under fire

Chapter 922 Comparable to the Elite

Chapter 922 Comparable to the Elite
Gunshots rang out, and the false company commander was in a good mood. The current situation was no different from the previous encirclement and suppression of anti-Japanese elements.

He didn't care if any unlucky people in the village were shot.

In many cases, you can swagger into the village without firing a gun. Now, under the eyes of the imperial army, of course you have to show your momentum!

If there were no accidents, the people in the village would have been in hiding by now. Who would stay at the entrance of the village to catch bullets?

The pseudo-company commander waved his hand, signaling for his subordinates to prepare to enter the village immediately.

The village has been tightly surrounded, there is no need to rush into the village in all directions at the same time, to prevent accidental injury, because there has been a bloody lesson.

At this time, the focus is to prevent the guerrillas in the village from throwing grenades!

That thing may appear silently at any time.

After being bombed several times, I gradually gained experience in preventing guerrillas from throwing grenades.

One is that the movement into the village is sudden, and the feet must run fast enough to spread out the team.

With a distance of only fifty meters, the guerrilla grenades always took a while from firing to throwing them out. At this time, those who ran so fast might have rushed into the village.

Therefore, it is safer to run fast.

Besides, there will be an observation post behind the team, and it will remind the guerrillas if they drop a grenade.

If you can't dodge it, you can dodge the shrapnel from the grenade by throwing yourself directly on the ground
Therefore, in his opinion, entering the village is like eating and drinking...it's not that difficult.

As for the guerrillas planting landmines at the entrance of the village, as long as they don't take the main road, it will generally not be a big deal.

To build a mine that is buried in the ground and cannot move, the explosives needed can make three grenades.

The guerrillas are poor, even if there are landmines, they are usually used to deal with the imperial army.
The trained puppet soldiers were almost like devils. They ran into the village in groups of three with their waists bowed and their legs spread.

The formation seemed to be in a mess, but the guerrillas in the village had nothing to do with them.

The old bandit Qi stopped several wounded soldiers who were about to throw grenades: "Hey, there are many of them. Throwing grenades at this time will make the puppet army very anxious. He will also greet us with grenades, let them in first, the devils outside the village The mortar grenade is just a decoration."

Wang Xiaosan looked nervous: "I think the battle begins...should hit the enemy hard first, and then kill them grenadiers, machine guns, and commanders in order."

The old gangster Qi rolled his eyes: "This is not an ambush."

Wang Xiaosan was a little puzzled: "We took advantage of the land in the village in advance, isn't this an ambush?"

"You bastard, you are now surrounded by devils and puppet troops! You have to let the puppet troops in and fight into a stalemate. If we mix with the puppet troops, we won't be bombarded, and then stand by and wait for reinforcements!"

"There are so many ordinary people in the village, it is inconvenient for wounded soldiers to move in the village."

"Can you think about it. What is persistence?"

"When is this? A large number of puppet soldiers and devils have surrounded us tightly. If they all press up, I don't think everyone can last for 10 minutes. They all have to go west. What do you want me to think about?"

The sound of suppressing machine guns outside the village was still there, and there were several wounded soldiers lying next to the two of them. The dense bullets of the pseudo-officers hit the wall in front of them, and the bullets roared overhead one by one. These two were still in the mood here. Gossip.

The timid ones were almost terrified, it was so frighteningly scary, a certain recruit might have been scared out of his wits, and subconsciously wanted to probe, but fortunately, there was a veteran beside him, and he slapped his neck with a slap: "You Afraid of a ball, hiding here, the bullet will not turn, just treat the enemy as a Chinese New Year firecracker battle"

More than [-] puppet troops finally moved.

The cat stooped and rushed straight to the village.

It is not at all the slow-moving forward that I have seen in the past!

It is almost indistinguishable from the little devil's charge to the death!

The ghost lieutenant behind was surprised. It was said that the Imperial Association Army's combat effectiveness was poor, and they were afraid of death and the enemy!
The scene in front of me. Is this still the Imperial Association Army?
You don't have to give up more than the elite warriors of the Empire!

Moreover, this round of attack took place without shelling and heavy machine guns to suppress firepower, and I couldn't help but respect it.

