved a truth twice in a row. On the battlefield, besides themselves, the person who kills them may be their teammates.

Perhaps this is fate, even the elites of the imperial army cannot escape the arrangement of fate.

The fairly solid rammed earth courtyard wall just shook a few times, but did not collapse!

The roof of the wall was covered with tiles used to keep out the rain, and a large area was directly overturned.
Li Laosan, who was separated by a wall, was completely shocked by the sound from the top of the wall to the ground. He got up dizzy, but was screamed strangely by the broken tiles that were blown up to the sky and then fell down.

Wen Wuquan next to him did not forget his mission, handed out a grenade, and shouted: "The devil's machine gun is 50 meters away, I want to see if you can really throw the grenade that far!"

"How far is 50 meters?" Li Laosan shook his head, and he understood Wen Wuquan's voice amidst the buzzing. When the two came over, Li Laosan knew what he was calling him for.

"Uh, fifteen or sixty feet!" Wen Wuquan was taken aback, and quickly made a rough calculation.

Li Laosan didn't use a ladder this time, he just jumped up on the spot and looked at the positions where the devils were squatting in the distance. As for where the machine gun was, how could he know?
Since I don't know, I'm embarrassed to ask, isn't your little devil divided into three groups, I just hit you three!

He reached out and snatched another grenade on Wen Wu's body, and then pulled the grenade hanging on the chest of the person next to him who was stretching out his hand to rub his head, and then frantically screwed the back cover, and put the little finger of his right hand into the pull ring .

I trotted two steps in the yard, turned my body around, swung my arms, and the first grenade popped out of my hand.
After taking another step, the body turned around again, and the second shot
When he was about to run to the wall, his body turned three times, and the third grenade was dropped
There were three consecutive explosions in the distance, and the buzzing ears seemed to be far away.

The sound of the devil's machine gun seems to be

The one lying on the ground who had been robbed of the grenade stood up immediately, took off the bayonet from the rifle and put it in his mouth, trotted two steps, kicked directly on the wall, and jumped straight to the top of the wall, with his palms on the tiles. Press it hard, and with a whoosh, it jumps directly outside the courtyard wall
Then, outside the courtyard wall, there was a strange cry.
Looking at Wen Wuquan next to him, he was dumbfounded, and curled his lips: "You are really not afraid of death. Do you think you are the only one who can climb over the wall?"

After finishing speaking, he put the rifle behind his back, stepped on the broken stool and leaned against the wall.

Suddenly, there was a shock on the wall, and a black figure next to him jumped out of the courtyard wall with a whoosh.

Then there was another scream
across the yard.

The big dog carefully counted the number of bullets fired by the devil's crooked machine gun, thirty!
The Devil's machine guns and rifles stopped as scheduled, and he immediately probed and looked 50 meters away.

Just in time to see three pillars of mud mist rising from the side of the three devils in the cover team, the devil's eyes widened: "That guy is really talented!"

Stretching out the muzzle of the gun, aiming at the figure of the devil who seemed to be only the size of a fist in the distance, he suddenly shouted: "Fuck me!"

The Devil Sergeant Cao who was covering outside the village shook his head and got up from the ground, took off his military cap and shook the dust vigorously.

Previously, he had been holding Cao Changjing to observe.

He never expected that the three elites who were attacking were blown into silence by the grenade they threw out!
It was even unexpected that there were still people in the guerrillas who could throw the grenade so far!
50 meters!
The qualified standard for soldiers of the Imperial Army to throw grenades is only 25 meters!

Although the eight-way grenade is not very lethal, the impact of the explosion still has a great impact on the warriors!

Although none of the three grenades landed in the crowd, the clods splashed on the body were also uncomfortable.
No, the sub-shooter and machine gunner who were loading bullets into the machine gun seemed to be lying beside the machine gun and didn't move?
The other subordinates slowly got up screaming.

No, the machine gunner may not have heard the warning post yelling "enemy attack" because of the long-term shooting!
Also, the machine gunner must stand up for shooting, it seems that the situation is not good
Sergeant Cao hurriedly ordered the infantry group on his left to take over the machine guns and continue to suppress the village, while the infantry group on the right marched towards the village again!
In his opinion, since the previous three subordinates were able to get over on their knees, it should be no problem to climb another group over.
The infantrymen put down their rifles and prepare to move the machine gunner's body away
A wave of rifle bullets roared towards the village
Tang Dagou led a group of men to keep shooting, pulled and pushed the bolt once, and yelled like a rabies: "Fuck, kill the three targets next to the machine gun first!"

"The devil with the telescope belongs to me!"

"Fucking civil and military. Hurry up and grab the devil's machine gun and binoculars back for me."

"How dare I let you wave the flag!" The big dog felt that the devil's sergeant had definitely shot him, and immediately turned the gun to the devil's battlefield guard post.

In the front sight of Tang Dagou's rifle, the devil's guard post who was waving a flag to report the situation to the second lieutenant in the distance immediately fell down.

The muffled sound of gunfire echoed in the room.

A certain body curled up in the corner of the room struggled and screamed in pain: "I was shot, hurry up and bandage me!"

The guy next to him with the big brim cap emptied the bullets in his gun, and turned directly to the one who was screaming in pain.

"Thousands of fines, you're pretty good. Why are you snatching my gun?"

Wan Xiao was too lazy to put bullets into the gun, so he pulled the wounded soldier's rifle over, poked out the shooting hole, and did not forget to sneer: "You son of a bitch screams so loudly, you won't die for a while, wait until I finish shooting!" This shuttle will be bandaged for you again!"

"Is your mother still human! Do you believe that I kicked you to death?"

"You trash, you didn't fire a single shot, go to hell!"

"Cough... I'm not finished with you"

 In the period of the Republic of China, one foot was 35 centimeters, and one foot was [-] meters. In addition, malnutrition was malnourished at that time, and the devils threw grenades at a qualified distance.

(End of this chapter)

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