It's just a pity that the shooting level of the suppressed two light machine guns is really unsightly.

Immediately waved to the assistant next to him: "Let the machine gunner go and demonstrate to the brave Royal Association Army!"

Just as the assistant was about to leave, the lieutenant stopped him again: "Let the mortar. er. The grenade launcher have two doors, and fire five grenades each, and give them tactical guidance."

He almost forgot, this time he came out without a mortar
The suppressed shooting stopped, and the light machine gunners of the puppet army methodically changed the magazines
Seeing the imperial army approaching with a crooked machine gun, he quickly stood up and bowed, feeling at a loss for a while.

Two devils lay down on the ground and began to set up machine guns. The other devil smiled and spoke Chinese with little proficiency: "Hey, hello. The imperial army is here. I will show you."

Suddenly a bullet was fired from the village, hitting the machine gunner in the back.
The machine gunner immediately curled up on the ground and yelled, but the deputy shooter next to him was so frightened that he didn't dare to get up to help him for a long time.

On the contrary, the devil machine gunner next to him was angry, and he shook his machine gun directly, feeling like he was shooting back at the dilapidated village.

The old bandit Qi nodded, looked at Wang Xiaosan: "Your marksmanship is not bad."

"Stop dictating here, I won't play with you anymore." Wang Xiaosan threw the rifle to the soldier next to him, pulled up the submachine gun next to him, and opened fire on the puppet soldiers who had already rushed into the village.

blah blah blah blah...

The muzzle of the submachine gun was beating on the roof, and there was a violent continuous impact in the alley.

Four or five bullets roared towards the crowd of puppet soldiers who were sticking to the wall and heading towards the village.

As if angering a certain monster, the bullets unscrupulously and frantically harvested the lives of the puppet soldiers.

Wang Xiaosan was stunned to shoot the submachine gun like a light machine gun, and the ballistic trajectory was pulled and pulled back and forth among the puppet soldiers below, and the bullets stirred up blood mist one after another in the crowd.
More and more puppet soldiers fell, and the bullets hit the stones and bricks to form ricochets, and the smell of blood began to permeate.
Until after the bullets had finished emptying the magazine, there was a click and the bamboo shoots protruded out of the magazine, and the last shell case finally fell to the roof, jumped and rolled on the ground and then stopped.

Condescending, the distance between the two sides is less than ten meters, and a squad can be beaten directly with twenty rounds of bullets.

Most of the squads of puppet troops entering the village from the south were shot.

The two puppet soldiers who had escaped by chance were scattered and ran back
bang. bang.
Two consecutive shell casings were thrown into the air and fell into the alley.

Seeing the two fleeing puppet soldiers fall down, the old Qi who poked his head out proudly blew the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle, and then shouted at the room: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and stab everyone who is not dead. up"

The two wounded soldiers turned out of the courtyard with their shell guns in hand, and directly fired at the puppet army on the ground.

"Waste bullets!"

"You bastard, I'm injured, how can I have the strength to use a bayonet?" The wounded soldier scolded the old bandit Qi who was dreading the roof.

Several uncles in the room had weak legs and feet, but they still ran out of the courtyard and began to pull the guns on the puppet soldiers on the ground.

"Don't forget to put away all the bullets too"

The crooked handles outside the village are still roaring, but unfortunately, because the machine guns are used as fire suppression and are placed on the two wings, there is no way to use the alley facing the south of the village.

Bat. Bat.
The devil infantry behind suddenly opened fire.

The two old men who were pulling the rifles didn't expect the bullets to come from such a distance, and they were directly shot and fell to the ground.

The two wounded soldiers were stunned, and quickly slid back against the wall
Wang Xiaosan on the roof hurriedly yelled at the other elders: "Don't look up, lie on the ground and crawl back!"

After speaking, he pulled the rifle in the hand of the soldier next to him and aimed into the distance.

bang. bang.
Five bullets flew into the distance continuously
Two black dots appeared in the sky, and the old gangster Qi suddenly opened his eyes wide and screamed strangely: "The devil is shelling. Run!"

(End of this chapter)

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